ideas please

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Oh Bev, you did make me chuckle! :D

Welcome back Northener! 🙂
Hi Bev,

In my opinion, any Type 2 in particular ought to be interested in such options but if they aren't then they aren't! Most of the stuff that people have been trying in this thread are way off my radar these days.

The cauli-mash was superb and I wouldn't have known that it wasn't mashed potato if my wife hadn't told me. You could maybe test that out for yourself on Alex. My wife made cottage pie with potatoes - another with cauli-mash - and yet another one with potaoes and veggie-mince for the two vegetarian children in our family. Life doesn't get any easier for her but she just loves cooking for the family on Sundays.

Another option that I've heard recommended a lot is cauli-rice. I haven't tried that yet but I will be doing certainly - because I know that it will keep my blood glucose levels down.

I just wish that I'd any idea at all about cooking myself! :(

Best wishes - John

Hi John,
Silly question - I assume you just boil the cauli like you would potatoes and then drain it and mash it? I think I might try this tomorrow night as Alex isnt well with a cold and has needed 200% insulin today and it would be great to give him a low carb meal that will fill him up. Also, how do you do the cauli-rice? Sounds lovely.🙂

I was wondering whether you would like to start a type 2 experimental night? I do realise that a lot of what we are suggesting just isnt right for some type 2's who prefer to keep things low or no carb - but i run out of ideas and think a type 2 would be better at sorting something out?🙂Bev
I aint changing my mind over jacket potato now its made up.
..............Silly question - I assume you just boil the cauli like you would potatoes and then drain it and mash it?.................
I've just consulted my chef and she says - "Yes - just like that!" She added a knob of extra-light margarine and some black pepper. However, apparently the margarine was simply because I'm calorie counting to slim - in a normal situation, she recommends adding a knob of butter or cream.

........Also, how do you do the cauli-rice? Sounds lovely.🙂........
I don't know because I've never tried it. However, I'll look up where I read about it and let you know.

I was wondering whether you would like to start a type 2 experimental night? I do realise that a lot of what we are suggesting just isnt right for some type 2's who prefer to keep things low or no carb - but i run out of ideas and think a type 2 would be better at sorting something out?🙂Bev

I don't know about that because I'm really sorted as to what I eat these days. Moreover, I have absolutely no idea about cooking or preparing food - I largely eat what is placed in front of me. However, I could come up with a list of low carb meals that I'd recommend to keep blood glucose levels low if that would be of interest to anyone. However, it seems to me that most people on this forum are quite happy just going along eating high carbohydrate meals even when their blood glucose levels are high and in double figures. Quite frankly, some of the stuff I read makes my eyes pop out of my head.

Best wishes - John
I've just consulted my chef and she says - "Yes

. However, it seems to me that most people on this forum are quite happy just going along eating high carbohydrate meals even when their blood glucose levels are high and in double figures. Quite frankly, some of the stuff I read makes my eyes pop out of my head.

Oh well each to there own eh, if you dont try you will never know what effects your blood sugars

when you say most people am i included in that wallycorker?
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I've just consulted my chef and she says - "Yes - just like that!" She added a knob of extra-light margarine and some black pepper. However, apparently the margarine was simply because I'm calorie counting to slim - in a normal situation, she recommends adding a knob of butter or cream.

I don't know because I've never tried it. However, I'll look up where I read about it and let you know.

I don't know about that because I'm really sorted as to what I eat these days. Moreover, I have absolutely no idea about cooking or preparing food - I largely eat what is placed in front of me. However, I could come up with a list of low carb meals that I'd recommend to keep blood glucose levels low if that would be of interest to anyone. However, it seems to me that most people on this forum are quite happy just going along eating high carbohydrate meals even when their blood glucose levels are high and in double figures. Quite frankly, some of the stuff I read makes my eyes pop out of my head.

Best wishes - John

Hi John,
Could you say thanks to the chef! I will do this tomorrow and report back. Think i will add some cream - sounds lovely.🙂🙂

I do think it would be beneficial for you to list the sorts of meals you eat as perhaps i could incorporate this into the 'big night in' (i.e. give a fully loaded carb meal and a low carb option for type 2's etc). Thanks again John and wife!🙂Bev
...........Oh well each to there own eh, if you dont try you will never know what effects your blood sugars...........
Hi Steff,

Please rest assured that I know exactly what effect cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and pizza etc do to my blood glucose levels. I've tested them all out and found through experience that almost all the time they all shove my readings straight into double figures and that's not where I want them to be. That's the reason that I'll not eat them hgardly at all these days. Sorry!

Best wishes - John
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hey walley corker could you get Mrs walley corker to get involved as it seems like she, by providing your dinns, is the driving force behind your excellant diet!!😉
Hi Steff,

Please rest assured that I know exactly what effect cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and pizza etc do to my blood glucose levels. I've tested them all out and found through experience that almost all the time they all shove my readings straight into double figures and that's not where I want them to be. That's the reason that I'll not eat them hgardly at all these days. Sorry!

Best wishes - John
, i practically handle my diabetes alone and until i try things i cant know i certainly have no guidance from the health profession so if im making mistakes then so be it.The diasaster i had with the pizza has meant i have not had it since nor wish to.
Well thats you im sure your care has been alot better then mine ever has been , i practically handle my diabetes alone and until i try things i cant know.The diasaster i had with the pizza has meant i have not had it since nor wish to.

