Help ! I can't wear my pump when doing Sports...

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm an insulin pump user (have had insulin for 18 years) and a keen sportsman. However I have been having real problems as being male the only holder options available are the thigh strap and waist belts which are useless when playing football or cricket, as I am constantly tearing the cannula out or the pump is getting hit and one of these days will get smashed.

Do you know of any other options e.g something that goes on the back and holds the pump firm in one position ?

I have tried different length tubing and it hasn't helped as the pump either falls off the belt or if using the elastic belt attachment it just twists round my body when I twist and tears the cannula.

I also have problems getting the cannula to stay stuck when I sweat.

Due to the problems I've been having I am taking my pump off to play cricket and after 3 hours in the field or batting my sugars are often in the 20's, or if playing football at the end of 90 minutes is often similar.

I have a Roche Aviva Combo pump.

I can't be the only one with this issue..
I don't have a pump but I do a lot of running and I use a Spibelt to keep my meter and stuff in. When you are wearing it you don't know you have it on as it doesn't move about at all, and I know that quite a lot of pumpers use them 🙂
Thanks for that. Issue is that it is the same thing as the elasticated belt I have.

I can't wear anything at waist level, due to the ball impacts, and it has to be secure fitting so it doesn't twist round. If I were to use this but lift it to chest level in time it will just work down and twist...

I had soemthing similar (a belt pocket) but it didn't work...
I can't offer any pump-wearing suggestions because I just hook mine into my bra when I'm active!

However, if you do detach for sports, maybe you could try bolusing the next 90 minutes basal ahead of time to avoid the highs afterward. For example, if basal rate for that time is 0.5u/h, bolus 0.75u. You can fiddle with the amounts, maybe half before & half after.
Thanks Duck. I kind of do this already but need to be careful not to send myself hypo prior to the rise in blood sugar as there is also the immediate impact of the running and things I'm doing.

Also cricket can mean I don't have my pump on for 4 plus hours at a time, therefore If I give the equivalent of that up front it would be equivalent to me needing to eat 70 grams of carbs... or correcting from 24 or so...

There must be an easier answer... Thank anywho.
You could try getting in touch with a company like Funky Pumpers who take custom orders for belts - what about getting one long enough so that it fits snuggly over your shoulder and then under the other armpit to stop it sliding round? Could wear the pump on your back then?

What about sewing a baby sock into the inside/back of your shirt and tucking it into that?
Thanks Shiv, tried the second of the suggestings but the thump of the pump on my body when I run left me with some hefty bruises..

Problem with any type of BELT is that it is only fixed in one direction. therefore the wieght of the pump will drag it to under my arm in your example which will be most uncomfortable.

Nice thinking though...

I was hoping there'd be some sports people on here who may have had this issue but solved it...
Hi, there are devices for pump wearing for young children that straps the pump to their back, like a harness, like this :

Could you see if you could get adult version from anywhere, I would try the american websites, so much more geared up over there. Or if anywhere can make one for you?

We have sewed pockets from the leg bit of new socks onto our toddlers vests with a bit of velcro or a popper at the top to keep pump in place, could this idea work for you but with the pocket round the back ? I snake the tubing round the opposite side of her body from where the cannula is sited ( her buttocks) to keep it snug so no loops hanging down which can easily catch and snag.

Hope you get fixed up with something 🙂
Cheers Hanmillmum,

With regards the Medtronic thing, they don't do an adult size and quote for a personal one came to c. ?400 which I can't really affrd right now.
With regard the T'shire/vest thing, can't do this as not tight enough to skin to stop bruising from when the pump flaps around.

Northerner... already tried posting on their board, but just hasn't come up. Don't know why, their mods say its been released..

Cheers !
OMG ?400 !!!!!😱

You would think there must be something, you can't be the only sports person struggling with this one ? Fingers crossed for you, must be really frustrating !

Yes, but I think my body gets confused as not only do I then have to use pens for my boluses but also my levemir for the background, which having tired it leads to my body being just as all over the place....

If that is a long term solution then I will work with my DSN to perfect but there MUST be something else, can't believe that other pump users (especially sports people) have not got a solution which would allow me to wear the pump..)
Can you not get someone to make you an under arm harness? Bit like a gun holster.tubi grip also works wonders for having pumps in odd places.
Cricket is easy to deal with have whites with a pocket and have pump in leather case wraped in bubble wrap or find some high inpact rubber to shield it.
My pump has taken a full on kick from a bad mannered 2 yr old (horse) and lived to tell the tale.
Tubing can not be yanked out if you follow the basic rule of using tape to secure it your body and thus stops the cannula be pulled out. Mefix works very well.
To make the cannula stick have you tried skin tac? You can have a free sample to try it out. If it works ask for the VAT to be deducted alos you don't need to invest in the remover just use alcohol wipes.
Hanmillmum, you read it right ?400... as they have t make it specially therefore I have to pay additional for labour, design and testing costs.

If it were a one off cost I'd consider it, but if it broke/snapped etc, then it would be a full replacement at the same cost...
I wonder if there's any pumpers on who could share ideas.

I would imagine there must be cricketers and footballers who pump.


Sorry. ALready been suggested !
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Yes, but I think my body gets confused as not only do I then have to use pens for my boluses but also my levemir for the background, which having tired it leads to my body being just as all over the place....

If that is a long term solution then I will work with my DSN to perfect but there MUST be something else, can't believe that other pump users (especially sports people) have not got a solution which would allow me to wear the pump..)

I think it's you that's confused :D
If you disconect your pump all you do is calculate what you are missing in basal over that time span and cover with your rapid. As soon as you reconnect you are back to normal usage again.
Thanks Pumper_sue, will try the body Talc, thats an interesting one !!!

Wih regard the pocket, doesn't work when running unfortunately or twisting.ans the pump come out of the pocket or tugs too much.

I have taped the pipe to myself in the past but does not REALLY help...

I am on my second pump already, as the first (thankfully covered on HH insurance) got hit by a ball on the display and stopped working... at a few grand the're too expensive for that to happen too often. You may have been lucky with yours...

Many thanks
Another thought is hang it around your neck you can get pouches sp* for this purpose. To make sure it stays in place stick some heavy duty plaster over it. You will never have to wax again 😱 :D

that doesn't work.. I tried it the first time I took the pump off to play cricket.

Unfortunately an innings can be a 4/5 hour period out in the field, and therefore I needed to take 4 units to cover. My b/s at the time was 6.1. half hour in I felt really light headed and left the field, tested and I was 1.9.... !!!?!?!?!?!

DSN suggested it was because the insulin goes straight into the blood stream and therefore acts all at once, plus due to exercise my BS goes lower also...

She said its a bit like taking a jog in 50 degree heat. cover yourself in ice at the start and you'll be REALLY cold at the start, but will be REALLY hot at the end. But take constant cold drinks and you'll stay cool throughout...
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