How is this going to happen??

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Trying to move things on a bit -

What me maybe should be thinking about is what we do with our test results rather than the number of them. You could test every 5 minutes but if you are just going to look at the values it gives you no benefit.

I think that one of the more worrying aspects of diabetes care is the lack of education given to people in interpreting their results and using those results to amend their treatment/diet. I know some people are able to attend courses but they are not very common.

margie i would completely agree with this. education is such an important thing with diabetes.
margie i would completely agree with this. education is such an important thing with diabetes.

Absolutely agree and there is a huge lack of it around the UK, it is appalling. There are still hospitals putting kids on two injections of mixed insulins because it is easier for the schools. Horrendous. Mixed insulins should be banned outright. If you are diagnosed in the rest of Europe and indeed USA then you automatically go onto MDI and carb count from the beginning or pump and carb count.

This country is all about money rather than care. Some hospitals are fantastic and very forward thinking and work hard to give the correct care to their patients. You just need the right people in the right job and education for the teams as well as the patients is a huge part of it.
Everybody's different right?

Everybody's body is different and we all do what we need to do, or feel we need to do in order to take care of ourselves.
Like the folks on the low carb diets, we might not all agree on the best ways to treat our diabetes, but if it works for you then great!
You folks with type one, firstly thanks for explaining your regime Shiv, that was very interesting and i personally found it very helpful. The reason we all test in the first place is because blood sugars are unpredictable things, coz they're related to metabolism and the way our bodies function, which, thanks to genetics is very different from just about everybody else on the planet (unless you maybe have and identical twin). Unless you're the person it question's close relative or doctor, then nobody, not on this forum or behind a counter at a chemists or doctor's surgery, has any buisness telling you how or when to test.
Type 2s i've got a tad more of an opinion on, being one myself. Personally i can't see much of a point in testing more than once or twice a day. If the machine does come back with a reading over 10, there's nothing i can do about it and i know i'm not prone to hypos. There rare circumstances where that might change...if i was likely to become hypo, for example if i was seriously ill (ill enough to stop eating), then i'd test more often. if i've done something...well....eaten something stupid it's a reminder not to do that again, and if i was trying to provide some evedence that i needed to increase my metformin dose i'd test more often (that reminds me...might start tomorrow...). But then i have to buy my own strips as my local PCT don't like me doing any of those things.
That's merely my way of doing things, it might not be right for you, in fact it almost certainly won't be, and i'm not even sure it's right for me. Keep doing whatever suits YOU best, and good luck with it whatever.

Brill post rachel thanks, personally im testing 3 times a day at the minute since i started on byetta i increased to include a middle of the day reading and that is fine with me fits my life perfect, if someone was to say to me id not bother doing the test in the afternoon id simply say thats YOU and YOUR thoughts diabetes is a very personal thing and we all have to get on with it 24/7 so lets just all do what suits US best x
I only stated my opinion, that statement is based on the knowledge and experience I have. I would love to learn why my opinion is wrong/incorrect in some way in order to learn. even your 8-10 times a day is no where near the original amount stated (15/16 times a day) is that not excessive under normal circumstances? if it isn't please explain why.

silentassasin. + shiv and any other
I am very sorry you are upset/angry it most certainly isn't my intention. In fact it upsets me to think I have upset somebody. Maybe it's the terminology or words I am using but in a face to face conversation you would realise my intentions are all good

Sorry (with all of my heart)
at the end of the day no matter how many times someone checks there blood in a day weather its 0-1000 times it is not excessive some of us like to keep a look at there bloods maybe someone of us worry about going too high or too low i think everyone is entitled to test how often then want
I only stated my opinion, that statement is based on the knowledge and experience I have. I would love to learn why my opinion is wrong/incorrect in some way in order to learn. even your 8-10 times a day is no where near the original amount stated (15/16 times a day) is that not excessive under normal circumstances? if it isn't please explain why.

silentassasin. + shiv and any other
I am very sorry you are upset/angry it most certainly isn't my intention. In fact it upsets me to think I have upset somebody. Maybe it's the terminology or words I am using but in a face to face conversation you would realise my intentions are all good

Sorry (with all of my heart)

hi ypauly, i think what upset us is being told that what we are doing - which is totally essential and necessary - is 'excessive'. the fact is, every diabetic is different - as you've said, you test 4 times a day and are happy with that, and it's very upsetting and frustrating to be told we should be doing it like other people, when in fact we're doing what's right for us.
at the end of the day no matter how many times someone checks there blood in a day weather its 0-1000 times it is not excessive some of us like to keep a look at there bloods maybe someone of us worry about going too high or too low i think everyone is entitled to test how often then want

Do you really believe that? 1000? really?

