Glucorx nexus meter & blood sugar results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just received this yesterday from nurse did a reading in surgery (14.6 2 hours after lunch which was not a big lunch but maybe carb heavy) and then today a fasting one still gave a result of 10.7 which I know is high, and that’s fasting! Should I be worried? Been told to get it under 10 but how if even fasting it’s over?!
Also is it 2 hours after you start eating or 2 hours after you finish? I’m a slow eater
2 hours after you start eating and if you can keep the rise in BG from your meal to less than 3mmols, ideally less than 2, your waking readings will gradually start to come down. Te waking readings are usually the last to show progress, but if you can keep the meal rises small, the overall effect should mean that by bedtime your levels are slightly lower than usual (on a normal diet) and therefore your pancreas has less to do overnight and over time it starts to recover.

If you think of it this way, it is like a factory production line which is over worked and understaffed in the packing section where they are getting buried in a back log which gives them very little room to work and means they are less productive, until eventually they are totally overwhelmed and give up. If you slow the production line down (ie put less glucose into your system) that will take the strain off them and allow them to gradually catch up with the back log and then they should then be able to work more efficiently again.
Rise from meals is small but overall count is high. Todays fasting 1st reading 14, but was out last night. Had a lower carb protein rich meal out but then spirits alcohol/fruit juice - I can’t drink fizzy all night on night out or I get upset stomach.
Have you started keeping a diary of what you are eating and drinking?

As soon as I got my meter I started writing down what I was eating and the BG reading and if the value was too high after 2 hours next time I had the same meal I would adjust the quantity of the carbs on the plate. For example reduce the pasta and rice or bread and increases the veg and protein. I'm sort of vegetarian so it's difficult to just add a steak or chicken to bulk out the meal, I was using more veg like broccoli, cabbage, spinach, kale and cauliflower.

In all honesty it's a faff, weighing and measuring everything but after a few times you can start to easily guage the amount you have on your plate.
Yes I have been keeping a food diary since dx.

I’ve cut out pretty much all refined sugar, snacks, and I rarely have an obvious carb with meals if I do it’s a very small amount - bg is still far too high. Getting v bored of having eggs & yogurt, hungry all the time and pretty fed up if I’m honest.

Fasting this morning was 14 but admittedly was out last night, had a low carb meal out which I had the place adjust too and yes alcohol & cranberry juice because I can’t just have fizzy like diet soda all night because it gives me a bad stomach. I know I can’t drink beer which is what I’d usually have as it’s cheaper, nor wine which I wouldn’t drink when out anyway so had spirits & juice.

I can’t think what else I could have, I’m not a big drinker but I like to have something when out & I can’t think how else to manage this. Only thing I can think of is to maybe have shots & water?
It is possible that the fruit juice is the culprit I tried a small glass of my husband's tropical fruit juice and my bgs shot from 7s to over 14 !

Yes I have been keeping a food diary since dx.

I’ve cut out pretty much all refined sugar, snacks, and I rarely have an obvious carb with meals if I do it’s a very small amount - bg is still far too high. Getting v bored of having eggs & yogurt, hungry all the time and pretty fed up if I’m honest.

Fasting this morning was 14 but admittedly was out last night, had a low carb meal out which I had the place adjust too and yes alcohol & cranberry juice because I can’t just have fizzy like diet soda all night because it gives me a bad stomach. I know I can’t drink beer which is what I’d usually have as it’s cheaper, nor wine which I wouldn’t drink when out anyway so had spirits & juice.

I can’t think what else I could have, I’m not a big drinker but I like to have something when out & I can’t think how else to manage this. Only thing I can think of is to maybe have shots & water?
When you say you can't drink beer or wine, are you saying that because of diabetes? Both are lower in carbs than juice I would have thought, and sometimes wine can drop blood glucose (beer too for some people)
As per your other thread, cranberry juice is around half the carbs of tropical juices. But those carbs are still pretty much 100% sugar, so should really be avoided for a T2. As with shopping, do your research before hand regarding carb & sugar content of what you might be drinking to help you make better choices.
When you say you can't drink beer or wine, are you saying that because of diabetes? Both are lower in carbs than juice I would have thought, and sometimes wine can drop blood glucose (beer too for some people)
Yea I read somewhere most likely on here and this is where I’ve mostly been reading that beer & wine higher carb than spirits - though of course as has been correctly pointed out it’s the juice I’m mixing with the spirits are perhaps the issue. I stupidly forgot to think are beer &/or wine higher carb than juice? I also thought cranberry wasn’t too sweet? Again totally accept I may be wrong.

Would I be better drinking beer than spirit & juice? Would shots & water be best option?
At home I mostly drink tea (earl grey no milk, squeeze of lemon, sweetener), nas squash which I make up very diluted or maybe 1-2 diet sodas a day with meals.
Yea I read somewhere most likely on here and this is where I’ve mostly been reading that beer & wine higher carb than spirits - though of course as has been correctly pointed out it’s the juice I’m mixing with the spirits are perhaps the issue. I stupidly forgot to think are beer &/or wine higher carb than juice? I also thought cranberry wasn’t too sweet? Again totally accept I may be wrong.

