howdy pumpers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello =)

ok, so for a whole week last week I thought I had my overnights spot on. I was waking up with levels of 6 and 7. Awesome. But then...out of nowhere for the past few days I've been back ib the 9's and 10's :(

I am a pumping enigma.

Now then, I daren't say I'm scheduling a basal test for x night because it will jinx me 😛

However, for some odd reasons since playing with my onight basals (the ones I thought were done awesomely...) I've noticed that during the mornings at work I float at somewhere between 8 and 10...very annoying and yet again after lunch I tend to shoot up higher than normal (today it was 2...I accepted that cuz I started on 9 or something...and lunch is always an issue especially if i buy lunch out :/) but then, right before I leave for work and despite setting pump to 0% an hour before leaving due to epic walk home...I find myself dropping. Like a freakin' stone. I eat, I still drop and this is with 0% basal for an hour or so.

I don't get it.

Now, I know a daytime test is due. However at work this is kinda difficult becuase I have to set pump to 0% ready for my walk to work and then switch it back to normal when I get to work.

My question is do I work a daytime basal test around that factor. Surely if I set to 0% for my walk, that's gunna mess up any daytime results? And also, surely I need to get night times spot on...

And yes, I am sheduling a night time one at some stage this week...I'm just not gonna tell you guys when because whenever i do something goes wrong 😱

many thank yous 🙂

Use another profile for work..

How does your present profile work for a day off?

It might be that with your work profile, not only do you need to a zero basal to cover the walk, but when you start delivering your basal, you may need a increase of basal (a wack) to stop your BG going upwards..

Its easier to work with this as a basal for work days,

And rest days work with another basa profile to get a stable day off...

As you do a 2 shift, need a separate basal profile for each shift, once sort you just flick you basal to which every profile you need..
no one told me about different profiles...😱

great, yet again i show myself as useless...i've been muddling through with the same basals for every different shifts :(

this sucks :(
hiya sam i have 3 profiles one for hormones one for normal days and one for super hectic days... they are brilliant means you just set it up once for however many you need and then next time you need to change your profile its really easy..u just activate it 🙂 if that makes sence lol

ps good luck with the daytime basal test..... ive never managed to do a full one yet !

pps ..if you flick through the pump menu you will get to basal rate selection , you just go into that and set up as many profiles as u need
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oooh! EPIC!

So to start them up do I just like...set it up exactly the same but like, change the basals for the times I leave work and then basal test accordingly?


wow, i wish pump nurse had told me all of this

Yep set the basals exactly the same as a starting point.

Remember that generally what you do to a basal will have an effect 2 hours later. Therefore if you are high at say 10 am you will need to tweak an 8 am basal and similarly if you are low at say 6 pm you need to tweak the basal at 4 pm.

This is a general rule of thumb and even that may need tweaking by an hour or so.

You are going great Sam, you are getting there, it just takes ages.

yup , i should say what ever time slot u get the problem in you need to adjust the time slot before it... if u see what i mean .... gah i should wake up before i type :D
I hink I will start playing tomorrow on my day-off - set up a 12-8 profile etc...

its all very confusing :confused: i feel like i ask too many stupid questions :(
Hi Sam,

I just wanted to stick my oar in so to speak. I don't think your questions are stupid. Nor do I think you are stupid for not knowing about the profiles options in the pump. If no one tells you about them then you are not going to know that they are there.

Not everyone is brave enough, if that is the right word to use, to go in and explore all the options if they are unsure as to what they are or how it will affect them. Especially with a device on which your life depends!

Getting to grips with the pump does take an age! I started in March and I am still tweaking various points and there are others on here who have been pumping for longer and still need to tweek levels. I know the basal testing can be frustrating but you are doing well with it.