My DSN tells advised me how often to test, if that advice is wrong I would like to know why.

You are correct it is up to the individual and their circumstances, but I would really like to know why somebody feels 15/16 times a day is in any way required under normal circumstances.
Do you really believe that? 1000? really?

My DSN tells advised me how often to test, if that advice is wrong I would like to know why.

You are correct it is up to the individual and their circumstances, but I would really like to know why somebody feels 15/16 times a day is in any way required under normal circumstances.

not referring to anyone on here, but there are cases - such as Richard Lane, president of DUK - who has what is termed 'brittle' diabetes - meaning he can swing from 25 down to the 2s in a matter of minutes. i would imagine he is getting through more than 15 strips a day to ensure he knows what his levels are doing.

DSNs vary, there are some excellent ones, and some not so excellent ones. i wouldn't be happy to hear from any healthcare professional that i should test 4 times a day - what is happening to my body in between? if you are lucky enough to have levels that remain stable for those long periods in between tests, then i envy you. mine are prone to swinging in either direction, which means i have to test regularly to make sure they're not misbehaving, and to catch them out when they are.
yes i really do believe that it is up to the individual at the end of the day you do things your way and others do it there way at the end of the day it does not mean you are being excessive your entitled to your opinion but the way you are voicing it is sounding like your saying its wrong for any one to test has much has they do
question to you do you believe anyone who does test a lot 15/17 times aday are wrong for doing that?
i never use to check mine but now i am testing 15-20 times aday trying to get mine under control
Do you really believe that? 1000? really?

My DSN tells advised me how often to test, if that advice is wrong I would like to know why.

You are correct it is up to the individual and their circumstances, but I would really like to know why somebody feels 15/16 times a day is in any way required under normal circumstances.

Your DSN is there to give you individual advice, obviously your blood sugars are pretty stabe so you can get away with 4 tests a day, in normal circumstances (i mean when sugars are not going low or going high or your background insulin is working correctly for your everyday life or whatever situation you think is normal) I think there would be no need to test 15 times a day because if it was "normal circumstances" your bg would be roughly the same number 24 hours a day......
So yeah you wouldnt need all those tests, unfortunately though we are not all blessed with such excellent numbers

Ypauly- Im guessing your Hba1c is really good?

When I was pregnant I tested 15+ times a day eventhough my bg wasnt fluctuating that much all the time.... but it gave me reasurance for me and the baby so I did not see a problem with testing that much, even now as already stated I do around 10 a day at the moment, but again its all individual and as my doctor said "as long as im testing and taking note and adjusting experimenting etc then it was all for the greater good" 😉
I only stated my opinion, that statement is based on the knowledge and experience I have. I would love to learn why my opinion is wrong/incorrect in some way in order to learn. even your 8-10 times a day is no where near the original amount stated (15/16 times a day) is that not excessive under normal circumstances? if it isn't please explain why.

Sorry (with all of my heart)


I didn't say you opinion was wrong at all in any way shape or form. The statement should never have been said the way it was, thats all. You were telling them off for testing too much and I imagine you didn't mean it like that at all. This is why I said messages get misconstrued sometimes. Your statement as it was typed was wrong. You can't tell someone off for the way they deal with their own diabetes, it is each to their own. You do it your way, I do it my way and the others do it there way.

I will now make a statement however, as I do feel very strongly about it : If you have been told by a medical team that a type 1 diabetic only needs to test 4 times a day, then I'm afraid this is very wrong and bad information. There is no set rules and whilst 4 times suits you, it doesn't actually suit most. So if that is what your knowledge about testing is based on ie info from the med team, I would ask them again and ask what the average HbA1c is in their clinic, I bet you its over 8.0.

Not sure where you got 8 to 10 times a day from, I didn't say that anywhere. Infact my daughter is tested a minimum of 9 times a day and this is a normal 24 hour period. If she hypos or is hyper (over 9 in our case) then we do more tests on top of those 9. We have good, tight control which is extremely hard considering my daughter doesn't even have a pancreas !
Do you know, I'm sorry, I regret posting that last message. I don't have to explain myself at all, none of us do. Pauly I answered your question about your statement in my long message, it was very clear, I'm sorry you didn't understand it.