Would I be better drinking beer than spirit & juice? Would shots & water be best option?
Cranberry tends to have either sugar or sweeteners added precisely because cranberries themselves are not that sweet. If it's one with sweeteners then it is probably lower sugar/carb than some juices with no added sugars but made with sweeter natural fruit.

I think best option can be personal. I avoided all alcohol for over a month when first diagnosed because my other blood tests at the same time showed abnormal liver function, then started slowly experimenting. I have found that wine (I like drier red wines mostly) seems to have a neutral to positive effect on my blood sugar (I can eat a cake or two alongside drinking wine and blood sugar doesn't really go up). I haven't done much experimenting with beer yet.

If you don't want to pull out your BG meter on nights out to check how your blood sugar is being affected, then maybe consider using the free trial of Libre 2 which Abbott offers to all diabetics? If you judge the timing of the experiment right compared to your planned nights out maybe you could even fit in a couple during the 2 weeks of the sensor? Then you could compare different options for yourself.
In a club so no way of knowing what kind of cranberry juice. But the info is noted thanks.

I only drink once a week IF I’m out that week at all I don’t drink alcohol at home usually though I’m thinking perhaps I may conduct a few experiments to ascertain which alcohol option may best suit me. I don’t think doing monitor while out would be advisable for hygiene if nothing else - pub & club bathrooms not the most hygienic or well lit.

My liver function is fine. But I understand why it was a concern for you to consider.

I don’t know much about libre or indeed if I’d be eligible for the free trial?
In a club so no way of knowing what kind of cranberry juice. But the info is noted thanks.

I only drink once a week IF I’m out that week at all I don’t drink alcohol at home usually though I’m thinking perhaps I may conduct a few experiments to ascertain which alcohol option may best suit me. I don’t think doing monitor while out would be advisable for hygiene if nothing else - pub & club bathrooms not the most hygienic or well lit.

I don’t know much about libre or indeed if I’d be eligible for the free trial?
I tested at the table but it was a daytime hang out with friends who I was happy to see rather than a night out.

Libre is "flash" continuous glucose monitoring, you put the monitor on your arm and then scan it with your phone - if you scan at least every 8 hours then it transfers all the data since the last scan to the app. All diabetics who aren't prescribed it are entitled to a free trial currently (mostly because Abbott are hoping we will then buy more sensors from them!)
The problem in clubs is you can never be sure what you are going to be served unless you actually see it being poured out of the bottle, even the drink from a soft drink dispensers can be muddled.
There are now some low carb beers but not everywhere would have them. Dry wines and spirits are not bad on carbs but alcohol can affect how your body handles carbs, for some people it lowers it for others can elevate it. Whatever you have just go easy.
Sometimes it's not the carbs in the drinks, it is the bad food judgement you may make when you have had too much.😳
Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your BGs, and that despite some pretty big changes, and reductions in carbohydrate intake your levels are remaining high. Plus it sounds like you aren’t finding the changes to your menu all that easy :(

Your HbA1c at diagnosis was pretty high as I recall - did it come on suddenly?

Did you lose any weight without trying before you were diagnosed?

It may be that you need to give your lower carb approach a little more time - but if things aren’t responding as you might have expected, perhaps it might be worth asking about a cPeptide check (to measure how much insulin you are producing), just in case your insulin production may have become impaired, or you might have a different form of diabetes than T2?
Thanks for info on libre i looked it up too, not something I fancy trying to be honest.

Yea pubs & clubs it’s hard to control drink consumption in these terms.

I didn’t lose weight before dx -I wish!

Family medical history includes late onset t1, genetic pancreatitis, thyroid and parathyroid disease and gall bladder disease (which can mess up pancreas too, not many seem to know that)

I’ve certainly suspected parathyroid disease and possibly genetic pancreatitis for several years but whenever I even suggested to gps they dismissed me. (The joys of trying to get taken seriously in healthcare when you have a Mh dx). This is even though I’ve had blood test results and obvious symptoms that indicate these are possible.

I was in a car accident some years ago and I’ve had a multitude of symptoms that suggest to me there was possibly organ and nerve damage not picked up or investigated at the time. I’ve had odd multiple health issues since that accident. Muscle tremors, issues with meds of all kinds inc developing outright allergies, palpitations, hearing loss, loss of motor control…

Dr is treating as type 2 until/unless we know different. I’ve been referred to diabetic dept in hospital not sure if they’ll be better/more on the ball?
7.6 after literally nothing to eat for 24 hours, had dinner (roast - nut cutlet, carrot & swede mash, green beans, broccoli, mini yorkshires & a little weak gravy) - 13.8
7.6 after literally nothing to eat for 24 hours, had dinner (roast - nut cutlet, carrot & swede mash, green beans, broccoli, mini yorkshires & a little weak gravy) - 13.8
If you don't eat then your liver is probably releasing glucose so your body has energy to function and keep your organs working so that would likely explain a 7.6.
Was the 13.8 mmol/l 2 hours after eating your meal? How many carbs do you reckon it was. If before was 7.6 that is quite a big increase so your body is not tolerating something particularly well.
I hope you are keeping all this recorded so you can show your diabetic nurse.
I am keeping a note of everything.

Yes 13.8 2 hours after eating.

Dinner total 140g carbs according to carb manager but I’m not sure how accurate that is as couldn’t find exact foods & still figuring app out. Not sure how it was a high carb meal when no standard carb items aside from yorkshires
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