Basically what I am trying to say is, chin up, stick with it, and you are doing great 🙂

Yep I have 3 different profiles - one for my days off, one for morning shifts ( working 7am - 3pm) and one for late shifts (working 1.30pm - 9.30pm). I need totally different things for all three profiles so it's great having the ability to set them!
I also use 3 profiles. One for work, one for non working days that aren't at the weekend and a weekend profile. I could do with a fourth for the time before ovulation as that really tests me! But alas my pump only has three so I am currently trying temporary basal rates to solve that but not there yet.
When I began tweaking my work basal I used my non working profile as a starting point and tweaked it slowly in three hour blocks. It did take a few weeks to sort but it feels really good now that I have. On the other hand I'm not so confident yet using temporary basals so I know how you feel about adding another element to pumping. No question is stupid, this place is great for pooling knowledge and if we can share something that makes a difference then how blessed we are.

I have been pumping for five months and still haven't eaten rice- now that's stupid!!

My DSN went on a course last week run by a pump company. She was told that all meals above 50g should be dual waved. 30/70% over 30 mins or starting at 60mins depending on fat content. I was told at training to use DW for meals above 60g. We're learning all the time.

Weetabix still puzzles me! Pump or no pump can I crack it, I'm not giving it up tho!!

Take Care, you're doing great even though at times it definitely doesn't feel like it x
Hi Sam,

I just wanted to stick my oar in so to speak. I don't think your questions are stupid. Nor do I think you are stupid for not knowing about the profiles options in the pump. If no one tells you about them then you are not going to know that they are there.

Not everyone is brave enough, if that is the right word to use, to go in and explore all the options if they are unsure as to what they are or how it will affect them. Especially with a device on which your life depends!

Getting to grips with the pump does take an age! I started in March and I am still tweaking various points and there are others on here who have been pumping for longer and still need to tweek levels. I know the basal testing can be frustrating but you are doing well with it.

Basically what I am trying to say is, chin up, stick with it, and you are doing great 🙂



Just want to say I agree with Martin here Sam.

I would also like to say that once you think you have all the basals right then you may think that is that. Unfortunately it isn't and things will always change and there may be the odd tweak or two every so often but it won't be as much as what you are doing at the moment. Just get through this bit, get it sorted now and then you will second nature to you to do the odd tweaking here and there.

My DSN went on a course last week run by a pump company. She was told that all meals above 50g should be dual waved. 30/70% over 30 mins or starting at 60mins depending on fat content. I was told at training to use DW for meals above 60g. We're learning all the time.

Mmmmm no idea what pump company told your DSN that but that is not always the right way to do things. I can easily bolus Jessica when she has 100 g carbs all at once if the meals needs it.

A starting point for everyone who doesn't know the best dual wave is always 50/50 over 2 hours and you work from there. We have found that 30/70 over 4 hours is fabulous for Jessica for all pasta and rice. However if we are looking at a chinese takeaway we bolus about 100 g carbs (she is a child by the way so would eat less) and do 50/50 over 6 hours ! It works.

You are right, it is a huge learning curve and after 4 years it is still, for us as well, a learning game. 🙂
My dual wave aren't never as long at that, norm is aorund 90 minutes, if I'm eating chinese etc, I check about the 3 hour mark and set a TBR if necessary.. I split my dual wave, large dose first other wise I spike too much, the actually split used will be dependant on starting BG and carb type..

But once you've got up and runing, then you still have to monitor, do the occasional fasting test to ensure every is still in line, and tweak as necessary, we aren't machine that trudden on in the same manner...

When tweaking I find that I need to do it very much nearer to the time I need it to change than most pumpers, but it works for me..
My dual wave aren't never as long at that, norm is aorund 90 minutes, if I'm eating chinese etc, I check about the 3 hour mark and set a TBR if necessary.. I split my dual wave, large dose first other wise I spike too much, the actually split used will be dependant on starting BG and carb type..

But once you've got up and runing, then you still have to monitor, do the occasional fasting test to ensure every is still in line, and tweak as necessary, we aren't machine that trudden on in the same manner...

When tweaking I find that I need to do it very much nearer to the time I need it to change than most pumpers, but it works for me..

See, this is where everyone is different. We tried 1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour etc etc, we tried more up front or equal etc etc and it was our DSN who pumps herself who suggested 80 carbs (as a guess) and 50/50 5 hours so we took it from there and ended up with what we do now as carb intake has increased due to getting older and eating more.

