Grief at work (lone working)

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Type1 sue


Obviously I appear to have offended you in some way many apologies!
Firstly yes I have read the book and it appears you are not aware that I stated my Hypo awareness is almost non existant. I was placed on a pump to reduce the amount of Hypo's.

I have only been on the pump for 3 months and all well and good my control is so much better.

You had a dig about my exercise routine I thought that 3 hours a day is quite adequate for someone my age.

Also im surprised you found Derrifords pump clinic no good. I have found them the total opposite and the consultant is well recognised and excellent with her prompt approach.

The pump is definitely not a Spirit!

Which pump do you use?

You stipulate that I shouldnt drive with disabling hypo's, in all my life as a diabetic I have not had a disabling hypo in a car as driving a car uses little exertion compared with my work which I can be physically moving a hell of a load of kit over a very short period increasing my chances of Hypo's.

You must also realise this has never caused a problem before and it is my organisation requested this move and was not instigated by myself.

I was happy to keep it all quiet and carry on as I have always done.

As regards live ammunition. I dont use it, but it is nearby.

As you are an expert on tne MOD you obviously know exactly how they behave in this day and age regarding H&S.

Anyway many apologies for upsetting you.
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Obviously I appear to have offended you in some way many apologies!
Firstly yes I have read the book and it appears you are not aware that I stated my Hypo awareness is almost non existant. I was placed on a pump to reduce the amount of Hypo's.

You didn't upset me and I hope I didn't offend you it was not my intention 😱 You stated "This coupled with disabling Hypo's puts me on the risk register..." But then again I am suprised you are allowed to drive if almost non existent hypos. I was very concerned for yours and everyone elses safety.
I have only been on the pump for 3 months and all well and good my control is so much better.
Glad to hear it, wait until the 4 or 5 mth mark and then the confidence will hit you full on and you can then use the pump to it's full potential.

You had a dig about my exercise routine I thought that 3 hours a day is quite adequate for someone my age.
Erm I did not have a dig at your exercise routine :confused:You stated in a previous post lugging computers about made you go hypo. So I suggested you ate something or cut your basal

Also im surprised you found Derrifords pump clinic no good. I have found them the total opposite and the consultant is well recognised and excellent with her prompt approach.
I'm glad you found her ok.After almost 50 years of diabetes I can honestly say I was shocked by her lack of knowledge and understanding. I would have said NDDH is pos the worst of all with Derriford a very close 2nd

The pump is definitely not a Spirit!
What you got then?

Which pump do you use?
Cozmo 🙂

You stipulate that I shouldnt drive with disabling hypo's, in all my life as a diabetic I have not had a disabling hypo in a car as driving a car uses little exertion compared with my work which I can be physically moving a hell of a load of kit over a very short period increasing my chances of Hypo's.
I asked how come you were allowed to drive. I have always been told that 2 assists for a hypo and bang goes your license.If you have sudden exertion make sure u have some glucose tabs for instant energy at least you can then correct if you go a bit high.You also have the option of cutting your basal right back now.

You must also realise this has never caused a problem before and it is my organisation requested this move and was not instigated by myself.
It's what's known as the nany state :D I was just so shocked reading the palavor involved as have never come across it before.

I was happy to keep it all quiet and carry on as I have always done.
The way you are being treated is almost in the realms of discrimination

As regards live ammunition. I dont use it, but it is nearby.
Lol bet you wouldn't get to nr it anyway a gun would be trained on your back whether you knew it or not.

As you are an expert on tne MOD you obviously know exactly how they behave in this day and age regarding H&S.
I can assure you I am no expert regarding the MOD. I never had your problems though. I just filled in the form requireing medical details. It was a case of oh your diabetic and that was it. It was never mentioned again

Anyway many apologies for upsetting you.

I can assure you, you did not upset me. I was just so shocked as to what was going on with you.
Hi T1 Sue

Ive got the minimed paradigm 722 I was offered the chance to go on the cozmo but after talking to the manufacturer about the guarantee of the waterproof rating IPX8 not being guaranteed... I decided it wasnt for me.

You say wait to get to the 4th and 5th month when you get to use all the functions of the pump.

That seems a long time compared with the 2 weeks they enabled everything on the pump for me. N.B. I have an unfair advantage as I worked for the manufacturer for quite a few years...

Do you know of anyone who has lost their license through 2 disabling hypos because I dont know any diabetics at all who have lost their licenses through hypos.

