Gotcempty of coke

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I am sorry that you feel you would rather pass away. That is very sad and lonely for you. You must be in a lot of pain :(.

It is natural to worry that you might pass away when you have an operation but it doesn't actually happen that often. Doctors don't like doing operations unless they think you will live. Have you told them you are scared? They should listen to you and help.

I was seriously ill too - maybe about three months left to live when I went into hospital. It took a long time to get better but now I am completely mended (except diabetes but that is OK 😉:D. No pain now). I work in a hospital as a school teacher and I see some children and teenagers who are very, very ill with lots of problems but the doctors give them medicine and do operations and they really do get better.

Doctors want to get rid of your pain. Can you talk to the doctor you phoned?
I am sorry that you feel you would rather pass away. That is very sad and lonely for you. You must be in a lot of pain :(.

It is natural to worry that you might pass away when you have an operation but it doesn't actually happen that often. Doctors don't like doing operations unless they think you will live. Have you told them you are scared? They should listen to you and help.

I was seriously ill too - maybe about three months left to live when I went into hospital. It took a long time to get better but now I am completely mended (except diabetes but that is OK 😉:D. No pain now). I work in a hospital as a school teacher and I see some children and teenagers who are very, very ill with lots of problems but the doctors give them medicine and do operations and they really do get better.

Doctors want to get rid of your pain. Can you talk to the doctor you phoned?
Hello, and Just to say thank you for writing and tell me about you. You seem like a thougt girl/guy?
I am happy for you that now are good now.
Yes i can do that, but it is not my regulary doctor, it is the hospital.
They want me to Come in.
Thank you for your nice words - I'm a girl 🙂

Most doctors are happy to listen and try to help. You could ask them to tell you a bit more about what might happen if you go to the hospital. They might be happy to talk to your other doctors and tell them how you feel. If you are not as worried about your other health problems then your blood sugar might be a bit easier to control. This will make you feel a bit better and will have a positive effect on the rest of your body too.

Do you have some things you like to do in the evening? I have seen you have a dog. I would love to have one but my job means I don't have the time to properly look after one. My mum's little dog likes to visit though🙂 I also like knitting and crocheting. I am trying to make some gloves at the moment but it is hard!:D
Thank you for your nice words - I'm a girl 🙂

Most doctors are happy to listen and try to help. You could ask them to tell you a bit more about what might happen if you go to the hospital. They might be happy to talk to your other doctors and tell them how you feel. If you are not as worried about your other health problems then your blood sugar might be a bit easier to control. This will make you feel a bit better and will have a positive effect on the rest of your body too.

Do you have some things you like to do in the evening? I have seen you have a dog. I would love to have one but my job means I don't have the time to properly look after one. My mum's little dog likes to visit though🙂 I also like knitting and crocheting. I am trying to make some gloves at the moment but it is hard!:D
They want me in the hospital to get ultrasound and endocopi and gasteoskopi and heart test and then operaison
They want me in the hospital to get ultrasound and endocopi and gasteoskopi and heart test and then operaison
Anaesthetics are not too bad, the thought is worse than the actual thing. I recently had an anaesthetic for surgery on my knee and it was no problem even though I was scared beforehand.
I would have whatever you need to have at the hospital as you may get some answers as to why you are so unwell.
It cannot be worse than the pain you are in at the moment.
That's a lot of medical things for you to have to cope with at a time - I'm not surprised you're worried and scared.

Maybe take it one step at a time. Have you had an ultrasound before? I've had quite a few and after the first one I found them fine to go to. You don't need an anaesthetic just some gel on your stomach and side. It was a bit uncomfortable when they pressed a bit hard but I am overweight so that made it hard for them to see. You've done an amazing job of losing weight so that won't be a problem for you.

I also had a couple of endoscopies. I didn't like them much but I had a sedative for those so I was really sleepy and they didn't hurt, the worst bit was not being able to drink water before I went in.

I'm sure someone will be able to tell you about having a gastroscopy. I haven't had one so I don't know how it feels.

You don't even need to think about the operation until all the results of those tests come back. I think that small steps are easier and less stressful. You will also get a chance to ask questions at each stage and only do the next bit when you feel ready.
Like i sad i rather passed away.
I cant make it..thsts yrue
Do you know why you feel like this? Why do you think you can't make it? You don't have to say here unless you want to. You could write it down and give it to your doctor so they will understand how you are feeling.
That's a lot of medical things for you to have to cope with at a time - I'm not surprised you're worried and scared.

Maybe take it one step at a time. Have you had an ultrasound before? I've had quite a few and after the first one I found them fine to go to. You don't need an anaesthetic just some gel on your stomach and side. It was a bit uncomfortable when they pressed a bit hard but I am overweight so that made it hard for them to see. You've done an amazing job of losing weight so that won't be a problem for you.

I also had a couple of endoscopies. I didn't like them much but I had a sedative for those so I was really sleepy and they didn't hurt, the worst bit was not being able to drink water before I went in.

I'm sure someone will be able to tell you about having a gastroscopy. I haven't had one so I don't know how it feels.

You don't even need to think about the operation until all the results of those tests come back. I think that small steps are easier and less stressful. You will also get a chance to ask questions at each stage and only do the next bit
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