howdy pumpers

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😱 this is so complicated. My 40g bowl of borridge is 33g erm...that would mean bolusing for just 10g of that 😱 whoa, this is making my head hurt :D unless...unless I have a large bowl of breakfast, bolus as normal?

Blimey, this is all too complicated for nearly 11pm. I'm off to beddy byes - thankfully tomorrow is just a 5 hour shift so fingers crossed I can get something working hehe.

Have changed those settings and praying praying praying that something a bit more friendly happens tonight. I might shedule a 3am test or a 4am, just because I'm curious 🙂

I know your tired, but if you make a change you do need to test to see if it works or needs tweaking. If it helps im doing 3am as im going to bed on 6ish and getting up at 8 or 9ish, things change all the time! good luck.
😱 this is so complicated. My 40g bowl of borridge is 33g erm...that would mean bolusing for just 10g of that 😱 whoa, this is making my head hurt :D unless...unless I have a large bowl of breakfast, bolus as normal?

Blimey, this is all too complicated for nearly 11pm. I'm off to beddy byes - thankfully tomorrow is just a 5 hour shift so fingers crossed I can get something working hehe.

Have changed those settings and praying praying praying that something a bit more friendly happens tonight. I might shedule a 3am test or a 4am, just because I'm curious 🙂

This is just a rule of thumb and you can start differently but have that in the back of your mind.

You could try one thing or another ie either the temp basal an hour before for the free carbs. I would start with the TBR and forget the free carbs. That way you can see what effect the TBR has.

This may seem a lot of faffing around but it is all practice and practice makes perfect. You are on the right tracks. This doesn't happen over night. We are nearly 4 years down the line with pumping and I still learn stuff.

I know your tired, but if you make a change you do need to test to see if it works or needs tweaking. If it helps im doing 3am as im going to bed on 6ish and getting up at 8 or 9ish, things change all the time! good luck.

bu...bu...i's just want a full night sleeeppppppppp *cries*

I'm 🙂

I'll see you at 3am 🙂
I know your tired, but if you make a change you do need to test to see if it works or needs tweaking. If it helps im doing 3am as im going to bed on 6ish and getting up at 8 or 9ish, things change all the time! good luck.

Yep I'm with you on the 3 am but might make it 3.30. I don't set the alarm anymore, I just wake up, not good eh !
tracey and adrienne, thank you for being awesome. I am being summoned to bed now, so I best be off before I get the death glare 🙂

Will let you lovelies know how things go overnight :D

eta: how about 3.15? 😉
tracey and adrienne, thank you for being awesome. I am being summoned to bed now, so I best be off before I get the death glare 🙂

Will let you lovelies know how things go overnight :D

eta: how about 3.15? 😉

3.15 sounds good. Night Sam, you best get off before you get me and Tracey into trouble. :D
Hey very interesting thread.

I have only just picked up what you have been discussing here but lots of very helpful insight on how each of you are dealing with these issues. This intricate degree of control is very challenging. I won't butt in with my questions now while Sam is still making progress, as I don't want to distract from the assistance to improving her control.

In the meantime I just want to say that I hope all three of you get useful and/or good results from your 3am tests (if Adrienne is also waking up to test her daughter). I might also still be around at that time as I am currently doing some work at home and there is also a radio programme I like to listen to in the early hours of Saturday morning! 😉 If so then I can add a further sense check, if you like, to what gets posted and certainly authenticate any maths that might need doing. Like Sam and Tracey I am on the Accu Combo too. 😎
well i woke up just now and found my phone across the other side of the room, on silent (I left it on loud last night...) and no evidence of a 3am test at all.

And a fasting bg of 14.7 😱

told you i was tired...and i know thats no excuse. I must have thrown my phone across the room when it started beeping at me.

So I'm sat here feeling rough as anything and very sorry for myself. Looks like I'll have to keep a closer eye on things tonight again with a couple of tests. I'll make sure matt knows dinner for me is gonna be boring, or just a teeny bit of whatevers planned at an earlier time.

:( i feel like a failure :(

No breakfast for me, I feel so sick I can't face any kind of food. Might have a yogurt before work. I don't know. least there's no sign on any ketones.

seriously thinking a cgm would help me out...nursey???
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Sam, did you not set alarm to test on meter, i find thats enough and the light certainly wakes me before the alarm beeps?

Try again tonight if you are up to it.

my results 12.30 am 6.9 (still had bolus working from supper at 9pm)
03.30 am 4.9
7.30 am 6.1 (not the usual 8 or 9, but i know im rising here and the bolus made me lower during the night)

so i will increase my basal 0.05 at 2am and same at 3am to effect my rise which i think is happening after 4am, i will test again to check

but maybe not tonight as i will be having chinese late and will be on a 6 hour dual wave most of the night!:D
well i woke up just now and found my phone across the other side of the room, on silent (I left it on loud last night...) and no evidence of a 3am test at all.

And a fasting bg of 14.7 😱

told you i was tired...and i know thats no excuse. I must have thrown my phone across the room when it started beeping at me.

