Hypo Awareness

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Do you ever get times where you are feeling hypo but mistakenly put it down to something else? Like for example I just checked and I was 2.6, but I just felt cold and went to turn the heating on before spotting the testing kit out of the corner of my eye. Guess it shows the importance of testing regularly though 🙂
yup !!:D

I'm never sure if it's the confusion of low BG or just I'm a bit stoopid. :confused:

I'll be kind on myself and assume the former.

Sadly i do not have hypo awareness , not good :(
These days I tend to become aware that I am hypo when I see the number on the meter! 😱 On the other hand I often think I must be hypo but it turns out I'm just hungry!
at the moment i keep mistaking hypo's for highs.
so i'm like quick i'm low i'm low, test then i'm like well then insulin time.
i tend to shout at my meter aswell, and shout at myself telling me to sort myself out.

i'm not mad ^_^
I'm insane at the best of times but when hypo I get the urge to clean windows, turn out all the cupboards or start ironing. It's not the best idea!
I'm insane at the best of times but when hypo I get the urge to clean windows, turn out all the cupboards or start ironing. It's not the best idea!

I wouldn't want to walk past you with a creased shirt if you went hypo! 😱 😉
I'm insane at the best of times but when hypo I get the urge to clean windows, turn out all the cupboards or start ironing. It's not the best idea!

I think insane is putting it lightly. Heheh!!!
Yes, even when I know in the back of my mind that I might be hypo I find any excuse to 'leave it for 10 minutes' before testing. I seem to be losing my hypo awareness as I now only feel hypo in the low 3s/high 2s. Since seeing my DSN last week I have been making an affort to test more frequently during the day and treat all hypos by the book. Definately getting more high results but hopefully it will settle down. Also just had an HbA1C done so now feel I can be a bit more flexible and experiment 😉
Haha - the thing is I usually wouldn't dream of cleaning windows or turning out cupboards (I'm not that domesticated!) - maybe it's my own personal warning system!:confused:

At last... An upside to hypos...

A clean house! Heheh!!!
At last... An upside to hypos...

A clean house! Heheh!!!

Wouldn't that be nice? But of course what happens is I take the stuff out of the cupboards and then reality dawns..........so the result is - a mess, that gets shoved back in the cupboard until the next hypo!
Leave it on the floor and do it in stages. 🙄
getting back on topic 😉

I used to be able to feel a hypo at 3.5 but recently it has only been noticable below 2 😱 which is rather scary, I've even had my glucose drop down to 1.2 before the first symptoms started showing, the headache after correcting that low was very bad for the rest of the day :(

Now I always check my sugars even if I don't feel low, much easier to spot a low.
I do wonder if finding something else to do knowing your hypo is just another stupid symptom associated with your bodies response to lack of glucose. We had a discussion a while back about testing blood glucose even though you are well aware you are hypo, the meter reading confirms a hypo and only then can you treat!:confused: Strange things hypo's and even though they are serious, there are some lighter tales come out as we have seen thus far.🙂
I wonder if hypo unawreness is related to the time you've been diabetic?
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