If Vegan can why cant we.............. There is no such thing as a Diabetic Diet ????

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The powers that be assume no-one has the intelligence to fathom out there are lots of carbs in anything made with normal wheat flour, and people who do need to lose weight, all overeat sweet things - perhaps they imagine you can't eat too much of anything savoury? Anyway that no child would ever want to eat far too much of savoury food ..... so if you can stop them eating eg the whole packet of biscuits when they're having a growth spurt they'll automatically grow up to not be fat adults ......

Ridiculous attitude, and has regularly driven me potty ! If my mother (so presumably her mother told her) born in 1914 knew starchy food was as fattening as the sweet stuff, if you ate too much of it, how come no-one's capable of realising that now?
So, if it's only carbs, why on earth do I get fat if I drink too much alcohol?
Please can someone tell me!
Hmm ultimately, surely it is the calorie excess that causes people to put on weight. Carbs are an easy hit for that. If we reduce carbs (and change nothing else) then naturally we reduce our calories and weight goes down.

Alcohol, in general, is interesting. High calories but low carb (although not all alcoholic drinks are low carb). So you could go low carb on a whisky diet but end up increasing weight because of the higher calories.

Does that make sense?
What finished me off was reporting I'd successfully reversed my diabetes on the Newcastle diet.
All the usual posters came out, pulled the wagons into a circle and told me it was impossible, I couldn't live on 800 calories of shakes forever, (I don't think they actually had a clue what the diet actually was) it had to be low carb for life!
Then they all started liking each others posts.
(And saying how "yummy" their choices were)
Every thread got bombarded in the same way.

Sorry to hear you felt that way @travellor - I like to think the forum is accepting and encouraging of a wide range of approaches to diabetes management, and no one should have been told that their experience was impossible - can you remember a link to the threads?

I am much happier when folks are encouraged to discover a level of carb consumption that works for them as an individual - some here have found that is low or very low, but others do well on moderate carb, or simply by keeping track of overall calorie intake.

What’s important is for folks to find an approach that works for them. And I guess it’s only natural for people to be enthusiastic about advocating the approach that worked, or cautioning about advice they were given that didn’t work well in their experience?
I had decades of being told that I was just doing it wrong and once I shut up about feeling ill weak and feeble on the low calorie low fat diet it would all come right for me.
It never did.
Every time I went back to the low carb diet I grew up on I lost the ashen face and red eyes - and then I would lose weight. I'd go back to work and move heavy loads build up muscle and then have to go to the GP again and be told to see the nurse every week to be weighed as I was too fat - even though I had a 24 inch waist most of the time when working. My mini skirts were suede and leather, so I still have them - they'd make good handbags.
I advocate for low carb just so that more people can enjoy the same look of total bewilderment I saw on the 'educators' face when my results came back as no longer diabetic 80 days after diagnosis.
I had decades of being told that I was just doing it wrong and once I shut up about feeling ill weak and feeble on the low calorie low fat diet it would all come right for me.
It never did.
Every time I went back to the low carb diet I grew up on I lost the ashen face and red eyes - and then I would lose weight. I'd go back to work and move heavy loads build up muscle and then have to go to the GP again and be told to see the nurse every week to be weighed as I was too fat - even though I had a 24 inch waist most of the time when working. My mini skirts were suede and leather, so I still have them - they'd make good handbags.
I advocate for low carb just so that more people can enjoy the same look of total bewilderment I saw on the 'educators' face when my results came back as no longer diabetic 80 days after diagnosis.
I have been wonderfully lucky with my diabetic team at my GP surgery. They let me get on with my low carb/keto experiment and gave me a meter so I could go without meds and just check when I have different ingredients and the GP lead on diabetes was incredibly enthusiastic when he saw my results and I have had nothing but positivity from them all along. I quite understand that there are different ways for different people but as said - it is difficult not to get excited when you find something that is so enjoyable and easy and works well - especially after decades of misery and anxiety around food and then just by changing a few ingredients it all clears up and without having to go without treats. I have no will power and food has always been a passion of mine so low calorie and restricted eating would never work long term for me.
Sorry to hear you felt that way @travellor - I like to think the forum is accepting and encouraging of a wide range of approaches to diabetes management, and no one should have been told that their experience was impossible - can you remember a link to the threads?