Ive just spoken to DVLA and they have stated you can lose your license after one disabling hypo in a vehicle but it depends on all circumstances and no one case is identical.
Hi T1 Sue

Ive got the minimed paradigm 722 I was offered the chance to go on the cozmo but after talking to the manufacturer about the guarantee of the waterproof rating IPX8 not being guaranteed... I decided it wasnt for me.
Someone lost their cozmo river rafting and found it a week later fully submerged. It was fine. My friend goes swiming with his still attached. Cozmo has so many more features. I love the hypo manager best of all though.

You say wait to get to the 4th and 5th month when you get to use all the functions of the pump.
No you misunderstood me. Once you get to the 4 or 5 month mark you will notice a great difference in your confidence with using all the features on your pump.

That seems a long time compared with the 2 weeks they enabled everything on the pump for me. N.B. I have an unfair advantage as I worked for the manufacturer for quite a few years...
I set my pump up myself from day one.I don't go to any clinics. I'm just waiting for funding to come through from PCT. GP has applied for it. I have self funded since May.

Do you know of anyone who has lost their license through 2 disabling hypos because I dont know any diabetics at all who have lost their licenses through hypos.
Yes I know of a couple of people who have lost license due to being hypo unaware and blacking out. 1 young lad can't even get a license because he has no awareness

Ive just spoken to DVLA and they have stated you can lose your license after one disabling hypo in a vehicle but it depends on all circumstances and no one case is identical.
So I gather, that's why it's paramount you test before getting behind the wheel. This proves you ok when you set out.
Hi T1

I saw the article about the rafter who lost his pump in the states and retrieved it later on. But the manufacturer wont guarantee the rating on the pump which is what dissapointed me, if it leaks you will have difficulty claiming for a new one. The Cozmo is a good pump though and if it wasnt for that point I would of gone for it.

Please remember this thread was started about grief I am getting at work on not pump issues there are two threads running at this moment which are discussing pumps.

Its all gone quiet!

Hi everyone
Looks like the problem wont be resolved until the new year now with xmas coming etc.
Im on leave soon anyway hooray and wont be going back to the new year...

I would like to wish everyone a happy xmas and a prosperous new year.
Remember to eat well and drink in moderation.....:D
Back to work soon

Just for an update
Back to work on the 5th Jan. Should prove interesting as our H&S manager is visiting me and giving my manager an audit!
I shall keep everyone updated as to what is said....
Have a Happy New Year 😉
Thanks for the update Shaun.
Enjoy your break and here's hoping you have a smoother ride in 2009
Update on 'Grief at work'

Well on Friday 9th of Jan H&S manager visited our office and attempted to get te manager to explain his greivances only to find after the H&S manager left the office he still insists on failing to sign the Risk assessment.

All other parties: OH, HR, H&S fully support the RA, so they have been left with no alternative now but to take action against him for failure to comply with company legislation.

So it looks like this is going to gon for a while longer.

I have been told to stick to the RA and not to be bullied into doing something not covered in the RA.

If I am forced by my manager to do something out of the ordinary I have been told to leave site and immediately inform my managers boss.

This is getting so bad now! Unfotunately by repeating myself I can only say this is the worst I have been treated in the 32 odd years of being Diabetic.😱
As I said in a previous post Shaun, what he is doing amounts to constructive dismissal.
Someone senior surely sees this.
I realise this is stressful but don't be bullied into anything stupid. Work, even specialist MOD work is getting hard to come by.
Hi Shaun,

Just wanted to post a message of support really. What on earth does your manager hope to achieve? Surely he realises that his cause - whatever that is - is hopeless - how on earth does someone so stupid get to be a manager?

Good luck and thank you for posting all this, I'm sure it will help many others who may encounter similar difficulties.
Hi Kojack

Yes you are right it is very serious for him, I think they maybe waiting for him to mess up completely to give a rock solid reason for dismissal.
Certain statements have been made to me that they are gravely concerned about his behaviour overall. :confused:
Kite if you need some legal advice, message me, I'll be pleased to help you free of charge mate (I'm a Solicitor).

I've not read the entire thread, but am happy to spare half an hour or so.

At last a result

Well he has signed it but after taking his time to do so he still insists he doesnt understand it! Ive sat down with him and tried explaining it to him in laymans language using easy to understand examples. I thought he might of understood it but within 48 hours he got in my car and said whatis exactly wrong with you? Duh Im a Diabetic! I think in some cases there are people who are unable to take in basic information. He is still up for a big ticking off because of his personal comments about my health. I am also speaking to my solicitor to see if there is any case to argue now. 😡
Thanks for the update Shaun. Sounds as if he has heard warning bells; perhaps for him, too late
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