Freestyle Libre - Sensor failure rate of 40%

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I've been in contact with Abbott today and related my issue to them. They've as expected said that they will be sending me a replacement.

I also specifically asked them as to why the issue and or issues I've been experiencing occurred, asking whether it was due to user error or a device/sensor related fault? The answer was that the error codes I'd given indicate an issue with the sensor as opposed to it being due to how the sensor was applied or it being due to how a user has used the sensor. Specifics cannot be determined by the code, hence why they like people to return the faulty sensors to them for their technicians to scrutinise and work out what went wrong.

I must be on the short list for bad production batches?????

Also note that if you do a google search for issues with the sensor then there are quite a few hits that will indicate that the failure rate is a lot higher than some are suggesting here. This seems to be on the increase just recently. Maybe they've had issues in relation to manufacturing and or product quality control during the pandemic? I've also noted that Abbott have now stopped including swabs with the sensors. This may again be because of the pandemic or maybe a cost cutting exercise?
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I've been in contact with Abbott today and related my issue to them. They've as expected said that they will be sending me a replacement.

I also specifically asked them as to why the issue and or issues I've been experiencing occurred, asking whether it was due to user error or a device/sensor related fault? The answer was that the error codes I'd given indicate an issue with the sensor as opposed to it being due to how the sensor was applied or it being due to how a user has used the sensor. Specifics cannot be determined by the code, hence why they like people to return the faulty sensors to them for their technicians to scrutinise and work out what went wrong.

I must be on the short list for bad production batches?????

Also note that if you do a google search for issues with the sensor then there are quite a few hits that will indicate that the failure rate is a lot higher than some are suggesting here. This seems to be on the increase just recently. Maybe they've had issues in relation to manufacturing and or product quality control during the pandemic? I've also noted that Abbott have now stopped including swabs with the sensors. This may again be because of the pandemic or maybe a cost cutting exercise?
The wipes were discontinued because of problems with the CE mark when they buy them in from different sources, according to Abbott, there was a long discussion on it here.(and no doubt it saves them some money as well)

I think it's difficult to assess the failure rate (presumably Abbott know!) because people only tend to mention it when they have a problem, nobody ever starts a thread 'guess what, I didn’t have a problem with my last sensor'!
Also, because of their offer of a free trial of a Libre 2 to new customers, and the fact that I have just managed to secure one on prescription after a long wait, I suspect a lot more people are using them, so I don’t know if the failure rate has gone up in percentage terms.
Interesting that you mention prescriptions. My GP's surgury sent me a circular recently that specificallyy addressed the Libre and made it clear that if one fails then you can contact Abbott directly to get a replacement. Is this a result of more people now being able to get them on prescription and contacting their GP when a sensor fails?

I'd not previously discussed it with my GP and already knew that I'd be able to get replacements directly from Abbott. Diabetic Nurses at clinics seem to go out of their way to tell patients this if and when discussing Libre sensors.
I’m a user since 2015 and apart from a 3 month pump/CGM test I have used them continuously so 130+ used, 3 failed due to heat in the summer of 2018 and an adhesive issue, like others have said looks like some people just don’t get on with them, I’m very glad I’m not one of them lol
I had 3 fail in a row yesterday all with an error code of 365/366. As I said, the error codes suggest that it was an issue with said sensors.

I have no problems with applying them, them adhering to my skin or using them ro get glucose readings. The issue I have is with the sensor failing. I've never had one fall off, I've never managed to knock one off and the only issue I have is with them failing to actually work.

