Has anyone been prescribed Mounjaro? - new drug for weight loss approved by MHRA for people with type 2 diabetes.


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am struggling to get my levels down and am sensitive to many drugs! I have tried to persevere with taking Metforemin twice a day but the stomach pains and associated problems have meant I have reduced it to once daily. I am taking quite a high dose of Toujeo every morning by injection. I have also recently started on Dapaglifozin and in addition my diabetes nurse specialist wants me to try a new ‘wonder drug for weight loss’ Mounjaro which is given in a once weekly injection.
I have researched some of the available literature on the trials results and it does seem to have good benefits for weight loss. I am unsure about possible risk factors or side affects and would be grateful for any helpful feedback please?
Many thanks.
Hi, I started on 2.5 mg of Mounjaro 4 weeks ago going up to 5mg next Friday, no problems so far but I'm also on Sukkarto tablets, Toujeo 50 units AM and Novorapid twice a day.
How have you been on Mounjaro, I read there is already a supply problem if the higher doses in the US, I had to come off Trulicity for the same reason, I had been happily on it for 3 years until I couldn't get it anymore
I just started it 2 days ago. Side effects: the day after your injection you might feel nauseous. If you eat too much you'll definitely feel sick. I believe it can temporarily worsen diabetic retinopathy. My waking blood glucose level has halved in 3 days! I'm 0.2 away from non-diabetic range. I haven't seen those results since I lost 27lb on low carb in the first lockdown (why yes, I did put it all back on again.)
This is mixed blessing, so really glad you have supportive GP Surgery willing to prescribe semaglutide drugs on NHS prescription (I just get stock phrases like "global shortages, no pharmacists can fulfil prescriptions, so no, not even making enquiries to help you, nope!"), but according to the manufacturer's Eli Lilly, the full benefits of Mounjaro come from long-term usage and gradually increasing the dosage up to say 15mg Kwikpen, but currently in the UK there's limited supply of 2.5mg and 5mg dosage Kwikpens only, and many GP's are just refusing to prescribe due to the supply shortages which the manufacturer's claim will be resolved "in few months in the near future"... So all the best for managing your diabetes, but there's currently no option to get higher doses in UK from licensed Pharmacists with Prescription, and the situation is so dire there's "grey market" online stores selling "compounded semaglutides" where the active drugs are mixed in labs, and the official manufacturer's and healthcare professionals discourage patients from using compound drugs or pharmacies due to health risks of essentially taking unlicensed generic drugs... Mounjaro can also reportedly cause "stomach paralysis" and the side effects mean that diet of bland low fat high protein foods is the best way to manage everything, so no "skinny jabs" then going out to restaurants or drinking partying and getting takeaways on the way home without the risk of extreme diarrhoea (no more poop jokes from me!), funny they don't show this on the promotional websites for their "wonder drugs"! 🙄
I am frightened to try any weight loss drugs. I used capsules years ago and went crazy. I think they mixed with my medical treatment, predominantly my antidepressants. It would be awful if it was injected and I wouldn’t have any control over it. I was doing Slimmingworld. I did it the first 24 weeks then I got another 12 weeks. My weight went up and down like a yo-yo. Losing 6 lbs one week then 4 on next. It ended up over 12 weeks I lost only a few pounds. I’ve been on an AI holiday and I was overeating. My ankles became really swollen. I skipped breakfast and enjoyed the rest of the day and I only put on 1 lb and the swelling stopped.I’ve been doing this for weeks now. I’m not active I use a mobility scooter and I think this is why my weight has plateaued . I do walk but not for long and I’m in very bad pain. I am still in remission but I’ve another 3 lbs on and don’t want to watch my remission slip away. I need to try and become more active and think I’m going back to SW as I would rather do it without drugs. Think I need a kick up the backside! I was thinking back to when my weight changed. I had undiagnosed stomach ulcers for years I was sick every night with stomach acid, the available treatments weren’t working. I was also very active with a family, job and a mature student doing a degree and I was very nervous. This all kept my weight down . Then they brought out Lanzoprazol it’s been a life changer but my weight has almost doubled. I am now less active and no one to share food with as family have gone.
Enough of me!
I have to change this. I met the woman today on the weight loss drug. It wasn’t her lung it was her left kidney that was cancerous and removed 2 weeks ago. She showed me the scar. The positive side is if she had it before the weight loss drug she would have had a harder time with her extra weight.