We generally still need tweaking two hours before anything happens except regarding the breakfast spike at 10 am where we need to tweak the basal at 5 am so a whole 5 hours before. Amazing really.

This is why it is so very individualised for each person.
aww thank you guys

I'm gonna try and do a test overnight tonight, but to be brutally honest with you I'm suffering epic burnout right now. It's obvious something is happening early morning before I wake up and part of me just wants to play with the 3am-wake up times and just fingers crossed hope it works. Last night I hypoed before bed, so couldn't test. If that happens again tonight, I just...I just don't even know.

It just seems that no matter what I do, I can't wake up on decent levels. When I tested at 3am last night I was at 11 or whatever it was. I corrected and woke up at 7.1. Epic. But something needs doing.

I'm not sure I can handle another all night tester right now. But I *know* it needs doing.

I just feel like all I'm doing is basal testing. I feel like I'm so behind with everything too. I was hoping that after nearly 3 months I would have cracked at least some of it but it seems I just cannot get it right. There have been many tears shed over it.

I just NEED to get this sorted so I can start playing with my daytime rates and playing with these profile things. It's just so blummin difficult :( :( and I'm gonna admit there are times at the moment where I just don't want to care and I find myself thinking so negatively and wanting to go back to my pens. I feel like all I'm doing right now is fighting it, and fighting the prejudices of various people. Just...urgh.
aww thank you guys

I'm gonna try and do a test overnight tonight, but to be brutally honest with you I'm suffering epic burnout right now. It's obvious something is happening early morning before I wake up and part of me just wants to play with the 3am-wake up times and just fingers crossed hope it works. Last night I hypoed before bed, so couldn't test. If that happens again tonight, I just...I just don't even know.

It just seems that no matter what I do, I can't wake up on decent levels. When I tested at 3am last night I was at 11 or whatever it was. I corrected and woke up at 7.1. Epic. But something needs doing.

I'm not sure I can handle another all night tester right now. But I *know* it needs doing.

I just feel like all I'm doing is basal testing. I feel like I'm so behind with everything too. I was hoping that after nearly 3 months I would have cracked at least some of it but it seems I just cannot get it right. There have been many tears shed over it.

I just NEED to get this sorted so I can start playing with my daytime rates and playing with these profile things. It's just so blummin difficult :( :( and I'm gonna admit there are times at the moment where I just don't want to care and I find myself thinking so negatively and wanting to go back to my pens. I feel like all I'm doing right now is fighting it, and fighting the prejudices of various people. Just...urgh.

Test at 2 am not 3 am. If the 2 am is ok, and you are always finding the 3 am is too high then add in a basal at about 1.30 slightly higher than it is at.

If you find normally that the basal carries you through from 3 am to wake up time pretty level then you know the basal is ok at that time and you just need a kick start to get you to an ok level at 3 am, the basal, which you know is ok, will then carry you through to wake up time.

Trial and error and that may not help.

So if above makes sense, you will have to add in two basals, one at 1.30 am slightly higher and then one at say 3 am back down to what it was so all you are doing is adding in 1 1/2 hours of a slightly high basal to take you down so that the ok basal will take you through and wake up at ok level.

Try it and see.
hello, i'm super exhausted, didn't sleep partly reasons i don't want to discuss but also through testing

2am 5.6
4am 8.6


looks like a 3am basal rise is on the cards. i actually corrected that 8.6 - I say corrected, my tired self gave 1u and a bit. Waking bg 5.6 🙂
Ok, what basals do you have at the moment Sam from midnight. Type them in a list for us. 🙂
hello, i'm super exhausted, didn't sleep partly reasons i don't want to discuss but also through testing

2am 5.6
4am 8.6


looks like a 3am basal rise is on the cards. i actually corrected that 8.6 - I say corrected, my tired self gave 1u and a bit. Waking bg 5.6 🙂

Going off this, I would want the change from 2 am, so i would change midnight to affect 2-3 am, change 1am to affect 3-4 am.

I would be tempted to test at 3am to see if there is a rise maybe first? A 3 am change would usally kick in at 5 am too late, or for some 4am again too late as you have already risen.
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