Grief at work (lone working)

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Hi Kitemaster, Thumbs up, 1 nil to you. Your VICTORY!! Be proud of yourself. Rach.
Conference update

Hi everyone and thankyou 4 the kind words people have been saying, I know after 32 years you should never let it get on top of you but until know ive never had such grief. Anyway I promise no more moping around, the good news is the conference is going ahead tomorrow and HR are also involved and will be at the conference too. They are all supporting me and it should all be sorted out by Friday afternoon...
It just seems unfortunate that this could of all been resolved and not made so complicated in the first place if he would of listened...😛
Although it has been dreadful for you Shaun, sharing your saga here has probably helped a lot of people who in the past have just accepted the sort of treatment you have had.

Tomorrow's conference, bearing in mind the participants, could have a huge knock on effect in many industrial situations.
There will have to be written analyses of the whole meeting which under the freedom of information act, could be accessed by others and presented to any awkward manager.
Dont laugh

Looks like he has managed to avoid the meeting he failed to turn up at conference as he stipulated he had been called out to a job. strange as he was sitting in the office all afternoon!!! so oh dear i let it slip to the others at the conference, and they will be taking it further with him and decided to pull his points of view (lack of) out of the equation and the risk assessment applies without his consent...😛
I expect he will have been using office time and equipment to type out his cv.
Well done Shaun. As for your boss.... there are fools, incompetents and complete idiots.
I think he must qualify for the lot!!
i have to agree Kojack

Im off till tuesday and i probably wont know the whole outcome until I go back to work. But im sure he will need to do a load of explaining to quite a few people...:D
Result!!! A Winner

Hi everyone to all those posting on this thread, it is now resolved...
They have stipulated that his input is not needed and therefore with all parties in agreeance the risk assessment stands with no changes...
Looks like im going to get the assistance I need when it is required...😉
Do you have uninon representation or an employee assistance package, or even a welfare manager? Talk to any of them for advice. Sometimes it helps if you have an independent third party who is not so emotionally involved and can be objective about the whole thing.

I work alone for about an hour early in the morning, I have to let everyone in the office know where I am. As other staff start work soon after me in the areas I go into, I am not alone for too long. WOuld a walkie talkie or two way radio be of any use?

I have encountered several people whohave said it is not safe for me to climb ladders as I am diabetic. I work in a major reference library with high density storage below ground. Most people I point in the direction of Diabetes UK, Balance Magazine (which we keep) and a number of good rference books. Itusually clears up any misunderstandings.

In my office I am lucky as one of the managers is also diabetic, so if you can get some one with a managerial position on your side it might help.
i work for an IT company naming no names but get my boss/personel manager likes to make my life hell i work in 2 shops 1 in huddersfield 1 in morley and i live in wakefield and do full days on my own 8.5 hrs with hardly any contact with other work members i dont get any phone calls or visits what so ever. does the safety assessment legality rule over every work case. im type 1 diabetic and have been since 20th of march this yr(2008) i kind of figure that my boss doesn't like me since i found out im diabetic i needed a day off to go get my eyes screened and he said this is all get a little ridiculous! it all just seems wrong.

sorry if iv rambled on i just dont have anybody to talk to about this.

any help would be great Cheer Gaz.
Hi IT freak and to whom it may concern

My problem is now resolved and I have just seen the latest version of my risk assessment and its tighter than the original so I will no longer have to work on the larger calls on my own 'hooray equal rights'

IT freak I can sympathise with you on this matter if you can see by this thread I started on a few weeks ago.

You are not going to be the 1st or last Diabetic having problems in the workplace, You are covered by different acts.

The one thing your employer cannot avoid is you can do what I had done in the end have a risk assessment created. Have you got a H&S rep? he could be helpful in these matters.

Your employer similar to mine has to realise that you will need the odd day off here and there to have hospital/GP visits.