Has anyone heard of anyone on these injections having serious health problems? Acquaintance has lost stones on it but has developed a lung tumour. ( wrong it was her kidney) It’s worth mentioning as there may or may not be others. She doesn’t look well at all despite her weight loss.. I don’t want to scaremonger she’s not a smoker and as we know there could be other reasons for the lung problem. I’ve just googled and Ozempic warns of thyroid tumours and other cancers.the file I’ve posted has no references or support it needs to be investigated more


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@Jinty2001 good luck for your weight loss journey! I have just been prescribed Rybelsus semaglutide tablets via NHS prescription after lobbying for it from my GP, like supermarkets avoiding any new legislative scrutiny preventing them profiting hugely from addictive highly processed junk foods!

Yes all prescription only medications have unwanted side effects, I would imagine the legal disclaimer about the potential risk of thyroid cancer on all the websites and marketing tat produced by Pharmaceutical companies all based in USA may reveal more about litigious culture in America, I don't think any of the 400 drugs licensed to treat diabetes hav zero side effects, but I have been prescribed lowest dose of 3mg, what is the name of the weight loss drugs you mention?

I know of family friend who has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and possibly due to their age over 80, the NHS has prescribed licensed drug which helps to manage RA, but definitely causes skin cancer which they can't have standard treatment for like chemotherapy as they are too ill and frail, so they have surgeries to remove skin cancer lesions instead, very grim situation for the patient suffering!

I also note that the semaglutide drugs are only prescribed on the premise the diabetes patient is engaging in healthy lifestyle changes and diet and exercise to lower blood glucose and lose weight, and I have not seen any medical claims which state "eat everything, then pop pill or take shot of the wonder drug, and lie down for rest as the weight magically disappears", so the semaglutides are intended to work in tandem with weight management efforts, and the advice I was given is to have much smaller portions, and just stick to healthier low sugar low carb low calorie bland foods due to the risks of stomach paralysis and slowing the movement of food through digestion system, so no more all you can eat buffets, spicy meals at restaurants or fast food takeaways, unless you can risk all the worst side effects!

Will update my experiences of Rybelsus after month or so, best of luck with Slimming World!
@Jinty2001 good luck for your weight loss journey! I have just been prescribed Rybelsus semaglutide tablets via NHS prescription after lobbying for it from my GP, like supermarkets avoiding any new legislative scrutiny preventing them profiting hugely from addictive highly processed junk foods!

Yes all prescription only medications have unwanted side effects, I would imagine the legal disclaimer about the potential risk of thyroid cancer on all the websites and marketing tat produced by Pharmaceutical companies all based in USA may reveal more about litigious culture in America, I don't think any of the 400 drugs licensed to treat diabetes hav zero side effects, but I have been prescribed lowest dose of 3mg, what is the name of the weight loss drugs you mention?

I know of family friend who has been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and possibly due to their age over 80, the NHS has prescribed licensed drug which helps to manage RA, but definitely causes skin cancer which they can't have standard treatment for like chemotherapy as they are too ill and frail, so they have surgeries to remove skin cancer lesions instead, very grim situation for the patient suffering!

I also note that the semaglutide drugs are only prescribed on the premise the diabetes patient is engaging in healthy lifestyle changes and diet and exercise to lower blood glucose and lose weight, and I have not seen any medical claims which state "eat everything, then pop pill or take shot of the wonder drug, and lie down for rest as the weight magically disappears", so the semaglutides are intended to work in tandem with weight management efforts, and the advice I was given is to have much smaller portions, and just stick to healthier low sugar low carb low calorie bland foods due to the risks of stomach paralysis and slowing the movement of food through digestion system, so no more all you can eat buffets, spicy meals at restaurants or fast food takeaways, unless you can risk all the worst side effects!

Will update my experiences of Rybelsus after month or so, best of luck with Slimming World!
Thank you for replying. Unfortunately I have to change my original post as I met the woman today. I’m shocked tbh. It was kidney cancer and her left kidney was removed two weeks ago. She showed me the scar. I had heard from my friend who got it mixed up and said it was her lung. She looks better after her op than she did before. On a positive note, if there is one. We don’t know what caused it. She has been on injections well over a year and she has lost so much weight. If it was there when she was very stout she might have had a worse time. The poor soul never knew she had it and must have had terrible side effects. It never stopped me bingeing on biscuits after I seen her. I think I’ve a stomach bug tbh, I never ate all day except biscuits. . I’m on a lot of drugs with side effects and the drs say the mixture in can make other drugs. We get help in one hand and it’s taken away in another. Everything has a price
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I am struggling to get my levels down and am sensitive to many drugs! I have tried to persevere with taking Metforemin twice a day but the stomach pains and associated problems have meant I have reduced it to once daily. I am taking quite a high dose of Toujeo every morning by injection. I have also recently started on Dapaglifozin and in addition my diabetes nurse specialist wants me to try a new ‘wonder drug for weight loss’ Mounjaro which is given in a once weekly injection.
I have researched some of the available literature on the trials results and it does seem to have good benefits for weight loss. I am unsure about possible risk factors or side affects and would be grateful for any helpful feedback please?
Many thanks.
Yes I started it a while ago I’m on my third lot of 5mg injections. So far I’m only losing a very small amount of weight so far. I’m on quite high doses of Toujeo and Trarapi insulin. I’ve started swimming again hoping to swim six times a week and when wheelchair basketball starts again once a week.

