Oh heck! One of those days. I’m having one now. Just had text to say they’ve cancelled our ferry due to “ adverse weather conditions”. Re booked us on the 19.20 ferry which may or may not go ahead! They will make a final decision at 2pm. So in the meantime we’re sat in the car watching the storm! Hope we get hone tonight, Mr Eggy has ran out of clean knickers! I always bring extra for emergencies, this one wasn’t one I expected! 😱Morning, 3.8 here. Surprised me not higher after yesterday. You know those days when you wish you hadn't left the house?
I had been to gym and missed my bus. Witnessed a pretty bad physical assault in the middle of the road followed by a man then getting into his work van and trying to run somebody over! Jumped on the first bus I could after that which I had to swap further along the way but ended up missing my stop and havig to walk back up a hill only to find the stop I needed was out of use! Aaagh. Anyway at this point I was due get home get changed and shower and back out to meet my friend within the hour so was feeling very stressed.
Rushed home and managed to meet her and her daughter in time in the park. Enjoyed some fresh air and being outdoors but it doesn't end. Her daughter has many different coloured dummy's which she holds for comfort and beige a kid she threw it literally out of her pram, into the lake, and as you do when it's in reach and you can help out in went to retrieve it... and now my mobile phone is in the bottom of the lake and I submerged my leg. Christ on a bike, what next??
Unfortunately I've lost some sentimental photographs and can no longer scan my sensor... so that's annoying. I think I'm going to stay in bed and request occasional cups of tea until I have to leave on Tuesday!
Nooo! Being on holiday is one thing, but being stuck is another! Here’s hoping the wind abates for you, and a night in the car with no clean knickers doesn’t materialise!😱Oh heck! One of those days. I’m having one now. Just had text to say they’ve cancelled our ferry due to “ adverse weather conditions”. Re booked us on the 19.20 ferry which may or may not go ahead! They will make a final decision at 2pm. So in the meantime we’re sat in the car watching the storm! Hope we get hone tonight, Mr Eggy has ran out of clean knickers! I always bring extra for emergencies, this one wasn’t one I expected! 😱
Hope your day is better than yesterday’s and I hope my day gets better.
Thank you. Yesterday was probably the best day of the week. I actually managed to catch up with some things!!. I hope it was a better day to finish the week
He was worried he would have to use a pair of your spare Knickers more likeFerry services have resumed. Hurrah! We’re currently in the queue for a standby place on the 16.40, behind 10 other vehicles! 🙄 Hopefully we will eventually get home today and Mr Eggy will be saved the embarrassment of wearing his Calvins inside out!😛
Congratulations @Michael12421 on HS.🙂Good morning - 5.2