Group 7-day waking average?

7.7 this morning at 8.15. Coming down by 0.1 each morning for last 5 days. 5.8 last night before bed at midnight. I am regularly higher in the morning usually by 2.0. Both this morning and last night are my lowest readings ever so the tablets are at long last working. 3 x 30mg Diamicron and 2x1000mg Metformin. Went from 2 to 3 Diamicron 3 weeks ago.
Question: Presumably I will plateau but would I then reduce tablets - anyone experienced this?
4.4 this morning and off to see new diabetic consultant today, moved to a hospital nearer to where i live 🙂
good morning everyone....... 9.6 for me 😱

I'm seeing my DSN for my annual review tomorrow and have a doc appointment on Friday regarding the pain in the site of my operation. I know I have the sniffles but pain in my side seems to coinside with my rise in morning BG
Bless me fellow posters, for I have sinned. It has been over 2 weeks since my last confession 😱

Actually, although I've felt things have gone pretty badly, and I haven't been nearly as disciplined as before Christmas, there's nothing too shocking to report, just a long string of depressingly unimpressive numbers. Waking average has been 7.7 in that time (compared to a best-ever 14-day average of 7.2), with a worst single reading of 8.7.

Not looking forward to tomorrow's number, though - it was DD's birthday today and the OH bakes a mean sponge cake. It would have been churlish to turn it down; but maybe should have refused the second slice 😱
Good morning 4.1 for me
My confession and contrition obviously left the diabetes fairy in a good mood.
6.5 today. :D
Did I mention the sausage rolls? 😉
Well since i was diagnosed and released from hospital my mornings have been
23rd - 19.6
24th - 8.8
25th - 20.2
26th - 16.4
I'm still really high and bouncing up and down at the moment :( hoping it all calms down the more i get a grip on things. Luckily no ketones in my wee but i'm having to scan my food before i eat it to make sure i don't eat anything high in sugar or carbs :(
When i went into hospital it was reading HI on the blood testers so at least its come down some lol
'morning all, 4.8 for me
Good morning 4.3 for me, 1 unit reduction last night!
10.5 but I didn't need my extra humalog during the night so that was a bonus🙂
18.5 followed by 20 units of isophane and 12 units of humalog :( and thats before brekky
good morning everyone :D

6.8 this morning..... hopefully my morning levels are dropping back down again 😱
Morning all, 4.7 today.

Had a 3.2 Tuesday, how can that be:confused: