How did you find the forums?

How did you find Diabetes Support forums?

  • Balance (or other) magazine

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • DUK website link

    Votes: 46 55.4%
  • Recommended by healthcare professional

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Recommended by a friend

    Votes: 5 6.0%
  • Search engine e.g. Google

    Votes: 13 15.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 7.2%

  • Total voters
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Same way as I find everything these days by Google.
I found it on DUK's website - before it was moved

oh no! *vote change* lol Im pretty sure I saw the article in Balance like you Northerner and i thought, about time!
I found it by accident while mooching 🙂 more by luck than judgement i might add !!
I think I saw it in the DUK monthly email. I have to say considering the huge amounts of money they have spent on things like 'silent assassin' or 'measure up' and on the pointless raffle entry address stickers they insist on sending to me, they seem to have a comfortable advertising budget and yet don't seem to do much for us!
I also saw an article in the balance, never looked at the DUK website.
My name is Lainey (type 1 for 23 years!; age 42!!; 2 children 15 & 12 !!!!; 2 cats who are much easier......) and I am a lurker.

However I'm coming out because I wanted to let you know that I found out about this forum in a Federation of Small Businesses magazine! There was a small article saying that someone (also FSB member) had set this up and so I joined and lurked for a while. I have found many of your comments very helpful and reassuring after 23 years of some isolation, coping, under the shadow, denial, rebellion, lying etc. Over many years I have not given diabetes as much attention as I should but now I'm 42 its getting scarier but apart from cold hands/feet I'm ok. Life has been a rollercoaster but never boring and I have carried on and now have my own business working with mobility aids, stairlifts, disabled adaptation stuff with local authorities and appreciate everyday that although some things could have been easier they can always be a lot, lot worse........good to know you're there x
Hello Lainey! Thank you for de-lurking and welcome to the group🙂 That's an interesting route you found us by!
Hello lainey.. welcome 🙂
Hi Everyone. sorry that I have been a bit of a lurker lately. I found this site from a magazine that I get called Bed and Breakfast (hotel mag) and it had a piece in it advertising the new website, the rest is history. 🙂🙂
Wellbutrin Lawyers
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Hi Everyone. sorry that I have been a bit of a lurker lately. I found this site from a magazine that I get called Bed and Breakfast (hotel mag) and it had a piece in it advertising the new website, the rest is history. 🙂🙂

Well, would you have believed that you are more likely to find reference to the forums in Bed and Breakfast magazine than in Balance! Come on DUK, for goodness sake!😱
You're going to have to add an option to your poll Northerner: "Katie's Leaflet"

I found this fantastic forum when it was on the DUK web site home page. However, when the link suddenly disappeared from that page, I was horrified. Couldn't find the forum at first, but after trying lots of different ways, eventually I found the route back! Luckily, someone on the forum gave me instructions on how to bookmark this page. Thank goodness, because I couldn't remember how I did get back!!! It would be great if DUK did put it back on their home page. It would be so helpful to many people out there, who could get lots of support, advice, and humour. There were lots of things that, even though I had been diabetic for over forty years, I did not know. Lots of answers to questions that because I had been a diabetic for so long, I felt a little foolish to admit that I did not understand how to work out certain calculations, i.e. insulin to carb ratio, the 500 rule, etc. This forum should be advertised more, it is a great asset to all diabetics, and carers. Well I said my piece now, so I'll be quiet😱!!!
Yee, haa, found you again, at last.....
First found this from the November 2008 Balance but then had my PC hard drive re-formatted and lost all my favourites.
Having scoured DUK's website and missed it (well done to those who did find it that way) and failed to get to it by browsing www it's there, eventuallym in DUK's recent newsletter.
So I'm back!! And equally disapointed that it's not been easy to find.
Found this link on Duk
So glad i joined you all fantastic
I found the forum through the DUK website originally but when I went back the next day I couldn't find it again. So I googled 'diabetes forums' and found it eventually. Very glad that I have found you guys! Cheers Tina
Well, I have decided to release this thread from its moorings, as I imagine that a lot of people are fed up of seeing it now, and we're not getting much response to it. It did throw up some interesting things though - hopefully, on a future one, the response will be 'I found this thanks to a poster/leaflet at my GP/Clinic' - hope everyone is out there circulating them!:D (If you don't know what I'm talking about, got to 'DOWNLOADS' at the top right of your screen.)
I think that Diabetes UK needs to put the website address on their literature and leaflets etc. Maybe there are plans to do it when they review their leaflets.
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