i hyper but never hypo.

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I guess as tez said its personal goals etc etc mine was to get my numbers out of double figures and into single i have achieved that at last so for now i think ill be happy with that

Hi Stef, as already said, it all seems down to personal reactions to Diabetes but the Consultant has told me that if I have 3 consecutive day's fasting reading over 10 it means I have to contact him and he will start me on insulin - but I hasten to add that's just for me, and NOT as a general rule for others to panic about.

Because this site doesn't allow for LADA (1.5s) I originally registered as a type 1 rather than a type 2 but I seem to fall into both camps when I read other's postings about levels.

I do get hypos (under 3.5 in my case) during mid-morning more often now (gliclazide 80mg x 2 a day and 3x500mg slow release metformin at night) and stuff jelly babies into myself quickly.

And to think I used to "know" Diabetes was just people not being allowed to eat anything sweet ever again.....!
Steff well done on those numbers, fab, 🙂

Like others have said, there are clear cut rules for the numbers for hypo, but hyper not so clear. On my pump i have set personal settings for both, with hyper being over 10. I do not get hyper symptoms at this level, i only start to feel bad at around 15+.

I can change my settings though, so for example i could set hyper at 8 or 15? I really dont think there are rules, individually we know out of range above 8 and the higher it gets the more likely to feel symptoms. I dont however seem to get what you describe when hyper though? I know im high but can continue to function etc, whereas when hypo its a different story!
I think the big difference between the two is that a hypo means that the brain is struggling to find enough fuel (glucose from the blood) to function properly so it sends out distress signals that prompt adrenalin and cortisol - hence we become shaky and sweaty.

A hyper, on the other hand, generally does not have symptoms until it climbs quite high, when you might feel thirsty, go to the loo more etc. as the excess glucose is flushed out of your system. As far as I'm aware, non-diabetic people will not normally go into double figures even when eating very sweet or high GI foods like white bread, as the pancreas compensates with insulin. Therefore, levels that go above non-diabetic range can be harmful long-term if they persist and damage things like eyes, kidneys etc. An extra problem can be for people injecting insulin when there is insufficient insulin circulating and this can result in DKA.

So, making sure the brain can function properly is very important - so we have some very strict levels for hypos, but you can generally get along quite well with higher than normal levels - which of course many undiagnosed Type 2 people do, possibly for years without noticing.

Ideally, you need to be eating food that makes your levels climb slowly to a lowish peak of around 8-9, then falls back to around 4.5-5.5.
thanks tracey and tez

thanks everyone you have really helped me out on this 1 xxx
an 11am lunch. Low carb - scrambled egg and tinned tomatoes.

Hi Tez - I hope you dont' think I'm being rude, but was that really enough to fill you up and keep you going until your next meal, or did you have something else after it, or later in the afternoon?? I'm just curious cos I know if I ate that as a meal, with nothing else, I would be hungry again shortly afterwards.... 😱 However, that is really the kind of thing I SHOULD be having for lunch, just that if I do I'm in trouble !!


a good lunch idea is scrambled egg and toast or maybe a pitta bread stuffed with white meat and salad maybe have wholewheat pitta and have 2 i do and i love it always fills me Helen and i have a biggg appettite (well used 2) lol
Well, that's kinda what I meant re Tez's meal, he doesn't mention having toast or bread of any kind, and that's why I wondered if he was 'satisfied' with just the eggs and tomatoes. I know not everyone would want/need it, but those of us with big appetites could do with the carbs!!

Well, that's kinda what I meant re Tez's meal, he doesn't mention having toast or bread of any kind, and that's why I wondered if he was 'satisfied' with just the eggs and tomatoes. I know not everyone would want/need it, but those of us with big appetites could do with the carbs!!


I think Tez mentioned in his post, he was going deliberatley for low carb meal. As this would hopefully have little effect on the bg level.

Also, dont know if you have ever tried a low or no carb meal, but you do seem more satisfied than if you had eaten lots of carbs.
I can't get my head around the idea of not having bread/toast at lunch, or potato/pasta/rice with dinner, and not being hungry !! 50+ years of one way of thinking is hard to shake!! However, I think it will probably come to that because, although my BG levels are pretty good since diagnosis 3 months ago, the weight loss is very slow, so something's gotta go !! 😛

I've cut way down on the carbs Helen and replaced them with loads of veg and it does seem to fill me up. I had three bean salad for lunch today and some brambles wot I picked myself. It really does seem to work.
I guess I'll have to give it a try, praps one meal at a time, probably start with dinner, as I can't imagine having a cereal-less brekkie or a bread-less lunch!!

I cant imagine a breadless lunch i've slowly gone from a loaf to pitta bread
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