
Have you seen the scarves some knitters do, with different colours representing the temp each day, or amount of rain fall? I've seen embroidery versions too. I get this would translate to weaving your blood sugars too?
I haven’t seen those but am now thinking how I could incorporate that idea. Thank you.
I took up silversmithing a few hrs ago, the only hobby I've kept up.
A few hours ago? Guessing you mean years as keeping it up for a few hours isn’t really sticking to it :rofl::rofl:
I enjoy making music with friends, also like gardening, and making stuff, plus drawing and painting. And cooking can be fun too.

As we’re comng into the Autumn the preserving season beckons. Fallers from our apple tree will become crumble. Blackberries from the hedges will become jam. Failed tomatoes will become chutney.
I enjoy making music with friends, also like gardening, and making stuff, plus drawing and painting. And cooking can be fun too.

As we’re comng into the Autumn the preserving season beckons. Fallers from our apple tree will become crumble. Blackberries from the hedges will become jam. Failed tomatoes will become chutney.
I like cooking and baking too. How do you make jam at home that is diabetes friendly?

I used to do music, but it's been ages. I'd love to have time to join a choir. And a Scottish country dancing club. Life is too stressful at the moment!
I like cooking and baking too. How do you make jam at home that is diabetes friendly?

Home made jam always has a higher proportion of fruit to sugar than commercial offerings. Generally 50-60% prepared fruit in our batches.

I also get a bit more license being T1 on insulin - but I figure if used sparingly, a 5g teaspoon of jam even at 60-70% natural/added sugars would be approx 3g of carbs. Which is a pretty modest addition carb-wise?
I love cooking...I especially love Italian and Jamaican food.

Reading...I'm a lifelong bookworm and I love anything from Stephen King,John Grisham and the late Michael Crichton.

Music....Anything classical,reggae or classic soul/Motown and I'm happy.

And watching movies...I love my movies...absolutely love them.