How were you diagnosed?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've had high blood pressure for the last 6 years or so and so have to have regular blood tests. It was picked up at one of these routine check ups in September 2008. Luckily so far I'm diet and exercise controlled and I aim to keep it that way for as long as possible and so apart from changing my diet and drinking habits I haven't really had to change anything else.
I've had high blood pressure for the last 6 years or so and so have to have regular blood tests. It was picked up at one of these routine check ups in September 2008. Luckily so far I'm diet and exercise controlled and I aim to keep it that way for as long as possible and so apart from changing my diet and drinking habits I haven't really had to change anything else.

mee diagnoised sept2008 aswell corrine
Wow! Must have been the month for it.....
Wow! Must have been the month for it.....

heehee i can see the hierarchy of the nhs all sitting up there " ummm targets for T2 diagnoises bit low this month....better get a few more!!!"
Funny you should say that - because that's exactly what I thought once I'd got my head around having diabetes....that and the fact that I think someone, somewhere was pushing for PCT's to try and diagnose earlier in an effort to avoid costly complications. Having said that tho - I am glad they did as being overweight, over 40, unfit and having T2 in the family I reckon it was only a matter of time anway.
Funny you should say that - because that's exactly what I thought once I'd got my head around having diabetes....that and the fact that I think someone, somewhere was pushing for PCT's to try and diagnose earlier in an effort to avoid costly complications. Having said that tho - I am glad they did as being overweight, over 40, unfit and having T2 in the family I reckon it was only a matter of time anway.

I had gone to the doctor with a recurring fungal infection, and she decided to get blood tests done. She was a locum with no prev knowledge of my history (history of paranoid hypochondria following a diagnosis of breast cancer in 2002) and I think this must have helped her decide to get me checked out further. First fasting bloods showed impaired glucose tolerance so was scheduled for a glucose tolerance test later that week.

Received a phone call from my usual doc a week later with the T2 diagnosis and an appointment to see the practice nurse for diet info. Official date of diagnosis 6th November. Currently diet and exercise controlled.

its all a bit vauge now ,september 1989, but i remember feeling sooooo tired and mum was winging that i was drinking rediculous ammounts and always needing the loo, wasnt untill i was dka and throwing my guts up mum rushed me off to hospital as i was flaking out alover the place , i remeber them saying my blood sugar was super scarey something like 45.0 remeber my mum crying (asked her about that a few years later and she said it was because she felt guilty for not noticing or doing anything earlier) , but here we are 20 years later still going and having the occasional wrestle with it :D
I had gone to the doctor with a recurring fungal infection, and she decided to get blood tests done. She was a locum with no prev knowledge of my history (history of paranoid hypochondria following a diagnosis of breast cancer in 2002) and I think this must have helped her decide to get me checked out further. First fasting bloods showed impaired glucose tolerance so was scheduled for a glucose tolerance test later that week.

Received a phone call from my usual doc a week later with the T2 diagnosis and an appointment to see the practice nurse for diet info. Official date of diagnosis 6th November. Currently diet and exercise controlled.


I was a bit shocked to get the diagnosis over the phone - even though I was warned after a blood test a couple of weeks beforehand that my BG's were at 'diabetic levels' and then had to have another one to 'confirm results' it was still a shock to be told, especially by telephone! First thing I did was run away and hide for a week!
I had no symptoms at all. Was at the practice nurse for my routine "womans test" and asked her to look at an boil/abcess I had and the first thing she said was "I am testing your bg levels" they were marginally high 8.5. Got an HbA1c done and was put on metformin (as I already had a healthy diet as I am at weightwatchers). Not surprised as father, and both grandmothers T2.
I was a bit shocked to get the diagnosis over the phone - even though I was warned after a blood test a couple of weeks beforehand that my BG's were at 'diabetic levels' and then had to have another one to 'confirm results' it was still a shock to be told, especially by telephone! First thing I did was run away and hide for a week!

I had been phoning the docs for days to get my GTT results but kept getting told that the doc who ordered them wasn't in and they couldn't give me the results until she had released them!! Hence the reason for her ringing me..

