04:52 BS 7.5
A so so smile for being slightly better than yesterday: ate less biscuits, 6 instead of 8; still too many for no bolus!
😱 Hmm? May need a bit more compromising & have a wee bit of bolus! I ate half an hour earlier all day yesterday as I got up that half hour earlier than the previous day & my typical day of meals is currently this:- Breakfast 6:30, Lunch 10:30, Dinner 14:30, Tea & biscuits 19:00 before turning into bed & snoozing by 8pm? The day before yesterday I had an extra cuppa tea, no biscuits, about 3 hours after breakfast & then, ate lunch about 30 minutes later than usual!
I’m not properly up yet, after getting up for the little girl’s room, so, just had half an oatcake & half breakfast dose, currently just 14 units as breakfast dose has gone down to 30 & I rounded down to the nearest even unit as 1 unit up or down has NEVER made any difference & needs to be at least 2 units, up or down, to have an impact!
🙄 I will try getting a bit more sleep: great if I can; DP should be covered if I can’t?
A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day!
PS:- I wonder if switching to tea & toast, as in the hospital routine, will be better as it’s a bit more filling & less sweet than biscuits: just scoffing too many tesco nice biscuits; or I need to get used to an emptier stomach before bed?
🙄 THAT’LL take SOME getting used to!
PPS:- Oh no!
😱 It doesn’t look like any more sleep is possible as in the time I took to type this, slow typer, my stomach is waking up with loud growls & seismic rumbles so, I may have to feed the beast & add in the other half breakfast dose +2 for the half oatcake: THAT’S what happens now; I wake up hungry because I go to bed with less on board!
🙄 It’s all about adjusting to the new routine!