Give up

I know how you feel, but unlike me it's not your fault. Keep going if you can.
Give up on diabetes, give up on life

Life’s precious @spell as you know. It can be hard but keep going.

I know you’re finding the diabetes hard. Just try to split it down into days or even segments of days. Do enough to get by and keep reasonable control so that the diabetes doesn’t mess with you too much. I know I’ve said this before, but reasonable blood sugars make you feel better.
Life’s precious @spell as you know. It can be hard but keep going.

I know you’re finding the diabetes hard. Just try to split it down into days or even segments of days. Do enough to get by and keep reasonable control so that the diabetes doesn’t mess with you too much. I know I’ve said this before, but reasonable blood sugars make you feel better.
Nothing precious about life living with this joke
Nothing precious about life living with this joke

But you’re alive….Diabetes is a pain, but you’re giving it too much importance in your life. You can’t ignore it because it’s there all the time, but try to push it back rather than letting it take prominence. Being so focussed on how much you hate it, is keeping it at the front of your mind. Push it to the back. You can still hate it (I do too) but put other things at the front of your mind.
My heart goes out to you @spell and all who have trouble managing their diabetes. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: hats off to all the diabetics who have complex issues and medications. I'm so lucky to have "simple" diabetes, managed by diet and popping a pill daily. You deserve a medal for the work you need to put in.
My heart goes out to you @spell and all who have trouble managing their diabetes. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: hats off to all the diabetics who have complex issues and medications. I'm so lucky to have "simple" diabetes, managed by diet and popping a pill daily. You deserve a medal for the work you need to put in.
But the last thing I want is praise or recognition for having this shit show disease
Not praise for having it @spell, it's recognition that you deal with the shit show disease on a daily basis. You may not like it, but you should be proud that you are trying to get by.
Not praise for having it @spell, it's recognition that you deal with the shit show disease on a daily basis. You may not like it, but you should be proud that you are trying to get by.
At the moment the only good diabetic is a dead diabetic.
Grimm I know but that's where my head is
Keep finding a way through @spell

To paraphrase Tolkein
“I wish type 1 had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.”

“So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”
diabetes,s job is to kill you, when did it become my job to stop it. That's how I'm feeling today
Morning @spell

There would of been a time (before insulin) when diabetes would of done "it's job" really well, but we are no longer in those times. It's only job now is to make life more difficult. There is no need to let it grind you down. On the plus side, it's all very repetitive. Once you have managed one day, you can manage the next and so on.

Also, there are more distractions available today then there ever were in the past, you don't even need to leave the house. Is there anything else you can immerse yourself in? Spend less time thinking about the diabetes.
Morning @spell

There would of been a time (before insulin) when diabetes would of done "it's job" really well, but we are no longer in those times. It's only job now is to make life more difficult. There is no need to let it grind you down. On the plus side, it's all very repetitive. Once you have managed one day, you can manage the next and so on.

Also, there are more distractions available today then there ever were in the past, you don't even need to leave the house. Is there anything else you can immerse yourself in? Spend less time thinking about the diabetes.
Staying alive to be ill
@spell I don’t know the right response to give you I thought that I would share my experiences. I’ve had Type 1 diabetes for 53 years since I was two. I have a range of health conditions both related and unrelated to diabetes. They have taken away so much of how I want to live my life plus the career that I worked so hard for. Yes there are many times that I’ve wanted things (life) to end BUT there is absolutely no way that I’m going to let that happen or my health stop me from living. Today all I’m capable of is watching the tv whilst taking a myriad of different medications and being in pain but I’m determined to do something nice this weekend. It might be looking at funny things on Instagram, or if I’m feeling well enough do some crafting. Last week I got non diabetic related very bad eye news. I could have sat down and cried but instead I went to the pub and had a few drinks, the next day I went to Madam Tussauds, had to come back early because I was exhausted but I did it. And I will carry on doing the things I can for as long as I can. I hope you somehow find the strength to feel the same.
@spell I don’t know the right response to give you I thought that I would share my experiences. I’ve had Type 1 diabetes for 53 years since I was two. I have a range of health conditions both related and unrelated to diabetes. They have taken away so much of how I want to live my life plus the career that I worked so hard for. Yes there are many times that I’ve wanted things (life) to end BUT there is absolutely no way that I’m going to let that happen or my health stop me from living. Today all I’m capable of is watching the tv whilst taking a myriad of different medications and being in pain but I’m determined to do something nice this weekend. It might be looking at funny things on Instagram, or if I’m feeling well enough do some crafting. Last week I got non diabetic related very bad eye news. I could have sat down and cried but instead I went to the pub and had a few drinks, the next day I went to Madam Tussauds, had to come back early because I was exhausted but I did it. And I will carry on doing the things I can for as long as I can. I hope you somehow find the strength to feel the same.
In reality, there are few that don't suffer every day, that don't have to manage any number of health problems or other life issues. I can honestly say I know only a couple of people that are free of any health issues or suffering. It seems to be part of the human condition.
As AJLang says it's hard to know how to respond here. Everybody on this site is struggling with this condition one way or another and we're here to try to give each other good advice and be positive, and that's what people on this thread are trying to do for you. I would like to try to do that but it's hard to know what you want, nobody is going to agree to the idea of giving up on life if that's what you are saying and I don't think it's what you want. Tell us more about what has brought you to this point.
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