That's it from me on this thread, it is getting abit ridiculous especially when I tried to diffuse things by explaining carefully about Pauly's statement and why he might have upset people and Marge tried as well. Oh well you can't win them all.
yes i really do believe that it is up to the individual at the end of the day you do things your way and others do it there way at the end of the day it does not mean you are being excessive your entitled to your opinion but the way you are voicing it is sounding like your saying its wrong for any one to test has much has they do
question to you do you believe anyone who does test a lot 15/17 times aday are wrong for doing that?
i never use to check mine but now i am testing 15-20 times aday trying to get mine under control

PS Just want to say I agree wholeheartedly with what you have said in your messages. It is individual

You could have been told that the amount of times you test and Andy (for that matter althoug is inadequate. However accordingly to guidance there is no limit on test strips for type 1 diabetics.
With type 2 diabetics, it is different there is government guidance that says they do not have to test but can do. This is where different surgeries have their vastly different ideas.

I would love to know your HbA1c Pauly (and Andy as well although may not be relevant as different diabetes in the long run).

Why is my HbA1c not relevant? Yes I am supposedely Type 2 but for your information my last HbA1c was 7.9 which was last week. My previous one 3 months prior to that was 8.9. I inject insulin 3 times a day at the moment and not overweight!!!!!!!!!.

I wasn't going to post again but the tone of some of the threads on here are so patronizing that I felt the need to post. A type 2 HbA1c isn't relevant stinks. Sorry but felt I had to say something. It was an opinion at the start that was all!!!!! And by the way I still stick by what I said by 50 in 3 days being excessive
andy what the hell has it go to do with being skinny or over weight is inrelevant
and let me tell you pall we are not patrazing you just voicing facts and pal whats it got to do with you wether someone test 50 times in 3 days for christ sake its got nothing to do with you by the sounds of it your excessivie about the over weight word......... from now on just for you andy i am just gonna test 50 times a day :D....... sorry but i think you andy are making this personal and by saying your sticking with that and aiming that at one person could make us paranoid that we are testing too much u have no right to say that
no Andy, in YOUR OPINION it is excessive. that is what has caused this problem - opinions being put across as facts.

for Laura, it isn't excessive.

and 50 in a week (5 days usually) isn't excessive either. How many times do we have to say its down to the individual persons needs? *headdesk*

You could have been told that the amount of times you test and Andy (for that matter althoug is inadequate. However accordingly to guidance there is no limit on test strips for type 1 diabetics.
With type 2 diabetics, it is different there is government guidance that says they do not have to test but can do. This is where different surgeries have their vastly different ideas.

I would love to know your HbA1c Pauly (and Andy as well although may not be relevant as different diabetes in the long run).

Why is my HbA1c not relevant? Yes I am supposedely Type 2 but for your information my last HbA1c was 7.9 which was last week. My previous one 3 months prior to that was 8.9. I inject insulin 3 times a day at the moment and not overweight!!!!!!!!!.

I wasn't going to post again but the tone of some of the threads on here are so patronizing that I felt the need to post. A type 2 HbA1c isn't relevant stinks. Sorry but felt I had to say something. It was an opinion at the start that was all!!!!! And by the way I still stick by what I said by 50 in 3 days being excessive

Sorry Andy, it wasn't meant to read like that. See this is where messages are read differently to how they are meant to be. Of course you are relevant and so is your diabetes. What I meant was in context of the differences between the guidelines of testing for type 1 and type 2 ie 1's can have lots of test strips, and people with 2 are limited. Nothing else, that was it. So I apologise for that and how it came across. Not sure why you have brought weight into it though, didn't mention that one ! I certainly wasn't patronising either, nor rude, nor told anyone off whereas you have now done all three !
sorry but i think you andy are making this personal and by saying your sticking with that and aiming that at one person could make us paranoid that we are testing too much u have no right to say that

well said matt.

Sorry Andy, but Matt is right - all of this has indeed made me think that I am testing too much but I know that is WRONG. My needs state that I test that many times a day/week/month.

Whether you are T1, T2, overweight or not - that's nothing to do with it! What this is down to is someone coming in here and being all like "OMGYOUTESTWAYTOOMUCH" which is GOD its really frustrating!
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