• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

HbA1c Results, Happy.

Ah that’s great @Neens! I am really pleased all your hard work has paid off so well.

Give yourself at least 100 marvellousness points!
Ha Ha - got those marvellousness points on my shirt right now! ;) Delighted that this time I gained control and beat it - I know it has an ugly head that can rear at any time but know that I can fend it off at this stage of my life at least and plan to do so. Thanks for all your support and advice.
Really well done, great result. The hard work does pay off x
Thanks - glad it has worked out this time. I had no idea that it would reach remission so quickly and from such a high level at dx. A lot has to do with the support of people here in this forum. That will never be underestimated.
Brilliant @Neens !!! i was supposed to get my results today, but they’ve been delayed. There must be something going on in the NHS at the minute :(
Awww poor you - sorry to hear this - I was lucky think I was the last day before the surgery went into phone consultation/lock down. Can they not deliver your results this way? I know it isn't the same as face to face and I particularly needed to see DN as needed to get referral on my foot. I wish you the best of luck with yours.

I did have to have blood tests taken a week before and she didn't know if it is was just the A1c (which it was) and so I ended up being tested for everything else and had 3 lots taken out of me, which made me feel a little faint as I had come from work and not eaten.
GREAT! Usually even though all these things work - the patients own worst enemy is themselves.

You've been your own best mate, so it's brilliant and don't brush off the congratulations, cos the success is down to you!
Thanks for a lovely message - I owe thanks for support and advice to people here too though - the experience of people in the forum particularly has been a godsend. Sometimes just knowing that what we are experiencing is normal or okay can make the world of difference.

I cannot understand people who carry on regardless despite being diagnosed, but the world is made up of all sorts and lots of people have multiple difficulties to contend with.
Oh WOW I am so pleased for you.
It is all down to your own hard work, well done .
Thanks - it makes all the 'no thanks' to cakes and biscuits I wanted seem worthwhile!
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Well done @Neens, I'm made up for you.
*Your biggest challenge now is to maintain low numbers ~ you CAN & WILL do it.
Totally agree. Just from losing weight in the past (before diagnosis) the hardest thing was managing the maintain! This is new territory. I still have weight to lose so can carry on as I am for a bit but then need to learn the juggle and balance and of course am not sure what the future holds. But for now. A smile.

Thanks for your support, love your messages all over the forum - always so positive and with added GIFs. :)
Great stuff neens, 44 is a pretty damn good reduction isn't it! Clearly you're following a path that works for you, so keep at it!
Thanks - yes a ruddy amazing reduction! Just glad to have the proof that LCHF eating works because it is only own research that I have followed. Expected to be able to see a dietician as part of the team but no luck on that. My education course has been cancelled due to what is happening in our world right now so not sure when I will have access to the education but still want to do that. We don't have DESMOND, it is a county based deal where you do your 2 hour intake class before you can access the 6 week course.
Excellent news @Neens hard work and taking the correct advice is vital, glad you joined the forum great input.
Thanks - so glad I joined too. Was reading the website for a while before plucked up the courage to join the forum and it has been a real asset to dealing with my dx.
Congratulations Neens.
So happy for you.
You can start having lovely keto cakes now and desserts and then you won't ever be tempted back to the ones that do you harm.

I'm making keto cupcakes today. I finally got round to ordering freeze dried strawberry powder so I can make pink strawberry cream swirly toppings :)
And while doing my Spring cleaning I found 3 sets of icing bags and nozzles I bought ages ago and never used because I was afraid to eat sugary cakes.
I'm going to use them now to make cupcakes and I will be eating them in celebration of your brilliant success.
Congratulations Neens.
So happy for you.
You can start having lovely keto cakes now and desserts and then you won't ever be tempted back to the ones that do you harm.

