HBA1C result

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My Serum alkaline phosphatase is elevated although 3 months ago it was 177 so it is lower and all other liver tests normal, a google of this suggests linked to bones and not liver with a solo elevation in this area. I know I need to talk to my GP but one good thing I read is that low levels of this is linked to underactive thyroid so looks like I am OK in that area at least
Well done @Jenny65 - that’s brilliant! Good for you. 🙂 🙂

A question - did they send you the result? (it’s so hard to get actual results at my surgery!)
It came via the app 🙂
Cholesterol total looks similar to September, so clearly the changes you have made since June have helped somewhat, but to me would suggest that it's possible you've reached the limit of the improvement you can get with those dietary changes alone. High density (HDL) level is low, which that's the one that they would prefer to be higher.

One of your liver function tests is slightly out of range, the others are within range. I don't know whether that might be linked to the cholesterol being higher than preferred - given the liver's role in cholesterol regulation then it's possible. As you have also found via Google that one can be linked to elsewhere in the body too, but my Google results suggested that a further more complicated and more expensive test might be needed to be definitive about the source of the alkaline phosphatase.

None of them look horrendously far out of range though, so I can understand why you have been advised to see them as routine rather than urgent, and I would suggest trying not to worry until you get to speak to your GP. (I know easier said than done!)
Cholesterol total looks similar to September, so clearly the changes you have made since June have helped somewhat, but to me would suggest that it's possible you've reached the limit of the improvement you can get with those dietary changes alone. High density (HDL) level is low, which that's the one that they would prefer to be higher.

One of your liver function tests is slightly out of range, the others are within range. I don't know whether that might be linked to the cholesterol being higher than preferred - given the liver's role in cholesterol regulation then it's possible. As you have also found via Google that one can be linked to elsewhere in the body too, but my Google results suggested that a further more complicated and more expensive test might be needed to be definitive about the source of the alkaline phosphatase.

None of them look horrendously far out of range though, so I can understand why you have been advised to see them as routine rather than urgent, and I would suggest trying not to worry until you get to speak to your GP. (I know easier said than done!)
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me, I appreciate it xx

I am not panicking (yet 😉 ) I think because it was worded as a routine 4 week telephone appointment helped me stay calm, just wish I had seen another improvement, but at least its not gone up to 9.2 which is where it was 7 months ago. I have low blood pressure and in healthy weight range, my diet is now really good and I havent smoked since 30th June 2022, so all those factors I hope will help me keep a balance on my emotions. I realise statins are going to be introduced, I guess I was hoping to have had the genetic test to see if it was hereditary before taking that route, as if my diet can be changed to help reduce it alone I would have preferred it, only because I am awful at taking medication, hence my first pregnancy (much loved child but down to forgetting my pill!) Also with a lot of family members including my late mum having alzeimers I have read about statins excelerating this condition and to be honest if I could live with this condition and have a heart attack, it would be preferable to living for years without a clue who anyone in my life is and forgetting all my memories. Sorry that's a bit dramatic, just my mum had statins too and it worries me whether that in some part caused her dementia.

I have always been a head in the sand type of person, in denial I guess, hence over eating, smoking etc, I dont have my smear tests or mamaograms etc, I am stupid but I think its because having witnessed family battling cancer, who did the right things, had the tests but went through gruelling treatment and sadly died, again I think, whats the point. (sorry rambling off the subject here) I guess what I am saying is the diagnosis of diabetes is the first time I have taken my health seriously and was hoping it was in my power to tackle the cholesterol too. But there is no shame in having to use Medication, my own son has an inhaler for asthma, I will follow his lead and grow up a bit, may even book in a mammogram. I have read the elevated enzyme has been linked to breast cancer too so I would like to rule that one out. I wonder if osteoperosis would elevate it too? My mum and sister had this too.

