Stayed up late yesterday, only going to bed when my eyes were SO blurry I couldn’t read anymore with the text zoomed up to a HUGE size on the iPad, swatting up on The Information Paradox & various new theories, of the last few tears, to resolve it! Also, the possibilities of a new fifth fundamental force of nature that could open up an entirely new branch of Physics with a entirely new group of subatomic particles to carry that force!
The first parts was reminding myself of what I’ve forgotten & the last part entirely new to me! Thank goodness for the internet as the “putting it into laymen terms” is done for me: in the late 80’s & even through to the mid noughties when I was most active about astronomy I read the actual books published, bought quite a few of them from The Queens University Book Shop as soon as they came out instead of waiting for availability at the library, by the person/people who postulated the theories; I, in italics, had to do THAT myself, quite a regular brain workout, so I could understand it as scientists, Physicists being some of the worst, tend not to put things in simple terms!
So, with all that swirling around my brain as I slept last night I had a very strange dream where I was back at college sharing an apartment with Stephen Hawking & Benedict Cumberbatch, whi played him in the BBC drama Hawking before the Hollywood film The Theory of Everything, they were incredibly messy & I’ve never been particularly neat myself so, it was like a bomb site of rubbish everywhere!
😱 I shared an apartment, in the halls of residence, during my college years in Derry with another guy & it used to annoy the hell out of me how the sink was ALWAYS stuffed with unwashed dishes etc etc etc!!!
😡 But, we had existential discussions about the fundamental forces of nature!
😛😎 I even at one point was out & about in a motorised wheelchair through the streets getting impeded by some inconsiderate people & being helped, with various degrees of thoughtful necessity, by others! It was a weird night of dreams!
I used to have these brain workouts on a regular basis but, haven’t in the last 10/15 years & it’s SO nice, & energising, to put my brain to work again albeit the extremely helpful internet on hand to do the simplifying for me!