i hyper but never hypo.

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That doesn't feel right does it. I remember googling once before and not coming up with a definition as definitive as you can find for a hypo - surely there must be one?
Good question here peeps, I wouldn't say that I have had many hypers, as I have hypo's as for me I don't get the symptons of something so wrong when running high as running low, but if you say a hyper is something in the teens then I probably do have both equally over a month, some weeks run higher than others. does that make sense I don't know!!??
I always try with the good Q'S Rossi lol

it makes total sense to me
I guess the 'over 8' definition is the technically correct one in that it's the 'normal' range so the blood is literally hyperglycemic.
The difference is where we as diabetics would draw the line to treat and/or be concerned about a high level. Personally I'll correct anything over a 7.5 but would be concerned at anything 13+ and refer to myself as hyper there, it's generally the level where ibstart to feel unwell.
I think >10 is hyper. over 7 is above range.

Steff, you are only on metformin so shouldnt hypo!
Hi Steff,

As you know I'm type 1 but I have hypos and hypers altho not so many of the hypers if I actually do what I'm supposed to do.

The tendancy for me is to go hypo but when I am ill I have a risk of going hyper as being on the pump means I have no slow acting insulin and my rapid gets used up quicker. The worst case was last September (when I hadn't been told that when ill I needed to increase my basal) and I ended up in hospital with DKA.

Can't speak for other type 1's tho


Wow, this happened to me 21 years ago (Christmas in hospital).
It was because of info from my then doctors sugery.
I can't believe that info is still being given out in some places, apart from diagnoses, that was the second time that diabetes nearly 'got' me, I was in severe DKA, although I didn't even know what that was at the time.
Ah right so is the metformins job to prevent the hypo yes?

Metformin doesn't prevent hypos, just the nature of how they work means that they're less likely to cause hypos than some other diabetes medication. Ultimately they're working to help prevent hypers as they are used to bring your blood sugar down.
cheers Aymes i feel stoopid asking all these Q'S when i been on the metf since Feb
With hypos there is a very definate line with highs it's not so clear cut because there isn't a number that requires a specific action. On my meter software I can adjust the target ranges, for me 4-8 is in range 8-15 is high and over 15 is very high.
I don't have that many in the above 15 range around 5% of readings.
I always had in the back of my mind from something my GP first told me in Feb 15 was when i should worry.
I don't seem to be getting much above 12 these days and I'm getting more and more sixes and sevens:D. I still feel yuck because of the dizzy spells, but maybe, just maybe I'm starting to get a handle on this thing.
Hey steff,

I'd say lately i've been having more high's than hypo's but usually i think it's about balanced. The rest of the time most of my readings are in between the two of course. I remeber when i first got diagnosed i'd been told by the consultants about hypo's and how horrible they were that I was quite scared to have my first one and when it did happen i panicked a little and didn't know what to do so i over treated it. After that one I found out what to drink and eat to make sure I didn't over treat it again. Hypo's are still horrible now but i'm not so scared by them anymore thankfully 🙂

Emma x
Hi Steff,

As far as I know, insulin dependent diabetics are more likely to have a hypo than someone not on insulin. Don't forget there are a lot of type 2s on insulin!

Since I went on the Metfartin' my BG's have been lower. I can only repeat what else has been said that you shouldn't be able hypo on Metformin unless you are on other meds.

When I went in for an operation they refused me a general because I was 3.9. Nurse said I was hypo. I was fully with it. So had a local instead.

I have had a few other low (3.5 -4.5) readings usually after exercise and little to eat, however, my liver kicks out something and my BG will rise back above 5 on it's own.

My personal goal is to be below 7 in the morning and 6 before my main meal of the day.

I found that since I lost a stone in weight my BG has dropped a bit along with my blood pressure.

There was a little increase for a month when I packed in the fags (3 months now) and my levels are now generally where I want them. In the end I walked more and the numbers slowly started dropping.

Today I woke to 5.7 and it was 4.5 before an 11am lunch. Low carb - scrambled egg and tinned tomatoes.
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I guess as tez said its personal goals etc etc mine was to get my numbers out of double figures and into single i have achieved that at last so for now i think ill be happy with that
I guess as tez said its personal goals etc etc mine was to get my numbers out of double figures and into single i have achieved that at last so for now i think ill be happy with that

Oh well done on the single figures Steff. Excellent news. I'm really pleased for you...

Any news on the Byetta?
26th tez and all will be revealed its been dragged out longer then the "who shot phil in eastenders" saga
26th tez and all will be revealed its been dragged out longer then the "who shot phil in eastenders" saga


I've gone through my meter software and I have had 3 hypos in the last 6 months, 3! Starting to slightly worry about my A1c now,
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