I am looking into having a dexa scan to show bone density and fat distribution, has anyone had one of these privately and were they helpful?
A quick Google tells me that osteoporosis is a possible cause for elevated alkaline phosphatase, so definitely worth reminding the GP at the appointment that you have family history of that. Are you taking a vitamin D supplement at present? My grandmother was prescribed vitamin D for osteoporosis back before they started recommending most people in the UK took it during the winter at least
A quick Google tells me that osteoporosis is a possible cause for elevated alkaline phosphatase, so definitely worth reminding the GP at the appointment that you have family history of that. Are you taking a vitamin D supplement at present? My grandmother was prescribed vitamin D for osteoporosis back before they started recommending most people in the UK took it during the winter at least
Yes I am taking vitamin D as I got scared in the pandemic and ordered lots from Holland and Barratt 🙂 I always felt protected from osteoporosis because I was heavier but I know that probably doesnt mean I wont get it or indeed may even have it. I broke my leg badly in my 30s and was in hospital for 2 weeks following a 4 hour operation for a spiral fractur to my fib and tib, I have a titanium bar permanently in my leg and was sent for a bone density scan at the time as they said literally falling down one step shouldn't have resulted in such a bad break (although I had things in my hands at the time so my leg basically took the full impact and it sounded like a gun shot when my bone broke!) The scan showed my density was OK, but that was 20 years ago and may now be different.
When I’ve had one of my liver tests out of range and others in range before, it’s been a case of “we will just keep an eye on what it is next time and whether it’s trending up or down” rather than “time to panic” or “more tests needed”. It did come into range the next time, I can’t remember which one it was that was out though. It definitely seemed like they’d only be concerned if more than one of the various tests was out of range though.
Oh dear, got my other results back, not so good, oddly no mention of triglycerides though.

How long had you fasted before the blood was taken for the lipids reading?
Looks like you haven't had a full panel so in your shoes I'd wait before taking a probably unnecessary medication (statins).

leave it for 3 months then ask for another..
If you are losing weight then your lipids could well be all over the place anyway.
And higher cholesterol levels are now considered protective in older women so....
Thank you @Lucyr and @bulkbiker for the reassuring posts, they have helped my anxiety.

I am distracting myself looking for a 90s outfit for my sons 30th, I was thinking double denim and a bucket hat 🙂
I am distracting myself looking for a 90s outfit for my sons 30th, I was thinking double denim and a bucket hat 🙂

Spice Girls surely.. ?
My Serum alkaline phosphatase is elevated although 3 months ago it was 177 so it is lower and all other liver tests normal, a google of this suggests linked to bones and not liver with a solo elevation in this area. I know I need to talk to my GP but one good thing I read is that low levels of this is linked to underactive thyroid so looks like I am OK in that area at least

Did you eat before the bloods were done?

Personally, I'd ignore the "higher cholesterol is good" comment.
It isn't.
It's worth talking to your doctor about the elevated numbers for that, but as has been said, no doubt he'll just want a follow up test for the ALP.

"which means that higher LDL-C among the elderly is often associated with longer life"

"which means that higher LDL-C among the elderly is often associated with longer life"

Isn't he a phycologist on youtube?

I'll take my chances with the cardiologists thanks.
Like Malhotra you mean?

The levels of blood cholesterol is measured in millimoles per litre of blood (mmol/L.)

Total cholesterol levels should be 5mmol/L or less for healthy adults or 4mmol/L or less for those who are at high risk.

Low-density lipoprotein (LPL) levels should at 3mmol/L or less for healthy adults or 2mmol/L or less for those at high risk.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels should be 1mmo/L or above for healthy adults.

With regard to whether or not cholesterol as high as Bulkbiker likes theirs' is good or bad, it does appear the study referred to was totally debunked, even by the authors themselves, as well as the official advice from Malhotra's website is backing the NHS guidelines.

With regard to whether or not cholesterol as high as Bulkbiker likes theirs' is good or bad, it does appear the study referred to was totally debunked, even by the authors themselves, as well as the official advice from Malhotra's website is backing the NHS guidelines.

Statinators are gonna statinate.. and Dr's are allowed to change their minds you know...

I'll very happily run the risk that my body knows what to do to get the best levels for me than any GP who has a financial interest in getting me to take some drug...
@Jenny65 when was your Vitamin D level last tested?

For eons I had a natural (as in no supplementation) level of 99 which plummeted to 21. I now take 4000iu of D3 with K2 daily, and my last result was 177.

If you are supplementing it is important you are taking enough and that it is vitamin D3 with K2 which increases the bioavailability of the Vit D.

Vitamin D is a cornerstone of our metabolic health, so is important to us.
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Hi just to add my congratulations on your blood sugars results..amazing well done.
While you're waiting for your appointment may I suggest you reaserch different statins as some increase your blood sugars.
This happened to me and with doctor permission came of them for 6 months and blood sugars back ok.but cholesterol went up.
It's a bit of a juggling act I'm currently on a different statins and will be testing after 6 months
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