My manager made the simple assumption that I was cured after being put on an insulin pump, this was explained to him by medical professionals and he still wouldnt have it. Unfortunately some people are ignorant to your medical situation. You maybe lucky trying to sit down and talk to him may help but in my case I had to go further with my problem...
Good luck IT freak (PS I work for one of the largest Computer manufacturers in the world so it dont matter who you work for you will still have hiccups)...🙂
When I first started working in my current job, I was risk assessed by our occupational health department as I do shift work and also lone-work for either 3 or 9 hours on some shifts.
Although I say I lone-work, i work on the front desk of a police station and so although i am on my own, on the occasional quiet nights there are officers around, who sometimes will come and see me. For the first couple of times I was lone working my supervisor made sure someone checked on me at least once throughout my shift, but now there is nothing in place.
My boyfriend worries about me as if anything was to happen to me i may not be found til someone comes in.
But so far, its all been ok. I think companies don't want the hassle of problems that may arise if something happens.
lone working.

i think it's disgraceful that people are treated like this in the workplace in this day and age!!! it's discrimination which ever way you look at it. fight for you're rights, you did'nt let diabetes beat you don't let narrowminded bigotts beat you!!! p.s. kitemaster how did you get on yesterday when you went back to work??🙂
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Hi everyone

Me and my big mouth!
Its no better! Im still expected only 'today' to go ahead and work on my own in some dangerous locations. This has forced my hand now to inform the HSE as he even stipulated that he is more concerned about the expense to his cost centre than my health and safety. HSE will be contacting me tomorrow as this is going on too long and he has made another feable excuse that the risk assessment has to be altered and this cant be done till the new year. On that note he stated that as the issue has not been resolved im to carry on working wherever he thinks is safe for me....
Watch this space as the s**t hits the fan!!!!😡
This absolutely stinks as a classic case of attempted constructive dismissal.
You really do need union/legal advice on this issue.
I am really curious to know why you can not work alone?:confused:
Many diabetics live alone and also work alone.
Hi Type 1 Sue

In answer to your question, it was deemed by OH and H&S appropriate for me as I am now on an insulin pump working in locations which have nuclear implications, live firearms and dangerous heights...
Yes seems odd for someone who works on pc equipment but I am based on one of our customers MOD sites. This means we can be working on submarines warships and general High risk areas.
Also some of the areas we gain access to have no mobile phone or any form of radio communication because they are underground.
This coupled with disabling Hypo's puts me on the risk register...😉
In answer to your question, it was deemed by OH and H&S appropriate for me as I am now on an insulin pump working in locations which have nuclear implications, live firearms and dangerous heights...
Yes seems odd for someone who works on pc equipment but I am based on one of our customers MOD sites. This means we can be working on submarines warships and general High risk areas.
Also some of the areas we gain access to have no mobile phone or any form of radio communication because they are underground.
This coupled with disabling Hypo's puts me on the risk register...😉

As you are on an insulin pump you should not be having disabling hypos 😱
Have you read the book pumping insulin by John Walsh? If not you need too.
I assume you have the mis-fortune to go to Derriford pump clinic. If so then you need to learn all you can yourself. I found the pump consultant ignorant beyond belief :(
What pump do you have?
If it's a spirit ask for a change of pump that has an IOB feature and a hypo manager. This will take the guess work out for you.
A pump is a fantastic tool as long as you learn to use it correctly. IE exercise cut your basal, carb counting must be on the ball. Basal must be spot on too.
Also if you are having disabling hypos how come you are allowed to drive?
I can not see you being allowed anywhere near live firearms it would be more than anyones jobs worth to let you unless you trained to do so. Subs and warships do not have amo laying around anyway and warships and subs are well guarded ie someone always about.
I worked under ground for many years for up to 8 hrs at a time with no mobile phone either. Couldn't see a problem. (This was MOD too).
My day job is on the farm I can go up to the top fields and not see anyone for many hrs. I could be ploughing/fencing. I also work around livestock. Which can be very dangerous at times but no quarter is given just because I am diabetic. I just get on with life. If I go low a few glucose tabs solve the problem and I carry on with what I am doing.
Hence why I was so curious as to why so much fuss is being made about you being diabetic.
Safe work place

Wow aren't you just a ray of sunshine type1_sue??? Does it matter why he is at risk or the fact that a fuss is being made, the point is that his company are obviously not doing their job properly with helping him be safe, that's why health and safety rules are there in the first place.
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