GPs to manage 50% of Type-1 diabetic patients under CCG plans

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@Northerner - Do you use Twitter at all? A chap called Partha Kar, who seems to be Head Honcho is all sorts of governing bodies these days is very active, and very T1 biased. As you might expect, he's receiving some "special feedback" today about this news. If you, or anyone else for that matter, care to add your own feelings to his feed, at least you could feel you have offered your own views to someone at the hub of diabetes decision making these days.

He and I have already crossed swords over some of his apparent views on T2.
@Northerner - Do you use Twitter at all? A chap called Partha Kar, who seems to be Head Honcho is all sorts of governing bodies these days is very active, and very T1 biased. As you might expect, he's receiving some "special feedback" today about this news. If you, or anyone else for that matter, care to add your own feelings to his feed, at least you could feel you have offered your own views to someone at the hub of diabetes decision making these days.

He and I have already crossed swords over some of his apparent views on T2.
Thanks @AndBreathe - I am on twitter, but only tweet about twice a year. I could never keep up with it! 🙄 Will follow them though and have a look 🙂
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