So I'm sat here feeling rough as anything and very sorry for myself. Looks like I'll have to keep a closer eye on things tonight again with a couple of tests. I'll make sure matt knows dinner for me is gonna be boring, or just a teeny bit of whatevers planned at an earlier time.

:( i feel like a failure :(

No breakfast for me, I feel so sick I can't face any kind of food. Might have a yogurt before work. I don't know. least there's no sign on any ketones.

seriously thinking a cgm would help me out...nursey???

CGMS - great idea, its a great idea for everyone.

You are not a failure. You are human and you need sleep and sometimes you just get too tired. So no worries. You need to find that rise. It may not be until 4 am ish not 3 am ish, so try and test at 3 am. Could you OH test you at 3 am for a change without waking you, any chance of that perhaps !
well i woke up just now ... and no evidence of a 3am test at all.
And a fasting bg of 14.7
told you i was tired...and i know thats no excuse ...
i feel like a failure ...
seriously thinking a cgm would help me out...nursey???
Sam, being too tired is a very good excuse for missing a middle of night BG test and is certainly no reason to feel like a failure. As Adrienne says we are all only human.
If it is any consolation after settling down last night to listen to my radio show whilst completing my last email I awoke at 7am still in my chair, my laptop warming my lap, a couple of biscuits lying on the floor and a BG of 2.8 - I guess I should have eaten all of those biscuits that I had Bolused for! 😱 After I had had a few jelly babies and re-booted my PC I was faced with an email from my colleague asking what had happened to my email, a complete fail on my part! :( Oh well, it is now sent but they probably won't read it until Monday morning their time. I guess I was more tired than I thought, at least the radio prog is available on the iplayer. 😎

CGM soulds like a very sensible idea for you.
CGM has got to be an option fo you. My team hooked me up for 6 days when I was struggling with my work profiles and it provided me with some of the answers I needed regarding my basal rates. It does tend to beep alot during the night though so catch up on some sleep before you even consider it!
so last night a painful cannula lead to a change at about 11pm. It hurt and was itching and burning. Not nice. So changed and found the old one to be covered in blood and it looked like a teeny tiny kink in. May have been my eyes though. This lead to obviously having to prime the cannula, 1u active insulin with a pre bed level of 6.9 and it kept dropping. So basal testing was out. However, I topped myself up with a mouthful of lucozade. 3am I found myself ar 3.8, mouthful of lucozade. 5am 11.9, correction. 10am wakeup 5.6 🙂

New cannula feels much better and hopefully today/tonight will be better.
Sam, shouldnt really drop too much after priming the canula, after all the 1u is just filling the canula. If you find you are droping after, maybe you should have a small snack at same time?

to drop to 3.8 from 6.9 after priming is not right? I would suggest basal or bolus for food more likely the problem.
Sam, shouldnt really drop too much after priming the canula, after all the 1u is just filling the canula. If you find you are droping after, maybe you should have a small snack at same time?

to drop to 3.8 from 6.9 after priming is not right? I would suggest basal or bolus for food more likely the problem.

tracey, there was no active insulin on board (i doubl checked...scuse spelling mistakes, recovering from a 2.8...) ut i find after every cannula change and prime I drop like a stone 😱:confused: maybe I should start backing it up with a snack :( or prime with less??

I'm all cuffuffled :(
tracey, there was no active insulin on board (i doubl checked...scuse spelling mistakes, recovering from a 2.8...) ut i find after every cannula change and prime I drop like a stone 😱:confused: maybe I should start backing it up with a snack :( or prime with less??

I'm all cuffuffled :(

dont prime with less as the tube wont be filled, maybe think about small snack in that case. I do occasionally drop a little following set/canula change but not to the extent i need cho.

concentrating lowers me too, i find i drop 2-3 mmol when driving! they say 5 to drive i make sure im at least 7!
I've got a feeling the drop is partly due to the cannular prime, comparing it to my prime it's a lot..

I use the tenderlink 13mm and the prime for this is 0.5 units...

I'd double check your booklet that comes in the the box to check what prime to give
I've got a feeling the drop is partly due to the cannular prime, comparing it to my prime it's a lot..

I use the tenderlink 13mm and the prime for this is 0.5 units...

I'd double check your booklet that comes in the the box to check what prime to give

yeah, i didn't go for the tenderlinks, they frightened me. I use the flexlinks -

I've just checked the leaflet and it says to do 0.7 prime. Is that where I'm going wrong then? At least with what happened last night and with every other cannula change I've done?
It may not be the total answer, but probably played a part, it does depend on how sensitive you are to insulin, 0.2 units for me can cause a lot of havoc, but I'm very insulin snesitive though
I've got a feeling the drop is partly due to the cannular prime, comparing it to my prime it's a lot..

I use the tenderlink 13mm and the prime for this is 0.5 units...

I'd double check your booklet that comes in the the box to check what prime to give

wow Ellie, i use these and was told by dsn 1u, therefore never read the booklet 😱 maybe i should have!

I suspect Sam been told the same thing!
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