High blood sugars

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Anyone recommend where I can find low carb food please

There are lots of things - most veg, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, etc. As you’re on insulin, you’d be best to gradually reduce your carbs rather than make a radical reduction all in one go.

Looking at what you’re eating now (make a list of an average day’s food) and seeing where you can improve things is a good and easy start. You’d mainly be looking at where you can cut carbs (bread, cereal, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc) and replace them with veg or salad or protein.

You wouldn’t need to do specialised food shopping - just reduce your carbs and increase your veg and protein. You could eat the same meals as your family but with a few tweaks. You do t have to buy expensive special foods.
I just doing dinner time as I really dont know what I doing they be more risk of hypos on them meals.

bread, cereal, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc) I eat those foods most days
I just doing dinner time as I really dont know what I doing they be more risk of hypos on them meals.

bread, cereal, rice, potatoes, pasta, etc) I eat those foods most days

That’s why you need to reduce your carbs gradually. You’re taking 10 units of NR now and your blood sugar is high. Gradually cutting the carbs will help you avoid hypos. If your blood sugar begins to go a little too low, you lower your insulin too. Reducing the carbs gradually allows you to see what’s happening and to take action to ward off any hypos before they happen.

Some Type 2s eat small portions of potatoes, rice, etc, but others find their body can’t cope with them at all so they substitute lower carb items eg cauliflower rice instead of normal rice. Reducing carbs can help weight loss for Type 2s too.

Don’t worry so much about what you can’t eat or will need moderate portions of. Think about all the nice foods you can eat. There’s no need to eat a deprived diet and be miserable. The aim is to eat what works for you and your blood sugar and still enjoy your food. It’s a positive thing not a horrible thing.

I know you have an eating addiction so I completely understand if you don’t want to write what you normally eat here, but perhaps you could consider writing part of what you’d eat for your evening meal if that would be ok for you. That way, you’d get specific suggestions about what to tweak. Again, if you don’t feel able to, it’s not a problem. Nobody here judges. We’re here to help you and support you,
i had two cheese burgers and fresh chips and I took 20 units of nova.The day before I had chicken vindaloo pillar rice and peshwari naan.

Breakfast have weetabix shredded wheat boiled eggs and toaste white bread sausage sandwich.

lurch soup toast sandwich and some of the above.

Warburtons Original Seeded Batch 800g is this bread better then white bread​

no cauliflower rice where I shop.
You do not have to buy cauli rice pre-grated - use fresh cauli and grate it, then cook as you would a packet of the pre-grated sort.

With bread of any kind, check how may carbs per slice it is, which it tells you on the back of the packet - you do not have to calculate it yourself.
i had two cheese burgers and fresh chips and I took 20 units of nova.The day before I had chicken vindaloo pillar rice and peshwari naan.

Breakfast have weetabix shredded wheat boiled eggs and toaste white bread sausage sandwich.

lurch soup toast sandwich and some of the above.

So you have a good scope to make some small changes there 🙂 Change things gradually, one step at a time.

Breakfast - As an example, with your sausage sandwich, you could try have one slice of bread and an open sandwich with the sausages on top of the bread or on the side. Add some eggs to fill you up if needed, and you could also add some fresh tomato. That way you’re pretty much having the same food and the same fillingness of meal, but have reduced the carbs by approx half.

Lunch - soup is ok and filling, but check the carbs on the tin. Some have added starch which added unnecessary carbs. I find the Baxter’s soups nicer and less carby and gloopy. Again, if you’re having toast or bread, cut the amount down and add protein and/or veg eg a chicken breast, slice of ham, salad, grated carrot with a little grated cheese, etc etc.

Evening meal - cut some carbs eg leave a burger bun, after you’ve done that, and made sure you don’t hypo, try to carefully cut a few more carbs out by having less chips eg half a portion or 2/3. Add veg and salad.

For the Indian, you could have either the rice or the naan. See how that goes with your blood sugar.

Warburtons Original Seeded Batch 800g is this bread better then white bread​

no cauliflower rice where I shop.

Yes, seeded breads are usually better. Sourdough can be good too, as can rye bread but watch the carbs and serving size.
Don’t know my bmi but 135kg and 6.1 and diabetes type 2 does run my family.
Yes my GP and Community Diabetes Team said that I am resistant to insulin

Get that weight down is sure to help with your insulin resistance.

Wife was diagnosed pre diabetic, lost 5 stone & all bloods since have been normal, weight was big factor in reversing things that I'm sure.
I had diabetes for too long over 15 years.I think you have less then three years too revert back.

well had curry roll and chips with curry sauce. Used 30 units of Nova to get 27.5 can’t believe it.
I had diabetes for too long over 15 years.I think you have less then three years too revert back.

well had curry roll and chips with curry sauce. Used 30 units of Nova to get 27.5 can’t believe it.

Missing point, not reverse things but improve your insulin resistance situation, losing weight will do that.
I had diabetes for too long over 15 years.I think you have less then three years too revert back.

well had curry roll and chips with curry sauce. Used 30 units of Nova to get 27.5 can’t believe it.

As @nonethewiser says, you might be able to reduce your insulin resistance. That would make things easier for you.

Would you be up for trying to do a basal test as I mentioned earlier? I’m wondering whether your Lantus dose is right.
No way I going to lose 7 stone in a year take time sorry that even I could do it.

@Inka i really don t know they both new insulins I only been on them for less then a month.
A month is a very short time. I wonder if your basal insulin dose needs increasing. Did the Surgery say you were going to have a follow-up call or appointment?
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no follow up from GP and diabetes nurses don’t deal with insulin problems.

no follow up from GP

Apologies @Totalwar I misremembered - I see you’re on Toujeo. I just edited my post to avoid confusion.

What I’m saying is that if you’re not having enough Toujeo, it will make it harder to get your NR dose right.

I suggest you phone your surgery and ask for a callback from a nurse or doctor.
On 80 units max units on pen and don’t know if you can split dose or not.I started on 70 units and now increased to 80 units over a few weeks.
On 80 units max units on pen and don’t know if you can split dose or not.I started on 70 units and now increased to 80 units over a few weeks.

I’m not sure about Toujeo but I know that with other basal insulins you can divide the dose into two and inject it in one injection after another in two different spots. In fact, it’s often recommended if you’re taking a large amount as it gets absorbed better split into two injections (two injections following right on from each other ie at the same time, just to spread the dose between two different injection sites).
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