Steff, I think John is simply saying that he has basically done these kinds of experiments himself in the past, so now knows (like you now do with pizza) what the effects are.
Steff, I think John is simply saying that he has basically done these kinds of experiments himself in the past, so now knows (like you now do with pizza) what the effects are.

Yeah i guess so, i guess im reacting and it was my own fault to the bit where he said some just carry on doing these nights in happily despite there high levels.
Steffy Cuz Chill hun and wally please remember the way food seems to effect us is always different ...i for example have no problem with noodles !😱 why ??? god only knows ...did you see my curry results mine were great!!! but others no so good ....Im so glad it works for you also due to your influence i have started being aware of my carbs but please dont despair...same applies for all of us xxx
hey walley corker could you get Mrs walley corker to get involved as it seems like she, by providing your dinns, is the driving force behind your excellant diet!!😉
Hi am64,

No - she wouldn't do anything like that. She doesn't come up with the ideas - she simply takes up on the things that I read on various diabetes forums on the internet and puts them into practice.

However, she happens to have liked everything herself so far even though she doesn't have diabetes. At Sunday dinner she ate the normal cottage pie but tried some of the cauli-mash version and said she liked it.

She makes veggie options too because two of our three grown-up kids are vegetarians. I'm always happy to eat the veggie options but my wife doesn't like those as much as the non-veggie versions.

She loves making Sunday dinner for about ten of us - with carnivores, veggies and one person with diabetes present. Personally, I'd find it too much to cope with!

Best wishes - John
well wally send her my regards i think she sound like a super cook/mum/wifey to me ...! :D😉
Hi John,
Could you say thanks to the chef! I will do this tomorrow and report back. Think i will add some cream - sounds lovely.🙂🙂

I do think it would be beneficial for you to list the sorts of meals you eat as perhaps i could incorporate this into the 'big night in' (i.e. give a fully loaded carb meal and a low carb option for type 2's etc). Thanks again John and wife!🙂Bev
That's OK Bev,

My diet is fairly limited and doesn't vary much from what I posted recently in the Food Section.


Breakfast - usually bacon and tomatoes possibly with mushrooms and/or egg - occasionally, Lizi's Granola instead or Tesco's low-fat natural yoghurt with berries and more recently with a couple of teaspoons of Lizi's Granola added and a little bit of cinammon.

Lunch - meat or fish with very mixed salad and a few seeds spread over it (usually flax/linseed seeds).

If I eat a pub lunch then it's usually beef or gammon steak with veg and salad and possibly just a few chips. In my opinion, that's a great meal for people with diabetes.

Evening meal - generally, just whatever my wife prepares. Tonight it was Chicken Marengo (basically chicken breast in a tomato sauce) on a large bed of cabbage. One day earlier this week it was veggie-mince on a bed of cabbage. Another was cauli-mash cottage pie, peas and gravy. Sometimes things such as chilli but on a small portion of brown rice. Quite often various kinds of fish with plenty of vegetables and maybe just one small potato. She just adapts the meals knowing that I won't be eating very much if anything in the bread, potatoes, rice and pasta line even if she makes that sort of thing for herself.

If we eat out in the evening then I'd choose similar things to those I choose for a pub lunch. Quite often we eat in Indian restaurants and then I'd have poppadums and pickle tray, kebab type meaty stuff with a small amount of rice - no naan bread that's taboo. I find restaurants quite easy because they always have meat and fish with veg - I just avoid choosing the potatoes, pizza, pasta etc and eating any bread that might come along with the meal.

Hope that might help a little.

Personally, I've absolutely no idea of the problems that Type 1s and insulin-dependent Type 2s have to deal with. When I try reading up the experiments that you've all been carrying out then I'm bewildered with how they have to deal with things.

For non-insulin dependent Type 2s such as me, I see things much more simply - i.e. often all we have to do is to eat the foods that don't send our blood glucose levels into double figures. For this group, we have no other choice if we want to give ourselves a chance of becoming insulin dependent and/or don't want our conditions to deteriorate - i.e. "progress" as they call it - and lead to complications.

I really do feel for parents such as yourself who are having to sort out things for kids that have diabetes. I was talking to Adrienne about this not too long back. I don't know whether I'm correct, personally, I think that it's worse for the parent than the child - especially when they are very young - after all, it's you who is having to deal with all the problems. My wife is a schoolteacher and she often says that the kids with diabetes often seem to be envied by those without diabetes because they see them as having special treats such as more frequent snacks. Do you find that?

Hope that you will find something else of interset in the links that I have sent to you by PM.

Very best wishes - John
well wally send her my regards i think she sound like a super cook/mum/wifey to me ...! :D😉
A much better mother than a wife I always say! 😉

42 years is a very long time - murderers don't get that long! 🙄

Steffy Cuz Chill hun and wally please remember the way food seems to effect us is always different ...i for example have no problem with noodles !😱 why ??? god only knows ...did you see my curry results mine were great!!! but others no so good ....Im so glad it works for you also due to your influence i have started being aware of my carbs but please dont despair...same applies for all of us xxx
Yes - I realise that is sometimes the case. For example, fruit doesn't do anything hardly at all to my blood glucose levels but many others tell me that it is different thing for them.

However, I do think that most of us react very similarly blood-glucose wise to cereals, bread, potatoes, pizza etc - i.e. eating them sends us high and cutting back on them - or cutting them out altogether - generally, leads to a big reduction in blood glucose levels - and quickly too. It's not complicated to work this out as soon as we start testing.

ooooh wally we'll tell xxxx ....🙄 re wifey post !! hheeehee
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