I'm making keto cupcakes today. I finally got round to ordering freeze dried strawberry powder so I can make pink strawberry cream swirly toppings :)
And while doing my Spring cleaning I found 3 sets of icing bags and nozzles I bought ages ago and never used because I was afraid to eat sugary cakes.
I'm going to use them now to make cupcakes and I will be eating them in celebration of your brilliant success.
Awwww what a sweet message (no pun intended);) - love thinking you will be toasting success with keto cupcakes. This gives me pleasure too as Mr G bought me a cupcake maker that I have not unboxed and one thing he said to me in December is that I will probably not be able to use that now. Sad thought - so kept hold of it. I have found keto waffle recipes which I want to try and treated myself to a half price waffle pan in celebration of this news. Tempted by a proper waffle maker but think this pan will do as we have too many kitchen counter gadgets and limited space. Also they will be mini portions unlike the massive machine ones. Fingers crossed...

I will have to check out some keto recipes. I have mainly followed forum advice of staying off the sweet things to suppress my exceptionally deep sweet tooth! I have had sugar free jelly a few times and Greek Yoghurt with berries. I have had the odd slither of bday cake (and I mean slither) and a few jelly beans. I was a sweeties beast before and not really into chocolate, but have discovered the rich wonders of dark chocolate and have rediscovered 'tasting' food instead of wolfing it down.
For a while it was just chemistry and carb counting but then I started investing in low carb recipes and keto alternatives. Then I started enjoying food again.

I am delighted and honoured by your cupcake celebration. May the 12th March always be Keto Cupcake* Celebration Day! :)

* Did you post the recipe?
Awwww what a sweet message (no pun intended);) - love thinking you will be toasting success with keto cupcakes. This gives me pleasure too as Mr G bought me a cupcake maker that I have not unboxed and one thing he said to me in December is that I will probably not be able to use that now. Sad thought - so kept hold of it. I have found keto waffle recipes which I want to try and treated myself to a half price waffle pan in celebration of this news. Tempted by a proper waffle maker but think this pan will do as we have too many kitchen counter gadgets and limited space. Also they will be mini portions unlike the massive machine ones. Fingers crossed...

I will have to check out some keto recipes. I have mainly followed forum advice of staying off the sweet things to suppress my exceptionally deep sweet tooth! I have had sugar free jelly a few times and Greek Yoghurt with berries. I have had the odd slither of bday cake (and I mean slither) and a few jelly beans. I was a sweeties beast before and not really into chocolate, but have discovered the rich wonders of dark chocolate and have rediscovered 'tasting' food instead of wolfing it down.
For a while it was just chemistry and carb counting but then I started investing in low carb recipes and keto alternatives. Then I started enjoying food again.

I am delighted and honoured by your cupcake celebration. May the 12th March always be Keto Cupcake* Celebration Day! :)

* Did you post the recipe?
Here are the Neens keto cupcakes I made this afternoon in your honour.
'Scuse language but bloody hell they were nice!
I will post the recipe in the What did you eat Yesterday? thread.

These are around 2g carb per cupcake!!! The freeze dried strawberry powder is a game changer.


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Here are the Neens keto cupcakes I made this afternoon in your honour.
'Scuse language but bloody hell they were nice!
I will post the recipe in the What did you eat Yesterday? thread.

These are around 2g carb per cupcake!!! The freeze dried strawberry powder is a game changer.
Ohhhhhh - now I am really excited!! :D and actually drooling! :) I will check out the thread and get some of that strawberry powder on order!
I got it from Amazon. I ordered it yesterday and it got here today - I wasn't expecting it until Tuesday.
I got it from Amazon. I ordered it yesterday and it got here today - I wasn't expecting it until Tuesday.
I told Mr G to stop ordering parcels the other day as we head closer to self-isolation ;) I'm sure he wouldn't notice if I get it that quickly! :p
We've self-isolated already. We went into total lockdown two days ago.
The Amazon guy put the box (I ordered psyllium husk, almond flour, konjac noodles and rice and strawberry powder) on the step and leapt away like a startled gazelle when I answered the door. They are obviously being very careful and I appreciate that.

I've put the recipe and method on the thread now.
@NotWorriedAtAll I am sure the delivery people appreciate the leave it on the doorstep method. ;)
I am still working whilst I can as I think by the end of the week we will be forced to self-isolate and am not sure what will happen for income. I may put the cake making on hold and dream of cupcakes or I may have made them by next weekend. The method seems simple enough (for me), and the idea of microwave cooking appeals - as does using my lil' silicone cupcakes cases.