I’m hoping that now I’m exercising more my weight loss will be better. I’m due for my annual bloods in August. I have just over five weeks before I have them done. In my area they only go up to 5mg injections I wish they did the other strengths as I think it would be better weight loss.
I’ve been prescribed mounjaro, now on 5mg, having terrible tummy cramps and diarreahea now for several days, not sure if I can continue using this. I take metformin and have been taking humilin i and humalog before my nurse changed me to mounjaro.The side effects seem to go off slightly before my next injection a week later but I’m not having any sleep as stomach feels like a gurgling volcano. I am losing weight but I too have been going to slimming world and weight been slowing coming off without having to use mounjaro. I only take a small dose of humilin I & humalog so I may go back to the way things were, I have enough to worry about with my neuropathy in my legs let alone stomach cramps, nausea and diarreahea. How is everyone else doing?
I’ve been on Mounjaro for just over a month now
so far it’s OK for me, (as we’re both Ozempic & Trulicity)
My GP has just increased the dose from the initial 0.25 to 0.5

a few years ago I was taking Ozempic
without real side effects lost 6 stone (which I needed to)
mostly with the aid of Ozempic & obviously a lower carb diet
and was eating child sized portions

they moved me from Ozempic to Trulicity
as I’ve been under the DMO clinic (Retinopathy problems) for nearly 8 years now
the Retinopathy although wasn’t bought on by the Ozempic,
the Eye Dr suggested substituting Oxempic as a rare side effect of Ozempic can be Retinopathy problems

To many years in the past for to long I let my Diabetes be totally out of control

Ozempic I felt was ok for me and no real aside effects (apart from doing its job and surpassing my appetite)
after I was moved from Ozempic to Trulicity earlier this year
suddenly it wasn’t available due to supply shortages.

then a few months ago the DSN suggested I might want to try Mounjaro as it was now available,
however before my GP was happy to prescribe, I had to get a letter from Eye Department confirming they would be happy for me to be on Mounjaro from DMO clinic.
With regards to injections like Ozempic and Wegovy etc, did anyone see the documentary on TV a few months back where they looked into why there was such a shortage of all these weight loss drugs ? I watched it myself and was appalled that the private Doctors are buying it for their clients.

When I listened to the program, in particular Ozempic, which helps with controlling our diabetes, why are these private Doctors prescribing something that most of those that might want to lose a few pounds, don't need, Wegovy is the one they need or any similar product that has no effect on diabetes. This is why there is a shortage of these medications.

Again, I was on Instagram a while ago and I kept seeing all these adverts for all these weight loss injections, all with various names, including Ozempic, the lowest price was £97 for one injection, the most expensive was £249. There is no regulation for this, it's so wrong. I could not get the 0.5 Ozempic after using the 0.25, so was put on Semaglutide tablets, they don't work as well as the injections, but they are the easier option.

I am coming up to my 2 year anniversary of being diagnosed type 2, have had 2 eye tests for Retinopathy and thankfully have passed both, so don't have to go back for another test for that for 2 years now. I do need to get some new glasses though, as my sight has been slightly affected for having T2.
been on it for 2 months just started my 3rd pen today 5mg as i was feeling sickly they did not increase the dose to see if another month at 5mg would help the nausea settle. the only issue i have found is my nurse did not mention to me not to drink alcohol while on Mounjaro and i have a few glasses for wine at the weekend and felt really strange took my blood reading and it was low. after some internet searching found that it was a common side affect if you mix the injection with alcohol so be careful if you are planning a celebration.
i have had my first blood tests back today since starting mounjaro and my Hba1c has gone from 58 to 42, really pleased.
Congratulations on your HBA1C coming down to 42. My last reading was 58. I have recently taken my second dose of 0.25 Mounjaro, I have had no side effects from taking it yet ! I was fine when taking Ozempic, but could not get hold of the next dose, so could no longer take it. One thing I did find with Ozempic, and I am not sure if this is only something I noticed, but it started to regulate my passing of urine better, I was not having pass water as often as I do normally, have/has/did anyone else notice anything like that while taking Ozempic ?
Congratulations on your HBA1C coming down to 42. My last reading was 58. I have recently taken my second dose of 0.25 Mounjaro, I have had no side effects from taking it yet ! I was fine when taking Ozempic, but could not get hold of the next dose, so could no longer take it. One thing I did find with Ozempic, and I am not sure if this is only something I noticed, but it started to regulate my passing of urine better, I was not having pass water as often as I do normally, have/has/did anyone else notice anything like that while taking Ozempic ?
Yes I agree about not having to pass urine so much especially at night, now worried that I'm not drinking enough! I used to get up at least 4 times in the night now it's just once!
Hello, after my second prescription for Metformin, the first time many years ago for gestational diabetes, I find that I cannot tolerate the stomach cramps, headaches, nausea and eventually sickness. I am considering self funding a three month private prescription for Mounjaro as my GP practice won’t consider funding it on principle.
In recent years I have managed my T2D through low carb diet but in th last year, this has proved less affective and my last HBa1c has moved from the prediabetic range to 59. My best result.was 39 three months after I was first diagnosed achieved through changes in diet,