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I have been trying to use the freestyle libre 2 for 3 weeks. I am prediabetic and have EPI. The first one failed after about 14 hours. Lots of 'try again in 10 minutes' Only working intermittently. Then 'your 14 days is up please replace your sensor'. I contacted them and they sent out a fresh one (they asked me to attach a spare! I explained I was self funding so no spare!). They sent out a fresh one it failed immediately. I was using the other arm. They sent out a third one. I didn't activate it for 24 hours there was some internet chatter about them needing to settle. I activated it - it worked with 50/50 error messages. 'Hold the phone over the sensor wait for the beep'. Wait 10 minutes etc. I used it for 2.5 days. Had a shower last night. Was very careful had also pressed the edge down with a butter knife pressing on the clear part to ensure adherence when first fitted. Today it fell off. Not sure where. I like the system it just seems madly unreliable. They even sent a free bgm with the last one! Madness. These are on the free trial they are running. So I'm not sure if they're just rubbish ones and as they have the NHS they don't care about self funding customers..? But wow. Just wow. Stunned at a product that is so poor.
These are on the free trial they are running. So I'm not sure if they're just rubbish ones and as they have the NHS they don't care about self funding customers..?
They are all the same sensors, I've now used 5 Libre 2's and I'll be calling in for the 4th replacement out of them tomorrow, my first fell off in under 12 hours, second worked fine, third failed to even start, fourth ended after 8 days and last nights stopped working tonight, hoping the one I've applied now works! xx
Sorry you are both having such a tough time with sensors not working well for you :(

I’ve used Libre off and on since 2014, and have yet to have one fall off that wasn’t knocked by me in the first 12 hours, or which didn’t need careful levering off at the end of the 14 days. I wonder whether some skin types / body chemistries just suit the adhesive better?

I wonder if either you’ve just been really unlucky, whether there’s a slightly duff batch, or whether there’s something not right about the insertion process? Lots of ‘10 minutes’ and non-starters seem to suggest the filament isn’t seating properly after the needle withdraws?
Sorry you are both having such a tough time with sensors not working well for you :(

I’ve used Libre off and on since 2014, and have yet to have one fall off that wasn’t knocked by me in the first 12 hours, or which didn’t need careful levering off at the end of the 14 days. I wonder whether some skin types / body chemistries just suit the adhesive better?

I wonder if either you’ve just been really unlucky, whether there’s a slightly duff batch, or whether there’s something not right about the insertion process? Lots of ‘10 minutes’ and non-starters seem to suggest the filament isn’t seating properly after the needle withdraws?
You've got to wonder whether they’ve tweaked them in some way, I had very few problems with the original Libre, I sent back 2 failed sensors in 5 years, on a usage of one a month, between 2015 and 2020. I swapped to the Libre 2 earlier this year, and the first two sensors both read 2 mmol/L above a fingerprick, the third sensor started very low, and only got into what I'd call reliable range on about day 5, then it fell off 2 days before the end (I didn’t report it, I got a bit sunburnt a couple of weeks ago, and started peeling, so I think it was the skin that flaked, not the adhesive!) I had to start up another straight way without my usual 24hr bedding in time, and it resolutely said I was 2.9 for the first day. I announced to my husband that I was going to have to send it back, whereupon it sprang into life, shot up to 6.8 and has been fine ever since. Had the Libre 2 been my first experience, I think I’d be doubting the technology by now.
Gosh, that is odd. I’ve only used 3 Libre2 sensors so far. 1 was a bit dodgy results-wise (which was really disappointing given the official data on improved accuracy). But the next 2 were spot-on, very very close to fingersticks (lag permitting), and all lasted the 14 days.

If the Dex wasn’t working so well with me with the pump, I’d be using them full time and would have more insight.

