Glucorx nexus meter & blood sugar results

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Ok but 11 and 13 are big differences are they not?
No - 11 could be anything within the interval 9.4 to 12.6 and 13 between 11.1 and 14.9 without being outside the +/- 15% allowed.

At lower levels a difference of 2 mmol would be more significant, but all 3 of your readings could be considered as 12ish.
Ok thank you. Just feeling a little disheartened. Feel like I’m barely eating, I’m exercising and numbers still high.

Though I think they’re gradually coming down which I should take as a good sign?

Just had lunch will test again couple hours.
I think I entered the yorkshires wrong as it didn’t have the ones I was using so I entered 1.5 portions of another but I think it’s counted 1.5 of those huge full plate yorkshires?
If you're eating at home I would consider looking at the back of the packet before you look at your app or online for the carb value.
Ok thank you. Just feeling a little disheartened. Feel like I’m barely eating, I’m exercising and numbers still high.

Though I think they’re gradually coming down which I should take as a good sign?

Just had lunch will test again couple hours.
Coming down is definitely good! Ideally you don't want to be in double figures, but you are not far above.
Just feeling a little disheartened
i was talking to a friend who is a doctor, recently about my situation and they were telling me how many people they see who get diagnosed and do not even acknowledge it. they just take their meds and do nothing to improve the situation.

dont feel disheartened, youre already making changes that'll help. you just need to stick with it and work out other food and enjoyable snacks that work for you so you dont feel like you are starving yourself.

i started off too strong, totally cut out all bread, crisps, mash, chips, fizzy drinks, cakes, sweets etc
i went full on healthy low carb and started getting sick from going too low carb. (headaches / dizzy)
then went and binged because i was missing everything i enjoyed.

now i have a much nicer and healthier balance -
- i still eat crisps but i've over halved the pre diagnosis quantity i have
- Toast/Bread/Naan/Pitta - from 2-4 slices everyday to 1 slice at breakfast if i fancy it and only 2 slices only a couple of times per week if i want a sandwich for lunch.
- pasta/mash i eat a much smaller amount of the carb and add extra veg and sauce.
- if i make pasta i dont make garlic bread as well
- i eat lentils and rice more often because my body doesnt mind those carbs while others on this forum wouldnt be able to do that.
- i dont have any fizzy drinks
- i still have lots of squash when the weather is cold but stick to water the rest of the time.
- a 100g bar of chocolate would last me 2 days now lasts me over a week

lots of small changes so you dont miss the food you enjoy in small doses but making sure to adjust everything else as well. for the first 4 weeks i wrote everything that i ate or drank down (even water) and tested before and 2 hours after every meal until i could eyeball my plate and make a decent guess as to what is on it.
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I use a Gluco Rx meter also as a backup to my Libre 2 sensor.
Before the Libre 2 I used this meter constantly for over 18 months without any issues.
Always seemed to give accurate consistent readings when I compared it to readings from an
accu-chek meter.

Very strange, any way you can do some control tests ??
Thanks everyone.

I think I went too hard on no carbs at first and then have rebelled a little at times not the way to go, pace myself was my New Year’s resolution (prior to dx but for health reasons I wanted to maintain current Mh which is fairly good at the moment for me) and I’m not being true to that.

I need to be more accurate with food tracking, less punitive and less tough on myself. I think I was punishing myself for allowing myself to become diabetic in the first place, it’s not like I didn’t know my age weight and family history!

How do I do control tests?
Thanks everyone.

I think I went too hard on no carbs at first and then have rebelled a little at times not the way to go, pace myself was my New Year’s resolution (prior to dx but for health reasons I wanted to maintain current Mh which is fairly good at the moment for me) and I’m not being true to that.

I need to be more accurate with food tracking, less punitive and less tough on myself. I think I was punishing myself for allowing myself to become diabetic in the first place, it’s not like I didn’t know my age weight and family history!

How do I do control tests?
Not quite sure what @Grumpy_Old_Lump means but for some monitors you can buy high and low range control solutions which can be used to check if the monitor is reading in range.
Actually I think my Gluco Rx Nexus may have come with a control solution and you just pot a drop on the cap and use a test strip the same as you would with a drop of blood to test it. There will be a range printed on the test strip pot that the solution should get a reading within. I have a feeling that they recommended in the instruction booklet that you tested a strip from each new pot of strips you opened, but they may no longer recommend that now or provide the solution as that was 4 years ago and I don't use that meter anymore.

Personally, I agree with the others here who say that that difference in readings is nothing to be concerned about and they are within the accuracy required at that level. If you were in range at 5 or 6 there would likely be less variation, but the higher you get above range the more variation you are likely to get. It is worth bearing in mind that blood is also not homogenous either, so your readings are only giving you a guide rather than an absolute reading. I used my Nexus to dose insulin from and I use my Libre to dose insulin. Neither are accurate but you learn to accept that near enough is near enough and a couple of mmols out when your levels are in double figures is OK and manageable.
Not quite sure what @Grumpy_Old_Lump means but for some monitors you can buy high and low range control solutions which can be used to check if the monitor is reading in range.
Some monitors control solutions, are single, some are two with a low and high version. In my experience the solution dose not come with solutions , you get from meter manufacturer and some supply free some charge.
GlucoRX do supply control solution for the Nexus free of charge, I have a Nexus mini and they sent me 2 pots and some of their gluco gel as a package deal
Apologies I’ve had a hectic week with work. There is a solution in the kit I’ll look it all over properly tomorrow (replies here and meter instructions on that score) and see how I go. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to reply, I think my numbers are gradually coming down I was expecting them to come down pretty instantly I think but learning it doesn’t really work like that. Steep learning curve for me.
Apologies I’ve had a hectic week with work. There is a solution in the kit I’ll look it all over properly tomorrow (replies here and meter instructions on that score) and see how I go. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to reply, I think my numbers are gradually coming down I was expecting them to come down pretty instantly I think but learning it doesn’t really work like that. Steep learning curve for me.
It is kinder on your body to reduce your levels slowly less likely to get issues with your eyes and nerves.
I reduced my carbs to 70g per day and after about a month got problems with my eyes, my near vision was all over the place as if my eyes were not in the same head. It took several months to settle down.
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