Frio or not to Frio???

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Sorry to have responded to Einstein's comment about flying in Australia - but RFDS use mainly (perhaps exclusively) fixed wing aircraft, not helicopters.
Most driving tests in Australia are carried out by driving test inspectors in urban areas, but in rural areas, police take on the reponsibility due to the huge distances adn expenses of bringing in testers.
Back to Frio bags, although we've probably agreed some people think they're great, others have found much cheaper ways of looking after their insulin.

I hadn't attributed the blame for the down turn at your feet 🙄

Still, we made Katie aware of why she needs medical insurance!
Not sure I'd count it a downturn : )
Agreed always worth mentioning getting suitable travel insurance. Sadly, the driving test option that I used no longer operates - at least a 6 month interval between theory & driving test now required in WA, but each state has its own traffic rules.
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