Group 7-day waking average?

I increased the levemir when I was having highs and am in process of bringing it down. Woke at 5 am with the 3.2 during week. Down to 9 units again and monitoring. I do feel hypo when I get below 4. Had a few in the 2's in the eves last week so reduced the novo as well x

Ah yes, I remember - glad to hear you are tackling it, and good to hear that you woke with the 3.2 🙂 In the first few months after I was diagnosed I was more scared of highs than lows and would frequently wake in the upper 3s or low 4s - then it occured to me that perhaps it was a bit low and there might come a time when I didn't wake up at all. Now I'm usually in the 5s or 6s and if I dip below 5 then I consider lowering my lantus (which isn't always easy when I drop to 3 units!).

From this morning's result, it looks like you have the option of less levemir or a nightly vodka-fest :D
A very dissapointing 10.9 after yesterdays good ones .
My little one was 4.2, normally around 7 but we had a bit of a night earlier on with what turned out to be a bent cannula, think the correction dose brought her down to that. A swift breakfast and having a fair day 🙂
My little one was 4.2, normally around 7 but we had a bit of a night earlier on with what turned out to be a bent cannula, think the correction dose brought her down to that. A swift breakfast and having a fair day 🙂

Sounds like the correction was pretty much spot on, always difficult to get them exactly right! 🙂
7.3 I'm afraid. I never seem to get down into the 6s these days. I'm seeing my nice DSN at the hospital on the 30th - she's brought my November appointment forward as I'm losing it completely just now and I fear a rearrangement of insulin is coming up - just when I'd got used to this regime....blasted diabetes.
7.6 for me this morning. Pretty typical for me these days and usually my highest reading of the day. XXXXX
Just back from nearly 4 weeks in Singapore where I had to reduce my Novorapid usage significantly, now trying to get all back in line again. Morning seems to be mostly Ok though - 6.0 today. (Does everyone test on waking? - I test just before eating breakfast, probably 15 minutes or so after getting up)
13.8 for me, after a 3am hypo. unfortunately I don't count that as too bad.
Mine was 6.9 this morning, it was 3.5 before bed so I took less Levemir last night. Sheena
Mines is all over the place,

Sun 14th 11.5 - Mon 15th 12.5 - Tue 16th 12.2 - Wed 17th 6.0 - Thu 18th 5.3 - Fri 19th 9.9 - Sat 20th 7.1 - Sun 21st 9.1

Seeing Diabetic specialist nurse regulary who's helping me adjust the doses of glargine and lispro - possibly lowering the glargine from 96u at night and starting on byetta 🙂


Mines is all over the place,

Sun 14th 11.5 - Mon 15th 12.5 - Tue 16th 12.2 - Wed 17th 6.0 - Thu 18th 5.3 - Fri 19th 9.9 - Sat 20th 7.1 - Sun 21st 9.1

Seeing Diabetic specialist nurse regulary who's helping me adjust the doses of glargine and lispro - possibly lowering the glargine from 96u at night and starting on byetta 🙂



Hope you can get a bit more stability in the 5s and 6s when you try the adjustments and Byetta Andy, that's quite a few ups and downs! 🙂
Darn! Why am I always logging on here too late at night! I'm closer to tomorrow mornings reading than this morning!

But it was a perfect 4.2 ...thank you and goodnight!!! (*Bowing*)

Prob wont be any good in the morning, as I completely forgot that I hadn't had my insulin after tea and now I'll need to correct! ARGH
Darn! Why am I always logging on here too late at night! I'm closer to tomorrow mornings reading than this morning!

But it was a perfect 4.2 ...thank you and goodnight!!! (*Bowing*)

Prob wont be any good in the morning, as I completely forgot that I hadn't had my insulin after tea and now I'll need to correct! ARGH

If it's any consolation, I forgot my 2nd lantus jab 2 evenings running until an hour or so later than normal. Makes little difference but a trend I don't want.🙄

6.6 for me this morning which is a bit on higher side usually hoover between 4-5 when get up 🙂
5.2 for me 🙂 Which is rather good, considering I went to bed on 5.3 and measured 4.8 when I woke at about 2 am! 🙂