I can't do this anymore

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am THIS CLOSE to eating myself into a coma or making myself so hypo I need hospitalising

I can't do this anymore. My cries for help are going unheard. My own mother is trying to tell me that I am "testing too much" and had a go at me down the phone (when I had a level of 1.5 that probably wasn't the best idea as I turned into an argumentative *insert expletive* and ended up a blubbering mess, and have thus really upset my mother too).

I just cannot do this, my doctor doesn't understand i test alot. I can't get my consultant to listen over the pump issue. My levels are all over the place.

I can't do it anymore

maybe if i end up in hospital one way or the other someone will actually take heed and listen to me
I am THIS CLOSE to eating myself into a coma or making myself so hypo I need hospitalising

I can't do this anymore. My cries for help are going unheard. My own mother is trying to tell me that I am "testing too much" and had a go at me down the phone (when I had a level of 1.5 that probably wasn't the best idea as I turned into an argumentative *insert expletive* and ended up a blubbering mess, and have thus really upset my mother too).

I just cannot do this, my doctor doesn't understand i test alot. I can't get my consultant to listen over the pump issue. My levels are all over the place.

I can't do it anymore

maybe if i end up in hospital one way or the other someone will actually take heed and listen to me

sam big hugs hun xxx dont give up you going to be an archeologist again soon xxxx i dont know what to say except i though you T1 needed to continually test to work out where you are xxx be strong hunny xxxx
woah Sam, take a deep breath here.

I feel so sorry for you, i have been reading your posts when I can and i understand your frustration. But im sure you dont mean the things you said, it is the frustration talking.

I hope someone will be along soon with some great advice for you. Personally I think you need to change hospitals, gp etc as you are trying so hard and not getting the help you deserve. I know im not being very helpful, dont know what to say, but sending lots of love and hugs. Remember we are all here for you , you must look after yourself though.

I don't know if i want to look after myself any more though...
Hey Sam does sound proper not good sorry nothing we can do, maybe you should go to see your nurse in the morning and say you NEED to see her/him and talk this thing through and get a plan together so you get the care you need and deserve!

Chin up, please

yep as rossi said get an appointment to see dsn or gp make it a double appointment to go through everything
Sorry your feeling so down. I do think you should ask your team if they have access to some sort of councelling or phsychologist etc as you have been through a lot of change and turmoil recently and it takes its toll. I also think you should go back and ask for a pump and dont take 'no' for an answer! Did you ever get a reply off John Davis at INPUT?🙂Bev
dont see the point. They dont want to listen. I have to go and see doc on tuesday anyway to get the riot act read to me. Clinic is on 18th. Maybe I can convince them to let me see a psychologist or something

I'm SO fed up.

I have had to deal with this on my own for way too long and there is only SO much I can teach myself.

Carb counting? WHATS THAT???

I like to think i know what im talking about. But do I? Do I really? I was never given the help I needed when I was growing up - hence my rebellion and now look at me! Stuck with dodgy feet and increasingly dodgy eyes.

Is it any wonder I am sinking into depression.

Maybe a hospital visit would make them listen. How hard is it to eat yourself into DKA?
dont see the point. They dont want to listen. I have to go and see doc on tuesday anyway to get the riot act read to me. Clinic is on 18th. Maybe I can convince them to let me see a psychologist or something

I'm SO fed up.

I have had to deal with this on my own for way too long and there is only SO much I can teach myself.

Carb counting? WHATS THAT???

I like to think i know what im talking about. But do I? Do I really? I was never given the help I needed when I was growing up - hence my rebellion and now look at me! Stuck with dodgy feet and increasingly dodgy eyes.

Is it any wonder I am sinking into depression.

Maybe a hospital visit would make them listen. How hard is it to eat yourself into DKA?

sam that wouldnt be too good oh hunny big hugs xxx
Oi stop it, you may feel like rubbish but you know deep down that's not the way, can't you just turn up and demand to see someone at the hospital imagine if a newly diagnosed turned up they can squeeze people in if it's needed WHICH IT IS.
So chin slightly up dry those eyes.
And also demand to see a psychologist DEFINATELY
but if i see a psychologist wouldn't that make me crazy?

oh god i am making myself feel worse
hi there i no exactly where your coming from and it stinks diabetes but we have it for life so have to get on with it..i have to been struggling for months today at 2pm my bg was 3.7 i had sandwich carb couinted and adjusted as was going to the gym at 4pm it was 27.5 i corrected with 10 units a little bit worried that the exercise may kick in but alas its still 18.5 so its hard because if i take anymore qa it could drop to low in the night..so chin up hun as we have well bad days
but if i see a psychologist wouldn't that make me crazy?

oh god i am making myself feel worse

In a word NO, you'll be making progress, have more support, and become stronger. You don't have to be crazy to see one, look at me😉
but if i see a psychologist wouldn't that make me crazy?

oh god i am making myself feel worse
Hi, I migh not know you from Adam but I do know that seeking help is a step towards NOT being crazy. Give 08457 909090 a ring and talk to someone.

i just shot 18u of levemir into my backside, and i was in tears doing so. The thought of it is making me want to throw up.

Why is this happening to me? :(

my feet are killing me. My sugars feel high. But I don't want to test because apparently i test too much. Is it any wonder I have these problems now???? My mother is stuck in the 1996 way of thinking still - test 4 times a day and eat whatever you want without injecting. Pah.
Hi Sam, I've just read your blog and am amazed that your doctor's surgery wants to limit the number of test strips that you are allowed to be prescribed. This is totally unacceptable.
Someone with Type 1 diabetes on four injections a day can reasonably expect to test before each meal so that the bolus dosage can be adjusted accordingly. Most people would then want to test two hours after meals. At three meals a day for thirty days, that's 180 tests per month before you start to add in tests when you get hypos etc.
Anyone in a position where they are trying to improve their control would expect to test more than that.
If you could perhaps explain this to your doctor, then they may change their mind. If they don't then you need to make an appointment to see your DSN or even make an appointment to go to the diabetes clinic and ask them for their support. Ask them to write to your GP to explain your need for regular testing.
If you don't get the support you need from your DSN or the diabetes clinic, then you could try the Diabetes UK helpline.

Good Luck,

I don't know if i want to look after myself any more though...

Stop - think about this.

If this was true you wouldn't be so upset with your Dr or angry with your mother or trying to find a way to get people to listen to you.

Sorry if that sounded harsh it wasn't meant to.

You need to take a step back and let yourself calm down and work out a plan. Get the facts together that you need for your GP. - could your DSN write you a note about the testing? If you go to the GP with your facts you have more of a chance to get them to listen.

Maybe if you could show your GP some diagrams of how you use your BMs or show him a plan of how you are planning on using them you may have some success.

I hope that you can find an outlet for all the frustration you are feeling right now.

Take care
yep sam your good at that just think of the receptionist xx
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