howdy pumpers

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It may not be the total answer, but probably played a part, it does depend on how sensitive you are to insulin, 0.2 units for me can cause a lot of havoc, but I'm very insulin snesitive though

that might be a part definitely. I have to do a full on change tonight anyway so I'll give that a go. I am really sensitive too, it's why a change in just a unit or 2 can change my levels so dramatically. Very odd.

I just wish everything with this could fall into place. I'm starting to get really bored of it, the overnight testing etc. It would be so nice to wake up on a good level thanks to basals being great rather than waking up and correcting *sigh*
I've just doubled check my book, and it says 0.7u I've never questioned it when training to go onto my pump, the rouche rep reccommended 0.5u:confused:

Now that explains why if I take my old cannular out before setting up my new, that I get a rise in BG after a change..

Learn something new every day
yep, was told my roche rep to use 1.0u 😱 just goes to show that maybe they don't know everything 😛 am gonna try and do a 0.7 when I do my next change 🙂
wow Ellie, i use these and was told by dsn 1u, therefore never read the booklet 😱 maybe i should have!

I suspect Sam been told the same thing!

Ellie is right. 1unit way too much.

However some people find they need more when having a set change. Some people even need a higher temp basal but some need lower temp basal. It is very individual.

Sam, go with the 0.7 next time and see what happens.🙂
yep, was told my roche rep to use 1.0u 😱 just goes to show that maybe they don't know everything 😛 am gonna try and do a 0.7 when I do my next change 🙂

well the roche rep was present when i was told 1u, you just dont question it do you, thanks ellie, will do 0.7 in future
Ellie is right. 1unit way too much.

However some people find they need more when having a set change. Some people even need a higher temp basal but some need lower temp basal. It is very individual.

Sam, go with the 0.7 next time and see what happens.🙂

I always drop after set/canula change, will now try 0.7 and see.

This site is brilliant, you can always learn something thay you think you already know but dont!:D
well the roche rep was present when i was told 1u, you just dont question it do you, thanks ellie, will do 0.7 in future

my roche rep said exactly the same. Who did you have? We had a lovely lady called Helen, tall skinny thing, utterly mad.

Have tried 0.7 this evening. Let's see how it goes.

I woke on 4.4 this morning after battling a couple of lows last night - but that's entirely my fault as we made dinner, and it tasted manky so didn't eat it all...well barely any of it. Tried topping up with desert, but it totally failed. Ended up floating between 3.8 and 4.9 all night...
my roche rep said exactly the same. Who did you have? We had a lovely lady called Helen, tall skinny thing, utterly mad.

Have tried 0.7 this evening. Let's see how it goes.

I woke on 4.4 this morning after battling a couple of lows last night - but that's entirely my fault as we made dinner, and it tasted manky so didn't eat it all...well barely any of it. Tried topping up with desert, but it totally failed. Ended up floating between 3.8 and 4.9 all night...

Cant remember her name Sam, but sound similar. Ive been doing 0.7 and seems ok.
yeah 0.7 has been working fab, less of a drop 🙂
Glad 0.7 is working for you , luckily my rep told me 0.7 from day 1 so never had any trouble .
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