I can't do this anymore

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Hi, Sam

Am 19 Not Long turned it. i have had Diabetes since i was 11 and i hated the fact that i had to change my life style i also tryed loads of times to end my life because of it and thinkin the same way you are just now.

its not worth it. trust me.

i have changed my nurse now and i see her every 4 weeks.
She also feels i should see a psychologist but when i told my gp he said tht i dont need one.

I dont see my gp for my diabetes i just see him for my insulin. and i see my diabetic nurse every 4 weeks and phone her when i need help.

I have just resently got my hb1c down too 9.7 after 6 years its always been over 10.

so trust me when i say i know how u feel.

i onliy take 2 jags in the morning and no more all day i dont even test during the day. i honestly hate having diabetes.

if you need to talk am here to try help as well as i can 😉

hope you feel better soon :D


hello wee meeh and welcome to the forum sounds like its been well tough for you but have alook around the forum its a very friendly place ...we are all in it together xx
Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm still feeling rather down, but we shall see how today goes. Half of this stemming from idiot doctor, I have to sit and wait until tuesday before I get a decent answer out of anyone. I don't think I'll be seeing him again inless I absolutely need to (I may even ask if I can change to a different doctor). But still. I have to put on a smile today as I'm off to my first day as an archaeologist (well...not my first day but you get me). Unfortunately I don't think I'll be smiling on the inside. Nevermind.

Another vote for writing everything down, even if you just do it up til your appointment on Tuesday and will give you more ammo for getting the 250 strips you want.

On the DAFNE course we had to write all our numbers down, and it is so useful for spotting patterns. You can also show it to others who might spot things you've overlooked. I'm lucky that I can email mine to my DSN and Dietician if/when I need help.

It's definitely a good idea as not only will it help you figure out whats going on, but you can also show it to your doctor on Tuesday so he can see in black and white all the problems you're having with your BG being up and down all the time.

Good luck,

Hi Salmonpuff🙂

First of all, I hope the job goes well - although you feel rotten, it probably just want you need right now to distract you🙂

I don't know you or T1 well enough to advise you on daily living with the condition but I do know how low a person can sink with depression- it doesn't matter what the cause is or how trivial the sufferer may think their own situation might seem to others. If you need help, then that is a good enough reason to get it.

Despite a loving and supportive family, I accepted, very much against my will, some sessions with a counselor when I sank very low a few years back due to an illness and found these immensely helpful - sometimes our family and friends are too scared of what we are going through to give objective advice and we, in turn, don't want to burden our loved ones and possibly feel embarrassed and even unworthy of the attention.

So, apart from sending you love and big hugs, I would urge you to seek help from a suitable counselor or psychologist - your GP is probably not the best person to give you the support you need right now- horses for course and all that, but he can and should help you to find it.

Forgive me if you have tried it but in the short term, maybe you could speak to the Careline people at Diabetes UK - they are trained counselors and were very helpful to me when I was first diagnosed and had all those inevitable questions which you have after leaving the surgery! Their telephone number is: 0845 120 2960, Monday?Friday, 9am-5pm.

All the best to you- you deserve to be happy and to be heard🙂 xxx
Hi Sam

sorry for not replying to this earlier - I was not on-line last night. First of all big hugs you have been having a rough time of it recently and it is no wonder it is all getting to you. I really think you should ask to see a counseller/psychiatrist. I have been to see a number of people over the years due to the diabetes and other rubbish that has gone on in my life. There is definitely a link between diabetes and depression. I often find when I am feeling really down that my blood sugars are high and that is part of the reason. Conversely when I am feeling down I tend to eat bad things which makes my sugar goes high, which makes me feel more down ......... It really can be a vicous cycle.

After breaking down completely at one of the DSNs and the consultant at the clinic I have now been referred to a psychiatrist who is linked to the diabetic clinic so she knows exactly what she is talking about. She is even going to come along to my next appointment at the diabetic/antenatal clinic to help me try and get answers to some of my issues as I normally come away from the appointments completely demoralised.

I would not say I was completely sane at the moment, but I would definitely be far more crazy without her help.

Hope the job is going well today

Hi Sam, first of all good luck with the job, hope everything goes well.

Sorry that you have been going through a rough patch it happens to us all a some time or other and although it may not seem like it now, things will get better.

Try not to be too down on yourself, remember it's not your fault that you have not been receiving the support that you should have from your Doctor.

Definately take up Adrienne on her offer to help with the carb counting, she is the resident expert around here.

I also think it would be beneficial to see a counselor as talking things through with someone you don't know can be a great help as they tend to be more objective and see things from your perspective more then people who know you.

Anyway hope you're feeling better today.

Big hugs Phil
Thank you everyone for your replies. I'm still feeling rather down, but we shall see how today goes. Half of this stemming from idiot doctor, I have to sit and wait until tuesday before I get a decent answer out of anyone. I don't think I'll be seeing him again inless I absolutely need to (I may even ask if I can change to a different doctor). But still. I have to put on a smile today as I'm off to my first day as an archaeologist (well...not my first day but you get me). Unfortunately I don't think I'll be smiling on the inside. Nevermind.

Hey Sam, sorry for not replying sooner... I'm glad you're not feeling quite so dismal today. I'd just like to say that I can completely sympathise. I can't believe you've been limited on the number of test strips you're allowed and I definitely think you should change GP's and/or clinics. They make such a world of difference! Feeling supported is so important, it's impossible to get anything done if you feel like it's all on you - I know, I've tried. Changing my support team was one of the best things I ever did.

I would consider advising you to think right from today (or maybe tomorrow after killing many zombies!) start fresh say I have diabetes and I'm going to get me some control. Stop drinking, let your body sort itself out, I found it very hard to work out ratios whilst on the drink. Make a note of timings of what you eat what you inject what you do what your levels are etc etc, it may be rubbish but it's the only way (that I know) that you can understand how to grapple with the diabetes monster. If you're working or busy make time to write it ALL down no excuse this is your health, not just for a day or two but for two weeks or more. Then get help on ratios basal levels etc from the people here, and your team (I hope!)


And I completely second Rossi's advice. I know how many times you've replied to my despairing posts with support. I feel like I'm getting somewhere, but the only reason being that over the last 3 weeks I've meticulously recorded everything I've eaten, insulin I've taken and my bloods sugars. Carb counting is a lot to take on, hard work, but does pay off in the end. Take up Adrienne's offer and let her help you! In fact there are so many people on here who'll help too.

Try eating similar things for a week or so (or similar carbs at least) I started with brown rice and I found (in time!) that 1 cup of uncooked rice swells up to become 2 cups of cooked rice. 2 cups of cooked rice has 60g of carbohydrate in it. Once you know how much carb is there begin by taking one unit to cover each 10 grams at each meal and see what happens. You may have to increase to 1.5 or 2 units to every 10 grams, or even decrease to half a unit. I hope this isn't patronising... It's just what I have spent the last few months doing. Anything I can do to help just shout. Hugs to you xxx
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