high blood sugar results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm not sure why, but i seem to have very high blood sugar at the moment - 17.9 this morning. i thought my monitor was faulty - but i check with the testing fluid stuff and that came back as 2.6 which is the right amount. i'm not sure why its so high and why i also feel absolutely fine :( its been high for a while now - usually around 14/15

any advice would be gratefully received :confused: :D
Mines the same =(
It sucks!
It could be if your on insulin its maybe out of date or been out of the fridge too long or if your not on insulin you might need to start.
no i'm not on insulin - just metformin :(
I'm not sure why, but i seem to have very high blood sugar at the moment - 17.9 this morning. i thought my monitor was faulty - but i check with the testing fluid stuff and that came back as 2.6 which is the right amount. i'm not sure why its so high and why i also feel absolutely fine :( its been high for a while now - usually around 14/15

any advice would be gratefully received :confused: :D

Hi Simon, are you on any medication for your diabetes? Those levels are too high (stating the obvious!). Have you been to your doctor's for advice? It's difficult to say why your levels are so high, it may be to do with what you are eating or it may be that you have high insulin resistance or low insulin production - hard to say without more information, but your doctor would be best placed to examine the reasons and suggest treatment.

It is quite possible that you feel fine, even at such high levels. People's bodies adjust to whatever it regards as 'normal' and if you are normally high then you could be feeling OK - not everyone gets such pronounced symptoms such as needing the toilet or excessive thirst, but these levels, if sustained, will be doing unseen damage. I think you should make an urgent appointment with your doctor and get the ball rolling on tackling it.

(edit: I see you are on metformin - this may need increasing or other meds added)
maybe thats out of date?
It might be insulin time.
Or maybe your body is fighting an infection or virus or the likes.
If I get a cold my sugar levels sore.
thanks Northerner & smile4loubie

i recently fell over and bashed my foot up pretty bad - my toe nail is in the process of falling of and it a bit gungy - nothing to bad - so thats a bit of a infection - but it was high before this.

i take 1000mg of metformin in the morning.
It could have been fighting off a different infection or the likes before and now its fighting this one its keeping your levels high.
it could be that 🙂 i'll keep an eye on the levels hopfully they will go down 🙂
do you eat alot of carbs? or have you eaten more that you normally would? They affect your levels alot as you prob know lol but the mix of that might not be helping.

Just throwing out more ideas lol
thanks Northerner & smile4loubie

i recently fell over and bashed my foot up pretty bad - my toe nail is in the process of falling of and it a bit gungy - nothing to bad - so thats a bit of a infection - but it was high before this.

i take 1000mg of metformin in the morning.

Simon, with a problem like that and high levels you must go and see the doctor - sorry to sound like a broken record, but foot infections are extremely dangerous and it may get much worse without treatment. At the moment your body is feeding rather than fighting the infection. I went to the podiatrist the other day and she really stressed how important it was to report ANY problem - but particularly one which appears, as you say, 'gungy'!
to be honest i dont eat that much at all - yesterday i had 2 cheese panini fro breakfast / lunch and chicken, chips and peas for tea.
panini & chips are highish carb so if your body isnt producing enough insulin anymore or your bloods are already slightly elevated due to your poorly toe then they might be pushing it higher I suppose.

I think I should stop throwing out ideas now as I've prob confused the hell out of you.
Maybe eat things that or no or low carbs today and see what happens to your levels???

And as Northy says. Go to the doc about your foot asap!
Simon, with a problem like that and high levels you must go and see the doctor - sorry to sound like a broken record, but foot infections are extremely dangerous and it may get much worse without treatment. At the moment your body is feeding rather than fighting the infection. I went to the podiatrist the other day and she really stressed how important it was to report ANY problem - but particularly one which appears, as you say, 'gungy'!
yeah i think your right i should go and see them - its been about 18 months :(
Jeeze! Yeah I'd go see them and expect a telling off lol x
yes, go and see your doctor with your toe!! Our neighbour had to have his toe taken off, because he dropped something on it and it got infected. He didn't go to the doctors until it was too late. He then got diagnosed with type 2 at the hospital.
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, just to remind you how important it is for a diabetic to go to the doctors when it looks bad - gungy!
yeah i think your right i should go and see them - its been about 18 months :(

Time to get things back on track then. Forget the past - look forward to much better control and a much healthier future! 🙂 I remember you said you hadn't been testing until recently, so you don't really know how long your levels have been poor. Believe me, when you get better control you will feel soooo much better! The metformin you are on is about half the maximum dose, I think, so I'm sure that's something they will look at. Call on Monday and make an appointment and let us know how it goes 🙂
Bet you didn't expect all this nagging! :D We only have your best interests at heart! 🙂
hehehe - yes i think your all right - silly me :D
okay a few pics of my toe - but beware its not very nice :(

...sorry was asked to remove this link because its upsetting people...
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