HbA1c results, 46

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Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Got a letter yesterday with my results. 46. Yay they just sent a letter and I didn't have to get onto them. First reading from new practice.
I was a bit taken aback. I've wasn't aware I'd had that test. I've been sorting out my prescriptions with the Dr's and had to go in for a review app last week. I though the blood test was for that.
Also, I'm wondering how come it's not 56.
Excellent news Ralph! Well done - you must be doing something right, so keep on doing it! 🙂 Even better to get a good result when you aren't even expecting any result at all!
Great result Ralph! Well done 🙂
It's not 56 cos you must be doing something right Ralph, and very well done to you for that.
Now that's the sort of news I like 🙂
Good result Ralph
Great result Ralph.
That's absolutely brilliant. Well done you.
Nice result Ralph. Under the magic 48 diabetic level which can't be bad. You've obviously given up all those sponge puddings and custard you like! :D
You've obviously given up all those sponge puddings and custard you like! :D
I wasn't eating any of that, or crisps or biscuits or chocolate before I was diagnosed. And I kept it up for some time aftwards.

😳😳😳 They've crept hum😳 more recently.
Ok, so my diets gone to all pot. It's all the dieticiens fault, telling me to ignore my BG levels.
That's brilliant, Ralph! Well done you...😛:D😛
Great news, Ralph.🙂
Fantastic Ralph. Well done 🙂
I got to see the Diabetic Nurse today. I had a form from a diabetes course I did ealier this year. She filled some of it in.
And I discover some results to tests I didn't know they'd done.
BP: 116/70
Blood fats, total cholesterol: 2.4
HDL (good? Cholesterol): 1.07
She ignored weight, BMI, waist, triglycerides and ACR
It's not good to get my hopes up.
She's promoting the Diabetic dietician, who've I've already seen and is pointless & useless.
I've got an appointment with the nurse next week. Hopefully I'll get someplace with Diabetic Care Plan/action plan & targets.
Better than nurse at my last practice. It was too much bother for her.
This one seems to be at least listening to me and going over some things. Still not concerned enough about the complete lack of management of my diabetes. Didn't say "you're fine come back in six months" though
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