ideas please

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Yes - I realise that is sometimes the case. For example, fruit doesn't do anything hardly at all to my blood glucose levels but many others tell me that it is different thing for them.

However, I do think that most of us react very similarly blood-glucose wise to cereals, bread, potatoes, pizza etc - i.e. eating them sends us high and cutting back on them - or cutting them out altogether - generally, leads to a big reduction in blood glucose levels - and quickly too. It's not complicated to work this out as soon as we start testing.


Hi John. I also find that fruit doesn't seem to have a major effect on my bg - isn't it strange how we all react differently to the same foods? I wonder why that is? At the beginning, I was devastated when Special K and Weetabix sent me high as they are my favourite non sugar coated cereals.. :( then with a bit of experimenting I found that for me it was all down to the quantity.. when I reduced the weetabix from 3 to 2 I was happy to see it didn't send me into the teens, highest was < 9. Never did manage to resolve the Special K though - could not bring myself to measure the portions.. too used to filling up the bowl!! 😱

I'm lucky that I've found the carbs that I can still enjoy eating but don't send my levels high and still satisfy my hunger. If that changes and I need to rethink my approach, I'll definitely revisit your meal ideas.. I'm already a great fan of gammon steak for a pub lunch although I tend to prefer pineapple on top... 😉

................ I'm already a great fan of gammon steak for a pub lunch although I tend to prefer pineapple on top... 😉...........
Hi Karinagal,

Glad to hear that things are going well for you.

As regards you preferring pineapple - my preference is egg and pineapple!
Whenever, they'll give me both that is! :D

Best wishes - John
Mmmm..... both you say? Interesting.... might try that sometime!!
I too ideally like to keep my 2 hour post-meal BG to 7.8 but i don't always achieve that. If i have any carbs it's usually sweet potato, basmati rice and wholewheat pasta but i always weigh it out (usually 25 - 30g dry weight) so it's small portions all the way. I too have a 30 min walk every eve after my main meal and longer walks at the weekend and have been doing this for the past 5 months since diagnosed.
Your numbers are very good Carina, especially as you don't take any diabetic medication. Don't put yourself down. I reckon your next HbA1c will be in the 5% club. Non diabetic levels.

To be honest I wish I could get your numbers diet only but I tried twice and can't. I'm jealous.
have we decided if we are having jkt potato then?
have we decided if we are having jkt potato then?

Thanks Steph, I was just searching for this thread as i couldnt remember what we were doing ! In the absence of any other ideas - baked potatoes it is!:DBev
How about we do baked pots next Wednesday, Shepherds pie the Wednesday after, lasagne would be a good one for the week after that. Jessica has the tescos' ones sometimes and they play havoc. 🙂

Did we decide this was the plan and so it's shepherd pie next week? Doing my shopping for next week soon so want to work out what to get in!
haven't read all suggestions and am not sure what you've done the last few but here's a few suggestions

Curry & rice
bangers and mash


fish & chips (again :D😉)
Did we decide this was the plan and so it's shepherd pie next week? Doing my shopping for next week soon so want to work out what to get in!

Beat me to it Aymes I was going to ask tomorrow as i do shop Monday this week , Bev is shepards pie still ok??
Yes if thats ok with everyone - shepherds pie - or cottage pie - whatever you prefer.🙂Bev
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