Karina 🙂
Early summer 1992 there was a hot spell, I was drinking a lot and going to the toilet a lot and said "There's something wrong with me !". No said my wife its just the hot weather. It died down. Anyway a few weeks later in July I had to have a medical for an insurance policy. The Doc dipped his test stick in the routine urine sample and then said, "How long have you been diabetic ?"

An OGTT a few weeks later confirmed it.
My Doc also said, "I don't deal with diabetes, all my diabetic patients go to Professor So-and-so at the local hospital's Diabetic clinic". I had fallen on my feet, in terms of care, without realising it.
I was diagnosed after a routine follow up to my gestational diabetes (had it during the triplet's pregnancy back in 2002). I'd ignored various letters telling me to get tested, only went for one follow up that said I was borderline a couple of years back. But then I got a letter, that coincided with getting really thirsty, and I knew it was here. Fasting result was 7.8, so they caught it early. That was back in November.

Sorry, should say, I'm type 2 (and a big fatty now on a diet).
April 2008 - I'd had routine 6-monthly blood tests which showed just below 7 in levels and my Dr said I'd better" read these leaflets about Type 2 Diabetes", go away and eat healthily, which I was a bit cross about because I already really did (and do).

31st October 2008 - next 6-monthly full blood tests (reporting in for a gall bladder op assessment) no blood sugar level had beenincluded so Dr said to see nurse immediately and she'll do a prick test (I'm female - no jokes about "prick test" please - I made all the relevant ones at the time !). The result came up at 25 - panic in surgery and I'm at the local hospital 2 hours later.

They kept taking bloods for the next four days, did scans, tests for God only knows what and then the Consultant Endochrinologist said "I think you've been misdiagnosed - you're a type 1". Instant panic "can't do injections" I said !!

He said to see him in a month - did more tests and said I was "an evolving Type 1 - or 1.5 LADA", but levels were coming down nicely: Saw him in February 2009 - he was very surprised that the medication was working so well and in August 2009 I was running at 6.5. I'm to see him in August this year but my fasting levels are slipping into the low-mid 7s so he's probably right that I'm still honeymooning - I'm waiting to see how long I can keep that going !
Back in early summer '68 I was a kid running around everywhere. I the started to lose weight despite eating and drinking ever increasing amounts. As we came to the end of term I started suffering from cramp and developed some nasty spots. My mother took me to the doctors (a locum) who said there was nothing wrong and that all kids are skinny. Early in the summer holidays I picked up a stomach bug and collapsed. The GP decided that I should go to hospital. There an incredibly blunt (cruel in retrospect) sister told me I had diabetes and that it was a cross I had to bear for the rest of my life!
feb 2009, after op on arm, absesses i where getting doc thought might be linked.
1996. Kid loosing weight, peeing lots and most of the classic symptoms I believe. Taken to the docs one day and made to piddle into a glass for the GP. That point of care test hasn't changed since the ancient Greeks first observed the symptoms of diabetes.
I had a routine blood test because of the blood pressure medication. I was then asked to go for a fasting blood test and heard nothing more so presumed it was OK. A few weeks later I saw GP for a medication review, he looked at the blood test result and said I was borderline diabetic and arranged a Glucose Tolerance Test. I was then called back to the GP and told I was definately diabetic.
1996. Kid loosing weight, peeing lots and most of the classic symptoms I believe. Taken to the docs one day and made to piddle into a glass for the GP. That point of care test hasn't changed since the ancient Greeks first observed the symptoms of diabetes.

cept i bet they didn't taste yours did they 😉

same as to be honest. 1996, aged 8. Lost a lot of weight, drank loooooooads. Got to school one day feeling like poop, and we were watching oliver twist and i projectile vomited over the classroom. It wasn't so ace at the time, but looking back it must have been pretty cool 😎 Kind of like the excorsist
cept i bet they didn't taste yours did they 😉

I bet the GP did. He was a proper old school style one but a great GP. They still use this test. I'll be learning a fair bit about point of care testing over the next few years.

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