Help us improve the management of type 2 diabetes in the future by completing a survey

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hello everyone!

My name is Martina Ambroz and I am researcher in the Netherlands. I am conducting a research together with the University of Exeter to better understand the willingness of people with type 2 diabetes for management with lifestyle changes and medication treatment. This would help us get more understanding into peoples preferences and hopefully improve the management of type 2 diabetes in the future.

Did you get diagnosed with diabetes less than 2 years ago?
Are you managed by a general practitioner/nurse?
Would you like to help us improve the management of type 2 diabetes?

You can help by filling out the survey on the following link, most people take around 30 mins to complete it:

Your help is essential! Thank you!
This study has been approved. Best wishes for your project @martina989
Thank you!

Please help us with this study, your input is essential! Also feel free to share with your friends/family/colleagues etc.!
People with type 2 diabetes are often not asked about their preferences regarding treatment and/or are not offered sufficient support for changing their lifestyle. Help us gain more information about the patients' perspective and let's improve the management of diabetes together!
What's the deal with question 16? I don't have side effects with the metformin I take, but the questionaire isn't happy with that!
Done. I particularly appreciated the comments sections for each question area.

Only 1 comment. When you ask the participant to enter the first 3 digits of their post code, I suspect that you meant them to enter the first 3 characters. The question may be misleading.
Done. I particularly appreciated the comments sections for each question area.

Only 1 comment. When you ask the participant to enter the first 3 digits of their post code, I suspect that you meant them to enter the first 3 characters. The question may be misleading.
Thank you Gwynn! Yes, that is correct. Good suggestion, I shall change it 🙂
Hi Windy, thanks for letting me know. I guess there is some glitch in the system, I shall fix it!
I think the first 3 characters of mine - CV1 - would indicate to you that I reside smack in the commercial heart of the centre of Coventry - whereas I don't even live in the city of Coventry !! just the outskirts of a nearby small town.
I think the first 3 characters of mine - CV1 - would indicate to you that I reside smack in the commercial heart of the centre of Coventry - whereas I don't even live in the city of Coventry !! just the outskirts of a nearby small town.
Thank you, that is good to keep in mind. Unfortunately we are not allowed to get the full postal code due to privacy data, however it is good to know that this limits our data. We will only use this to get a sense of the participants and will not be one of the main points in the analysis so hopefully it will not influence the results.
Maybe ask for the first three or four characters of the postcode, so give examples of SW11 1AA, put SW11 or for NG1 1AA, put NG1 (neither of these are real people's postcodes, I picked two Royal Mail delivery offices as examples)
That is a good suggestion, thank you!

Thank you also to everyone who already filled in the survey!
I have implemented the changes, thank you all! Any new suggestions are highly appreciated!

Please help us with this study, we only need a few more responders to be able to conduct our analyses and get some meaningful results!
People with type 2 diabetes are often not asked about their preferences regarding treatment and/or are not offered sufficient support for changing their lifestyle. Help us gain more information about the patients' perspective and let's improve the management of diabetes together!
It’s been in my life for 20 years and I find that doctors and nurses have a holier than thou attitude about diabetes.

We know best

I don’t accept that as it’s my body, not theirs and I decide what goes into it.

I ask questions and require the truth not a load of airy fairy. Well we think etc.

It seems to be compounded that I have bad reactions to medications affecting MS. And I refuse to be housebound when I take them.
I think the first 3 characters of mine - CV1 - would indicate to you that I reside smack in the commercial heart of the centre of Coventry - whereas I don't even live in the city of Coventry !! just the outskirts of a nearby small town.

Coventry has a commercial heart? 🙂
Hello everyone!

My name is Martina Ambroz and I am researcher in the Netherlands. I am conducting a research together with the University of Exeter to better understand the willingness of people with type 2 diabetes for management with lifestyle changes and medication treatment. This would help us get more understanding into peoples preferences and hopefully improve the management of type 2 diabetes in the future.

Did you get diagnosed with diabetes less than 2 years ago?
Are you managed by a general practitioner/nurse?
Would you like to help us improve the management of type 2 diabetes?

You can help by filling out the survey on the following link, most people take around 30 mins to complete it:

Your help is essential! Thank you!
I tried but don’t think I’m eligible because I go to the hospital for diabetes care
Please help us by filling in this survey, your opinion is essential to help us better incorporate patients' perspective into treatment decisions! We only need ten more participants 🙂

Thank you everyone who already took their time and filled it in! 🙂
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