Give up

But it doesn’t have to be. You said you weren’t taking your correct insulin, presumably hence the DKAs. Take your insulin as close to what you should have as you can cope with.

I think this is such a good suggestion.

Do what you can. It doesn’t have to be ‘perfect’ (that doesn’t exist). But DKA is a horrid experience.

Don’t choose it.

It’s not helping you.

Take enough insulin to avoid it.

“Take your insulin as close to what you should have as you can cope with.”

It’s about you finding a way of doing just enough. Not having to devote your whole life and whole self to managing your diabetes. Then once you are doing that, and you’re not being battered by DKA once a week (which really does take over your life) - make another small step towards better numbers somehow.

One small step at a time. Forget the past. Focus on what you can do this morning… then this afternoon… then this evening.
You always have such a way with words and life and you are incredible how you enjoy life as best as you can. It is an active choice and effort to make the most of everyday.

thank you @PhoebeC that’s very appreciated xx
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This will sound rather trivial considering the state of mind of the poster. But I let this guide my entire life.

No matter what the question is, music is the answer.

If you're feeling bad, put some tunes on. If you want something to focus on, learn to play an instrument. If you need to get out of the house, go for a coffee and take a trip to the record shop.

Your mind is becoming confused, you are feeling worse because you are ruminating. Tae some time for yourself, put some music on and clear your head. Take a step back and then take 10 steps forward.
This will sound rather trivial considering the state of mind of the poster. But I let this guide my entire life.

No matter what the question is, music is the answer.

If you're feeling bad, put some tunes on. If you want something to focus on, learn to play an instrument. If you need to get out of the house, go for a coffee and take a trip to the record shop.

Your mind is becoming confused, you are feeling worse because you are ruminating. Tae some time for yourself, put some music on and clear your head. Take a step back and then take 10 steps forward.
I think that is a great idea.

Music really can improve how we feel.
Do not give up on Diabetes @spell .This is what it wants it's sufferers to wants to kill you but you absolutely can't let it.It loves the weak...find a way to live on...we're all here for you.
can you let us know how you are now ? We would all like to be here for you. I understand ypu may not want to but just know we all care.
@spell I don’t know the right response to give you I thought that I would share my experiences. I’ve had Type 1 diabetes for 53 years since I was two. I have a range of health conditions both related and unrelated to diabetes. They have taken away so much of how I want to live my life plus the career that I worked so hard for. Yes there are many times that I’ve wanted things (life) to end BUT there is absolutely no way that I’m going to let that happen or my health stop me from living. Today all I’m capable of is watching the tv whilst taking a myriad of different medications and being in pain but I’m determined to do something nice this weekend. It might be looking at funny things on Instagram, or if I’m feeling well enough do some crafting. Last week I got non diabetic related very bad eye news. I could have sat down and cried but instead I went to the pub and had a few drinks, the next day I went to Madam Tussauds, had to come back early because I was exhausted but I did it. And I will carry on doing the things I can for as long as I can. I hope you somehow find the strength to feel the same.
Hi, I have also been a type 1 for 50+ years. I so admire your positivity and resolve. I have been suffering with my mental health for 2 and a half years and can't seem to find a way of shaking it off. Have you any tips? Julia
Like I'm crashing and burning
Hi, when you first put crash and burn I thought you were aiming that at me. I thought Yeah I have been there and done that. I too feeling like that at times could tell someone to get lost if I was crashing and burning. No one really can feel that pain. It consumes us. However, reading the rest of the comments. It is only you that can turn this around.
You can do this and draw a line and slowly you will be able to feel you are coping and living well.
have you made any decisions to make it better for yourself?
Is there a simple step plan you can follow?
One could be to be kind to yourself as you can be to others.
The next look at ways to take your medication and diet and try to take small steps doing this.
Once is good, follow through, and way to go your conquering.
A minute leads to a quarter to half to an hour to hours then a day, then days,then weeks, and so on. So start by enjoying one minute and see if you can make it 2 then 5 then 10 and then 15 . First goal is complete.