
@AlicePalace I know you mentioned in another thread that you like arts and crafts and animals. I love that you're writing a story. Tell us more about it! 😎
The story is about a teenage girl with type 1 diabetes and her friends she just started year 9 and is trying to balance diabetes and school work as well as go out with her friends
I love reading too, and writing. I also like crafts like mosaics, macrame and crochet, but I don’t have much time for those now as I always seem to have jobs to do.
I do a lot of writing as well, and have had a few short stories published (Not recently, and mainly in small press horror/science fiction magazines.) I've just been doing one about a kid who can teleport back to his grandparents, but it gets dark when they die and he finds he can still teleport to them...
I have a lot of books in my bedroom maybe even 100. I like painting and making things

I’m old enough to have had many years buying books and I could honestly open a library with all mine :rofl: I haven’t counted them for years but the last time I did I had around 3,000 not including the ones on my Kindle. The saying, “So many books, not enough time” is very true!

Painting always sounds a very relaxing hobby. A good way to make money too, if that appeals 🙂
Yea I would love to have a reading corner in my house somewhere but I don't think all my books would fit.
I haven't tried selling any of my paints before but it's something I could try
I love reading too, and writing. I also like crafts like mosaics, macrame and crochet, but I don’t have much time for those now as I always seem to have jobs to do.
What's macrame @Inka?
I do a lot of writing as well, and have had a few short stories published (Not recently, and mainly in small press horror/science fiction magazines.) I've just been doing one about a kid who can teleport back to his grandparents, but it gets dark when they die and he finds he can still teleport to them...
That sounds cool. I entered a writing competition a few years ago but it didn't get anywhere.
Yea I would love to have a reading corner in my house somewhere but I don't think all my books would fit.
I haven't tried selling any of my paints before but it's something I could try
How would you sell a painting?
How would you sell a painting?

A simple way is to ask around local cafes and the like to see if they’ll hang your paintings priced for sale. They get free art and an agreed percentage of anything they sell for you.

You could also watch out for local art exhibitions. There are often ones near me. You then display your work and see if any sells. You can also advertise for commissions, eg to sketch or paint a pet.

You can also sell on special internet sites, but starting off local is best, I think.
Ok thanks I might try that although there aren't many local places near me. I like in walderslade
If you’re happy to do so 🙂 I’m not sure how you’d upload a lot of text, but have a go🙂
Great thread Alice, this comes up quite often but always interesting

I like football .....my team is Cardiff City but I dont go to the games these days ,watch them on TV or listen to radio

Fishing ......Great to get outdoors

Cooking ......trying to learn how to eat more healthy meals


Wildlife ......looking after hedgehogs and birds in my garden