How is this going to happen??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I put in another repeat request for strips on Tuesday and went to pick up the prescription tonight.

Wasn't there.....

Apparantly I'm not due any more until July! Umm- what?? 50 test strips to last me until JULY?! Are they stark raving mad??

I told the receptionist that I got through 50 in THREE days so she said she'd get one ready for me by Monday.

Urgh, people don't seem to understand that I DO test alot and need more than 50 at a time!

*and breathe*
Yes, I agree with Sofaraway. I complained to the doc about the sharps bins not lasting very long. So he put 2 per prescription.
Yep - for some reason it made perfect sense to my doc to prescribe 100 lancets per month and 50 test strips. Go figure!!

I dropped 'em a line and asked it to be upped to 100, and they complied.

I'll give it a go next week!
i am soo lucky i have excellant gp.. excellant dsn at the surgery ...but almost importantly they have the most amazing secertarys and receptionist ...

my first contact with my surgery is my Gps secertary who is always bright abd breezy " hello suzy speaking " hello suzie need to see gp today " " no problem can you come in at ..."

if mine can do it why cant the rest !
I do have to say 50 in 3 days does sound a bit excessive?
I had the same problem 200 lancets per box and 50 strips... So i asked my doc yesterday and he has upped it to 2 boxes of strips, just seems odd that the 2 boxes never match no matter what make they are.
when i was dx as T2 i tested all the time to suss out what MY needs were with eating ..i found out alot of info fairly quicky to MY needs ..then i joined this forum and understood as a T2 what i needed to find out from my testing info i am alot more stable i test my mornings and nights as i wanna try and stop my DP ...or i test if i feel strange ...sugers dropping below what I feel comfortable with so i can see whats going on what i can prob a pot of strips lasts me a month ..fine
....T1 need to test to see where they are ...its important ...could be well dangerous .....if a risk assessment was carried out it would come out they need test strips all the time why do they have such a problem prescribing strips ???
everyone has different needs. laura may find she controls her glucose levels best by doing 15 tests a day. not like we do it for fun!!

I didn't say anyone does it for fun!!!
hey andy the maths 1x waking ..2hr post brek...pre lunch...2hr pre lunch..pre tea...2hr pre tea...1x pre bed Thats 7 a standard T2 testing regieme .....T1 Pre exercise , driving ( important for insurance etc) , more 15 is realisitic .... so 50 strips is certainly not enough !!
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I didn't say anyone does it for fun!!!

Andy, up until recently my levels were into the high teen/early 20's and now they're back down to normal, I like to keep an eye on how they're doing. I get panicy if they go over 13 so I test alot to see where they are and also to keep me sane! Other diabetics I know test more than I do
Total madness Laura it is completely ridiculous that they think you can last on 50, i have 50 but then again at the minute im only testing 3 tx a day.Mind you I was once prevented from having strips and i got down to my last 3, the woman at the pharmacy said "oh surely you cant need more you were only given some 5 weeks ago", erm this was when i was hypering quite regular you narna grrrrr.
I do have to say 50 in 3 days does sound a bit excessive?

Andy, We as T1's are told to test our levels between 8 and 10 times per day and someone like Laura, who is trying to get herself back on track after a hell of a time needs to test more. Even with this 8-10 times a day, theres pre and post excersise, pre driving and then those strips that just don't want to work. I get through 50 in a few days, and I test alot. 50 in a month is just a joke tbh with you

Everyone's needs are different. As Shiv says, we don't do this for fun
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Andy, We as T1's are told to test our levels between 8 and 10 times per day and someone like Laura, who is trying to get herself back on track after a hell of a time needs to test more. Even with this 8-10 times a day, theres pre and post excersise, pre driving and then those strips that just don't want to work. I get through 50 in a few days, and I test alot. 50 in a month is just a joke tbh with you

Everyone's needs are different. As Shiv says, we don't do this for fun

I did say earlier I know we dont do this for fun!!!!!! I am a type 2 on insulin and not overweight so know exactly about testing etc.

It was just my opinion that was all.
I'm with Andy 50 in 3 days sounds alot.

Though I'm an occasional tester and have spares if anybody is in real need and near brum.:D

I have quite a few box's from when I wasn't testing at all, in fact I had to tell them not to give me any on the last two prescriptions
I'm with Andy 50 in 3 days sounds alot.

Though I'm an occasional tester and have spares if anybody is in real need and near brum.:D

I have quite a few box's from when I wasn't testing at all, in fact I had to tell them not to give me any on the last two prescriptions

You and I are two different people. What works for you probably won't work for me. I like to know what my levels are doing and keep ontop of my own individual control
You and I are two different people. What works for you probably won't work for me. I like to know what my levels are doing and keep ontop of my own individual control
True I'M a wimp lol, and believe it hurts like hell after a while. though I can put up with once or twice a day.

Even if you test before and after every meal it would only come to about 8 times a day, which still sounds alot to me.

Anyway if you have a way of getting them from brum to where you are I do have spares you could have:D they are optimum plus type.
I have to say I test 6 - 8 times per day and think that this is excessive. Whether type 1 or 2 if you test before meals and then 2 hours after meals why do you need any other tests as the results will not be 100% correct as if you test within minutes of eating then of course the result isn't going to be what you want to see.

This is just my opinion by the way and I know we dont do it for fun!!!!!!
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