high blood sugar results

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eeeeeeekkkkkkk😱 simon im going to join in with the others ..see the doc ...pleeeeese ! x🙂
okay a few pics of my toe - but beware its not very nice :(

***link removed

also i make horror pictures for a living, so there are more on the blog so caution is recommended :D

Simon, that is not just a bit gungy, you really do need treatment asap! 😱 How long has it been like that?

I can put your blog into your signature as a clickable link if you'd like.
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😱 OMG I wasn't expecting it to be that bad lol. It must be painful ? Promise you will please see a doctor asap. I remember my father with a foot problem (Type 2) and he left it (nearly too late) and it took weeks to heal :(
I wouldn't be surprised if that is contributing to your high levels too Simon, so hopefully that should improve once you get treatment for the toe.
Simon, I looked further back in your blog and I see that even last Monday you were saying it happened 'a while ago'. I really think you ought to seek immediate help with it - A&E or somewhere. If you don't then please go to the doctor's first thing on Monday - don't wait for an appointment. Hope you don't think I'm being alarmist, but I'm worried you could lose the toe if you don't act quickly. :(
sorry for the late reply - been out all afternoon with the kids 🙂 thanks for the advice all :D will get it sorted :D it doesnt hurt at all - this could be because of the neuropathy.
sorry for the late reply - been out all afternoon with the kids 🙂 thanks for the advice all :D will get it sorted :D it doesnt hurt at all - this could be because of the neuropathy.

I must admit Simon, it would scare me half to death if I saw something like that on the end of my foot! The podiatrist was trying to persuade me to have a slightly ingrowing toenail sorted - heaven knows what she would say if you walked in (or hobbled!). Hope it's not as bad as it looks.
honestly - it doesnt hurt - i think it just looks worse than it is :D the podiatrist must be better your end - they are rubbish here. ive had 1 appointment since i found out i had diabetes.
honestly - it doesnt hurt - i think it just looks worse than it is :D the podiatrist must be better your end - they are rubbish here. ive had 1 appointment since i found out i had diabetes.

It might not hurt because your nerves are damaged Simon. Has it gradually looked worse as time has gone on? With diabetes you can't trust pain as an indicator that something is going wrong. With levels like you have it will be very prone to infection that can overwhelm your ability to heal. Has anyone else seen it (apart from the photos, that is!) and commented? I've seen far worse pictures, by the way, but it's quite likely they started off looking like yours 😱 Gangrene is a distinct possibility and that can affect more than your toe.

Sorry to be laying such a big trip on you when we hardly know each other, but I really want to hear that you've had it treated and it is going to be fine!
Aw Simon, that sounds unplesant. I hate going to the doctors so i'm sympathtic. My blood sugars have been higher than usual this week too, and my toes are fine, i'm blaming the hot weather.
How horrid is your toe? If it's just bruised or a little bit infected you might just be given some antibiotics, and have you tried antiseptic cream? Hope you feel better soon.

Hows the toe Simon ? sorry to nag you, but did you see the doctor?
RachelT - I'm not a huge fan of doctors - i hate being prodded and poked around - so i avoid them like the plague. its probably the why i have the problems i do these days. it sucks. my toe is okay - my nail is falling of and it looks a bit gungy - but its not over red and there is no pain. i usually let things just lie and let my body fix it self :D

lyndasw - I've not been yet - it looks okay so i'm pretty confident its going to heal by it self. thanks for caring :D

Northerner - The toe has got steadily more nasty - but thats because the nail is falling off - i also managed to spill hot oil on my foot a few days ago so that didnt improve the overall look much :( its not to gungy - and doesnt smell so i'm pretty confident the nail will just fall off and it'll heal by its self. I'll keep you posted :D

blood sugars are still high 17.3 today!
Northerner - The toe has got steadily more nasty - but thats because the nail is falling off - i also managed to spill hot oil on my foot a few days ago so that didnt improve the overall look much :( its not to gungy - and doesnt smell so i'm pretty confident the nail will just fall off and it'll heal by its self. I'll keep you posted

blood sugars are still high 17.3 today!

I think what bothered me more than the nail is that your toe looks damaged at the tip too. I really think you are taking an unnecessary risk, especially with your levels running so high, but hope it turns out well for you of course! 🙂

Before I was diagnosed I would go to the doctors maybe once every five years or so, usually when I'd broken a limb, but I've sort of got into the swing of things now with all the various checks and tests etc., so I recognise the value of having an experienced eye cast over things like my eyes, feet, kidneys, liver, heart etc. Of course, it helps if you've got a good team looking out for you, which I am happy to say I do. 🙂

No, I tried but I can't post this without saying GET IT CHECKED!!!! 😱
the raw bit at the tip is actually from a blister from a new pair of shoes (how girly is that :D ) it seems its been a series of unfortunate events with my toe for the last few weeks.

i think my blood sugar is the thing i need to get sorted asap - its too high :(
the raw bit at the tip is actually from a blister from a new pair of shoes (how girly is that :D ) it seems its been a series of unfortunate events with my toe for the last few weeks.

i think my blood sugar is the thing i need to get sorted asap - its too high :(

Why not kill two birds with one stone then? It may be that the toe is infected and this is causing your high levels, or it may simply be that the medication you are on is no longer working and needs increasing or changing. I think you said you hadn't seen the doctor for about 18 months about your diabetes? What about your HbA1c - have you had that done in the past year? Might be a bit of a pain, but you can save yourself a lot of potential grief and worry if you get things back on track now 🙂
simon you sound just like my father in law (but much younger)
2 months ago he has a fall ...he refused to see anyone for a week ..when finally he allowed me to visit i immediately called an ambulancehis leg was 2x size of other he couldnt bend it and it was going YELLOW ..after a day at A&E he was admitted for 4 days and operated on ...he has been immobile for a while now but slowly getting back to normal . IF he had been checked when he first did it NONE of that would have been necessary as the damage he did to his knee tenions (ripping them ) was not from the fall but from walking on it and getting in and out of his car in the week he refused to see anyone ...apparently if hed been seen it would have been strapped and supported and rested then treated with simple physio ..... why dont you just give the nurse a ring and tell her whats happened and see if she thinks you should see a GP ...or NHS direct ? it may save you alot of bother in the long run ... my final say on the matter
I've just seen the picture and i'm 100% behind Northerner - please go to the docs, i don't understand how you haven't been yet 😱 sorry if it does sound like we are all nagging you but with that picture and your high BS levels you really cannot ignore this.

I don't want to scare you but my grandfather died from gangrene related to his diabetes as he didn't look after himself and ignored that he had diabetes.

Let us know how you get on once you've seen the doctor
Simon - please go and see your Dr. I know you say you don't like Dr's but you need to get your blood sugars sorted, and need some medical advice.

Infections, stress and steroids are common reasons why you may see an increase in your blood sugar.There are other meds that increase your BM too. Food is of course another factor but if you have tried modifying your diet it is time to see the Doc.

As Northener said the Dr may need to tweak your treatment - and he/she won't bite. Well if they do you can report them....
Simon bathe ur toe in hot water and dettol, make appointment with ur dr and drink water (2 litres) a day that might help ur bg levels, my levels are highish in the morning then they settle down after taking metformin (500mgs) 3 times a day 🙂
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