Given my sensitivity to Metformin, I am concerned that I might also have a bad reaction to Mounjaro. I feel I need to take some action, other than diet, and wondered if anyone had any updates or experience of both medications to share?
Hello, after my second prescription for Metformin, the first time many years ago for gestational diabetes, I find that I cannot tolerate the stomach cramps, headaches, nausea and eventually sickness. I am considering self funding a three month private prescription for Mounjaro as my GP practice won’t consider funding it on principle.
In recent years I have managed my T2D through low carb diet but in th last year, this has proved less affective and my last HBa1c has moved from the prediabetic range to 59. My best result.was 39 three months after I was first diagnosed achieved through changes in diet,

Given my sensitivity to Metformin, I am concerned that I might also have a bad reaction to Mounjaro. I feel I need to take some action, other than diet, and wondered if anyone had any updates or experience of both medications to share?
I wonder if there is something more you can do with diet, what sort of meals are you having.
I am following the same, low carb diet that I started when first diagnosed. No change there, Basically, no beige food - bread, rice, flour, etc or fruit 80%of time.. No alcohol to speak of. Old methods don’t seem to work. I have had problems since bad reaction to 3rd vaccine booster, followed by Bells Palsy treated by steroids. 3rd covid infection resulted in long covid and respiratory problems. Respiratory problems are improving but blood glucose still haywire. Thought Metformin might stabilise things , as well as off label support for long covid but I can’t tolerate it. It is very hard to stay motivated when my efforts are no longer achieving desired outcome. My approach has been diet first and meds only as a last resort but I feel I am being forced to explore self funding options to bring about some change. I tired discussing this with my diabetic nurse but she kept telling me how stressed she was told me to discuss it with the pharmacist who informed me that the practice wouldn’t prescribe Mounjaro on principle.

If anything, the one thing that has changed is my energy levels which means I don’t exercise as much as I did.
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I am following the same, low carb diet that I started when first diagnosed. No change there, Basically, no beige food - bread, rice, flour, etc or fruit 80%of time.. No alcohol to speak of. Old methods don’t seem to work. I have had problems since bad reaction to 3rd vaccine booster, followed by Bells Palsy treated by steroids. 3rd covid infection resulted in long covid and respiratory problems. Respiratory problems are improving but blood glucose still haywire. Thought Metformin might stabilise things , as well as off label support for long covid but I can’t tolerate it. It is very hard to stay motivated when my efforts are no longer achieving desired outcome. My approach has been diet first and meds only as a last resort but I feel I am being forced to explore self funding options to bring about some change. I tired discussing this with my diabetic nurse but she kept telling me how stressed she was told me to discuss it with the pharmacist who informed me that the practice wouldn’t prescribe Mounjaro on principle.

If anything, the one thing that has changed is my energy levels which means I don’t exercise as much as I did.
Steroids are well known or causing elevated or hard to manage blood glucose levels.
It may help to go back to basics and keep a food diary for a week or so and note what you have and an estimate of the carbs to see if you have drifted upwards and your body is less tolerant of the carbs you are now having especially if your exercise has dropped down a bit.
Maybe doing some strategic testing of your meals to see if you are eating meals which increase your blood glucose by more than 2-3mmol/l from before eating to 2 hours after.
Thank you. I can factor in a carb audit. I was doing well on 100g a day but maybe need to revisit that. I would still be interested in hearing about people’s experience of Mounjaro. I am willing it trial it until my next Hba1c. I maintained testing for quite some time but gave up in recent months - mainly because my results were so out of whack. I even changed monitors because I thought it was broken. These days, my fasting blood and pre food reading is consistently 7 and over. Definitely, time for a reset.
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