Gotcempty of coke

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Tvilen noen nevnte var ikke tvil om deg - bare tvil om diagnosen din. Noen mennesker tror at du kanskje er type 1 ikke type 2. Det er tvilen de sikter til. Folk er triste over at legene dine ikke støtter deg så mye du trenger @Stressabeccy
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Okey i understand❤️but it is type 2 diabetic. Thats for sure 100%
Do you know you are Type 2 because the doctor told you that? Because doctors can be wrong.
They told me I was Type 2 when I was first diagnosed, but they eventually tested me and found I am Type 1 and not Type 2. There are a lot of us on the forum and many of us struggled to get the right diagnosis. If that was the comment that upset you, it was not intended to suggest that you didn't know which type you are but that I believe the doctors may have got your diagnosis wrong, like they did for me.
They have sad it for along time. I dont remember when i got it. They always says type 2.The doctor and the hospital, but Even when i startet on metformin they sad type 2.after that a startet amaryl and then eucras and trulicity. Also tried janumet and forxiga and 2 more i dont remember the name on.
Hi @Stressabeccy

I'm new to your posts.

Would you be kind enough to tell me, what is your current insulins, manufacturers, doses and times of day?

Also, have you been able to do basal tests? to see if you blood sugar when not eating is staying nice and level?

It sounds like you are really trying, but are finding it hard.
I use trulicity once a week. Tojuo 80units each morning early and humalog to meals and if the blood sugar is over 10.
Yes i do and IT Something wrong. I don want to go in anaestetic to stop this because i hurt so bad. I am in pain to. But they mean this also have Something to do with diabetes
I understand. They think your stomach hurts because of the diabetes? Do they know why?
No, it is bleeding in the stomach, but they dont know where Who has cause me anemi for many years. I hurt in my liver and they think it is liver fail. And the spleen it not good. And pankras.. I hurt bad
And bleeding in the stomach cause the anemi they dont know. They want to put me in aenasteic

Sorry, Beccy - I was walking my dog🙂 Yes, it sounds like you have a number of different problems:( I wonder if perhaps you have an ulcer in your stomach? They can hurt really badly. Also, the lining of the stomach can become damaged and inflamed. This is also very painful.

I know an anaesthetic is frightening, but if it helps your doctors find the reason for your pain and your medical problems, it will be a good thing. Hopefully, they can help stop the pain.
You dont have to say sorry. I didnt want to Come out as Rud to you inka.
Yes they think that to. Use pills for ulcer in 9 soon10 years now. But my liver is bad. Just hardner each Day goes by.
Thank you, Beccy. It’s so sad that you have all these medical problems and pain. I don’t know much about the liver, but perhaps if they find a cause there will be medication you can take or maybe a special diet that will help a little. Even a little help would be good.
They did ran some test and IT could be liver failerhave medication but nothing help now. They have called and sent letter
You sound like you have a lot of difficult things to deal with for a long time, and that can be hard and frightening. I had a problem with my liver and they thought I had an ulcer in my stomach. The doctors put a camera down my throat to find the problem. It sounds horrible but I didn't feel it and hardly remember it. They found out what was wrong and now my liver and stomach are completely healthy and normal again.

Do you know what the doctors want to do when they give you anaesthetic?
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