Help us improve the management of type 2 diabetes in the future by completing a survey

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Hello everyone!

My name is Martina Ambroz and I am researcher in the Netherlands. I am conducting a research together with the University of Exeter to better understand the willingness of people with type 2 diabetes for management with lifestyle changes and medication treatment. This would help us get more understanding into peoples preferences and hopefully improve the management of type 2 diabetes in the future.

Did you get diagnosed with diabetes less than 2 years ago?
Are you managed by a general practitioner/nurse?
Would you like to help us improve the management of type 2 diabetes?

You can help by filling out the survey on the following link, most people take around 30 mins to complete it:

Your help is essential! Thank you!
Good morning everyone!
I just saw that the link does now work anymore... here is the new one:

Please help us in incorporating patients preferences into treatment decisions - your help is essential! We only need a few patients 🙂

Thank you!
There is a huge assumption that type 2s need to change their lifestyle and be treated with medication.
For me the problem was the amount of carbohydrate in the diet I was strongly advised to follow - cut the carbs, no more problem - job done.
There is a huge assumption that type 2s need to change their lifestyle and be treated with medication.
For me the problem was the amount of carbohydrate in the diet I was strongly advised to follow - cut the carbs, no more problem - job done.
Yes, it depends on the person and their current lifestyle, so it is very important to know what the patient does and is willing to change in order to successfully manage type 2 diabetes. Sometimes a small relatively easy change can make a huge difference whereas others might be doing a lot with no special effect.
Yes, it depends on the person and their current lifestyle, so it is very important to know what the patient does and is willing to change in order to successfully manage type 2 diabetes. Sometimes a small relatively easy change can make a huge difference whereas others might be doing a lot with no special effect.
I just stopped eating the carbs I was advised were a healthy option - (and stopped the medication making me so very unwell) - that is the easy change - lifestyle and medication are largely irrelevant, in my opinion. If you remove the problem - the wrong diet, then that solves everything, pretty much.
Dear all!

The survey will be closing on June 30th so if anyone still has some time to participate we would be very grateful! Gaioning insight into patients willingness for different management options is important and it can help change the future of type 2 diabetes treatment.
Please find the survey here:

Thank you for your time!
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