How did you find the forums?

How did you find Diabetes Support forums?

  • Balance (or other) magazine

    Votes: 11 13.3%
  • DUK website link

    Votes: 46 55.4%
  • Recommended by healthcare professional

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Recommended by a friend

    Votes: 5 6.0%
  • Search engine e.g. Google

    Votes: 13 15.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 7.2%

  • Total voters
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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was reading the latest 'Balance' and was pretty unimpressed that there is no mention whatsoever of these forums. I think it's pretty much impossible to find a link on the DUK website too which, given that DUK provide support for the forums, is incomprehensible in my opinion!😱

I'd like to know how people found the forums so we can determine how successful the various pathways are, and also if there are any suggestions of ways to improve knowledge of us. I have found this place incredibly helpful and think all people either with diabetes, or caring for someone with the condition, can benefit and should at least know we exist!

I first heard about them from an article in Balance last November, and there used to be a link on DUK's Home page - bring it back!🙂
Hi, I first found the forum via a link on DUK site, and saved in my bookmarks


that was when the site waas fairly new, nov 08?
Joined Diabeties UK, followed the path to 'Local support', then followed the path to 'Talk to other people'.......not easy, then again, not hard either.
Joined Diabeties UK, followed the path to 'Local support', then followed the path to 'Talk to other people'.......not easy, then again, not hard either.


I wondered where they'd put it!:D Still not hugely obvious, I think more prominence on the home page would be better, and I'm sure they could find room for it. I find DUK's website very fragmented, to say the least.
You are so right...........methinks there should be a direct link on their home page IMHO of course!!
I find DUK's website very fragmented, to say the least.[/QUOTE]

i rarely go on duk anymore, find this site much more informative etc 🙂
Almost by accident really. Was just on google and found this after searching for something diabetes related. Happy coincidence.

Tom H
i just googled diabetic forums and up it popped
DUK website link. I think.
I Found the link on the DUK' s site when I trawing through the site for info and saw it almost by accident.

i found it via the duk website but quite by accident really. glad i did tho 🙂
I'm pretty sure I found it from the diabetes Uk website when it was one of the top stories, this was probably Nov/Dec last year. I know the site hadn't been going very long when i joined
Another vote for google.
I think I first became aware of it when it was mentioned it one of the DUK e-newsletters, and then I found it through the DUK website, but that was back when the forum first started and there was a link on the homepage. I found it difficult to find the forum when they removed the link so now I just have it bookmarked!
A lot of people expressing difficulty locating the link for DUK's website. Yes, it's under 'support', but would you expect to find it under 'local support'? Even then, it's not that obvious (IMO). I remember there was a lot of concern when it disappeared from the home page, as many people hadn't bookmarked it.

And I don't think we are the first site you come to if you google 'diabetes support'. I was particularly unimpressed that there was no mention in the latest Balance - they have two pages all about DUK and what they offer etc., wouldn't be too much of a hardship to give us a mention - think a letter to the editor (maybe in verse🙂) is in order...!
Another DUK website here, but it was at the time easy to find (December?). Certainly needs a real mention though, and re-homing on the site now. The popularity and activity alone should be evidence enough to get it done?
Am in complete agreement with you all - it really needs pumping up again - and emailed them 2/3 weeks ago - unfortunately DUK take a loooooong time to respond to anything! Despite being on a promise they would be prompt!
I am very disappointed by their support of the site which was the whole point of doing this with them.
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