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Hi there, before I start with the symptoms I thought it would be beneficial to put a bit of background. I’m female, 22 and was diagnosed type 1 diabetic 4 years ago when I was 18 after going into ketoacidosis. I have the freestyle libre and Miao Miao, novorapid and tresiba. I have been to my diabetic team (who say it doesn’t sound like something diabetic related) so I tried my GP quite a few times over the four years and my problem has still not been figured out / fixed. I have had my general bloods tested, coeliac tested as well as my thyroid and all are apparently fine. These symptoms started when I was released from hospital 4 years ago after diagnosis and have gotten worse and more debilitating as times gone on.

My symptoms usually come on after eating food which is why I feel as though it’s diabetes , however sometimes when I don’t eat I still get these symptoms, they usually get worse throughout the day.

My symptoms last for hours and include: sore eyes that feel tired, as though they’re being forced shut (sometimes it’s so bad I have to have a few hours naps), they are visably tired looking (smaller/puffy), they feel as though they’re straining and therefore I can’t focus on anything, I get headaches, I yawn continuously, I feel the need to stretch my entire body, I sometimes get leg cramps and arm cramps that last hours or days, I feel brain foggy/ confused / dizzy as though I’m not really real and it feels like a dream state. These symptoms can happen at any blood sugar level (in range or out of range) These symptoms affect every aspect of my life, I feel as though I’ll never be able to get a full time job as I wouldn’t be able to stay awake and I’d feel really ill if I was to have lunch so if I had a job I’d have to not eat all day to try limit symptoms, it ruins for instance holidays abroad as you can wake up feeling fine then you eat breakfast and you want to go back to bed and you can’t go explore, you meet up with your friends for a coffee and some cake and five minutes after eating/ drinking you’re exhausted and can’t continue the conversation anymore and have to go home and the doctors in Scotland couldn’t be more disinterested in helping me, last time I was in I burst out crying literally trying to beg the doctor to help me and he just let me leave after I had sat there for twenty minutes continuously saying “please help me”.

I’m literally trying EVERYTHING to try get to the bottom of it I’m currently off gluten for a few weeks to see if that’s it, I’m taking daily multivitamins, exercising more, drinking more water, sleeping more and alas NOTHING. that’s were you guys come in, if any of Yous have had similar symptoms and have been able to get rid of them please let me know as it’s ruining my life and is making it feel like it’s not worth living anymore.
Thank you so much for posting this! I have to say that I am in a similar situation in many ways.

Especially my eyes which I found interesting to read about in your question. For a start the doctors discovered recently that novo rapid has a drying effect on my eyes. However I also have a condition that eerily mimics your symptoms. I have blepharospasm which, prior to treatment left me with blond sight for weeks at a time! The symptoms match your exactly. I’ll really poorly at the moment so don’t feel up to a long message just got back from 17 1/2 hours in A&E!) However, I will return and explain let them more about how our symptoms matched. It might be worth getting yourself checked for it. The treatment is very straightforward. Do I like it no because it hurts, it’s Botox! But it’s matter of three minutes and it’s all over for eight weeks and that’s been gradually reduced overtime. Initially it was every six months so you can’t take the pain three minutes. My surgeon has one woman who cannot tolerate it and she runs screaming down the corridor after each treatment. I bite my lip. Oh my breath and it done! The worst really for me and they fall, because that is where I get a bad headache, but again it’s bearable and it is a good payoff for having Full site.

I promise I will return. I just feel absolutely rotten. I hope you’ve got a solution to this already.
Thank you so much for posting this! I have to say that I am in a similar situation in many ways.

Especially my eyes which I found interesting to read about in your question. For a start the doctors discovered recently that novo rapid has a drying effect on my eyes. However I also have a condition that eerily mimics your symptoms. I have blepharospasm which, prior to treatment left me with blond sight for weeks at a time! The symptoms match your exactly. I’ll really poorly at the moment so don’t feel up to a long message just got back from 17 1/2 hours in A&E!) However, I will return and explain let them more about how our symptoms matched. It might be worth getting yourself checked for it. The treatment is very straightforward. Do I like it no because it hurts, it’s Botox! But it’s matter of three minutes and it’s all over for eight weeks and that’s been gradually reduced overtime. Initially it was every six months so you can’t take the pain three minutes. My surgeon has one woman who cannot tolerate it and she runs screaming down the corridor after each treatment. I bite my lip. Oh my breath and it done! The worst really for me and they fall, because that is where I get a bad headache, but again it’s bearable and it is a good payoff for having Full site.

I promise I will return. I just feel absolutely rotten. I hope you’ve got a solution to this already.
The person you’re replying to hasn’t used this forum in several years
I know youve had a coeliac test, i did with similar symptoms and it came back clear. Doc said to "you ok with pasta" and i though yes. And then realised the night before id had some new very dense pasta and felt the worst id ever felt any stomach was so upset the next day. Anyway it went ping! So ok not celiac but could be gluten intolerant. So cut out gluten altogether. With in a few days i was feelng so much better. Took about a year for me to settle down from it after that.
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