I am much happier when folks are encouraged to discover a level of carb consumption that works for them as an individual - some here have found that is low or very low, but others do well on moderate carb, or simply by keeping track of overall calorie intake.

What’s important is for folks to find an approach that works for them. And I guess it’s only natural for people to be enthusiastic about advocating the approach that worked, or cautioning about advice they were given that didn’t work well in their experience?

We were talking about the "red" site.
Very bizarre on there.
This site is much better, although there does seem to be a few I recognise from the other site, and as mentioned by others, newcomers do sometimes get bombarded regardless of what they actually post about.
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I have been wonderfully lucky with my diabetic team at my GP surgery. They let me get on with my low carb/keto experiment and gave me a meter so I could go without meds and just check when I have different ingredients and the GP lead on diabetes was incredibly enthusiastic when he saw my results and I have had nothing but positivity from them all along. I quite understand that there are different ways for different people but as said - it is difficult not to get excited when you find something that is so enjoyable and easy and works well - especially after decades of misery and anxiety around food and then just by changing a few ingredients it all clears up and without having to go without treats. I have no will power and food has always been a passion of mine so low calorie and restricted eating would never work long term for me.

That's exactly my point above.
I don't think it would for anyone.

But, I preferred a few weeks on shakes to reverse my diabetes, then eating a normal healthy diet rather than a carb restricted diet for life.
I can always drop back to diet control if I ever need to, but it's not an option I want to pursue with my lifestyle at present.
We were talking about the "red" site.
Very bizarre on there.
This site is much better, although there does seem to be a few I recognise from the other site, and as mentions by others, newcomers do sometimes get bombarded regardless of what they actually post about.

Ah glad to hear it wasn’t here. But not glad you had to go through it, of course!
iTS DIABETIC WEEK ---Every time i go into a Supermarket I see Vegan vegan vegan .... Freefrom , free free .
Ive been a Diabetic , type 11/2 for a few months , now type 2. I dont see LoCit LoCit LoCit ????? Why not . LoCit = Low Carb it . Its Nowhere .
I have to handle boxes this way, that way, upside down ,sideways all thru Covid, at risk to my health beCAUSE the CARBS arent listed on the front why not ??
Surely there are more diabetics watching their Carbs than Vegans watching out for animals . WHY isnt there a move to have Lo Carb shelves, Lo Carb areas , Lo Carb symbols . what are manufacturers afraid of
I say IF WE AND DIABETIC orgs made a great big SHOUT we could put our needs high on the supermarket shelves. Im sure we have enough buying power
Well said, I say this every time I visit a supermarket
This is why supermarkets don't have "low carb" food for diabetics.
It's definitely not a mainstream diet.
Food market today. Crepes, churros, fudge, halal, vegan, dirty fries to name but a few.
(The dirty fries were amazing)IMG_20220630_125017_1.jpgIMG_20220630_124654_8.jpgIMG_20220630_130206_1~2.jpg
You might still be looking for a needle in a haystack to find any low carb foods even if labelled as such in big letters on the front. But you would have to define what Low Carb was. Less than 30g/100g?, less than 20g/100g, or whatever.
Can't ever imagine that ever happening or even being practical.
Isnt Low carb the same as low sugar. In Tesco they have the traffic light system on all their food so they have salt, sugar, fat and something else (cant remember the other one) but if fat and sugar and salt are all green I have been getting it. I cant have fat either due to cholesterol and fatty liver.
Isnt Low carb the same as low sugar. In Tesco they have the traffic light system on all their food so they have salt, sugar, fat and something else (cant remember the other one) but if fat and sugar and salt are all green I have been getting it. I cant have fat either due to cholesterol and fatty liver.
NO low carb is not the same, something can be low sugar but high carb so the traffic light system is as much use as a chocolate teapot to anyone diabetic.
My example is Puffed Wheat cereal which has 0.6g sugar per 100g so low sugar and green on traffic light but a whopping 69g carbohydrate per 100g so very high carb.
Sugarfree foods can also be high carb because of the wheat.
It is the TOTAL carbohydrate number you need to look at to make your choices.
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