Still... Libre 3 will be out ‘soon’. probably.
I follow the advertised instructions to the letter. I've had no problem with them inserting or attaching. It's just the whole thing after that. If they're only for certain types of flesh or skin I think they need to say that. I'd settle for a 40% failure rate but currently I'm experiencing 100%.
*&%$$$£ all you lot have put the kybosh on my Libre 2 functionality.
Well to be fair I put a new L2 on last night but it failed in my assembly, I could not get the 2 parts to lock in together. I eventually pulled them back apart and inspected them.
The innards did look a little disturb however I re inserted them successfully this time, clenched my teeth and fired it into my arm.
All ok no pain phew and stated it was making ready so good so far. After 1 hour had passed I took a reading and it seems to be reading correctly.
NEWS NEWS NEWS >>> This morning i reported this to Abbotts who said they would send out a pre-paid envelope and a replacement sensor.
In reply to my question that when compared to my L1 usage the L2 has a much higher failure rate he said the L3 was designed to remove all the problems noted so far from both the L1 & L2.
I asked when it was due in the UK and his reply was it was out now in Germany and France but he didn't know when it would be out in the UK.
I asked if it would be a mass replacement but he said it was intended to be a stand alone sensor. I said this meant in the UK that we all had to argue our case each time for the latest variant. I can not help you with that he replied.

So there you go a new replacement sensor L3 will be available to fix all the other sensor problems but we all will have to argue our case for it , , , , , , again. 😡

Good luck everyone. 😛
New one finally arriving tomorrow after two weeks. Can I ask do you use a plaster or something to keep them on?
New one finally arriving tomorrow after two weeks. Can I ask do you use a plaster or something to keep them on?
Some dont need anything but then many of us use different things, micropore tape, cutiderm or tegaderm film patches, kinesiology tape, cohesive bandage tubular bandage etc and I and a few others have Libre armbands which you can purchase on ebay, it's an adjustable strap with a 3d printed piece of plastic that fits around the sensor xx
In the normal run of things I just use the the sensor itself and the only time I've had issues is when I caught my arm on the door frame and ripped it off, oooowwwww.
I do make sure I wipe down the skin where the sensor is going to go with surgical spirit or similar EVERY time I fit one.
You can get it from a Chemist or larger super markets in 500ml bottles for a 5-er but be careful as it is highly flammable.
Another useful thing is "sock tape" this product stretches and sticks to itself so just wrap it around a few times. It's used to hold sport socks up a Google will find it.
Another name for a very similar product is "Vetrap" used for bandaging up animals and it comes in multi plain colours or with a printed image of your favourite animal world friend.
As @Kaylz says if your skin does not take to holding plasters on your best bet may be to use the special wrap round straps that are available, again a quick Google will show up all these.

If your skin does not take to holding plasters on your best bet may be to use the special wrap round straps that are available, again a quick Google will show up all these.
Thanks for the advice both. I might try a tubigrip. I've had major abdominal surgery and that just had a big plaster on it and it seemed fine. I asked the chemist about it today and she said she hears lots of complaints about libre 2. She said libre 1 seemed better ...
Been using them for about 3.5 late June/July I had failure after failure...4 in a row. I spoke to Abbot and got replacements. I did FOAI the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for information. I couldn't ask specifically about Libre, so asked for information on Flash Glucose sensors. i received the following:
The total number of reports received by MHRA in the last 3 months (between the period of April to July 2021) and involving flash glucose sensors was 191 compared to 48 reports received in the same period a year ago (April to July 2020). Overall, 507 reports were received concerning these devices in the last year (July 2020 to July 2021).
So failure rate has risen, I assume the majority are for Libre, due to the number of comments on this fora, and talk to others.
Everyting was fine for me until I changed a sensor this has failed. The only other Libre I have is another from the same batch. Can't face it now....will try tomorrow evening. Will call Abbott Labs in the morning. When I get a medical device I expect it to work...Very annoyed.
Hello @69RJB, I'm not sure I agree with your interpretation fully.
Like you around the same time I had a sensor failure Abbotts replaced them quickly and no further failures.
The 3 month figures you quote of 191 for 2021 and compared to the same period the year before of 48 may not be down to an increased failure rate but down to the increase in numbers of patients using them.

I do agree medical devices should work reliably.

I completely agree with you @mark king
Given the free trial that has been ongoing for some time, I expect there are many more people using the Libre and with no training.
Whilst it is very possible to use the sensor without training, judging by comments on the fora, the lack of training seems to lead to assumptions and misunderstandings which can result in sensors falling off due to misplacement and expectations of greater accuracy.
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