Forum: 10 Years on - How it all began!

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This is a fascinating read. I realised recently that I have joined the forum twice. This probably breaks rules for which I humbly apologise but it wasn’t deliberate! I originally joined in 2008 apparently as Mary Plain, and stopped posting in 2013. No reason, I just got a bit of burnout I think and other interests took over.
Then in 2016 I joined again, not realising that this was the forum I had joined before! Is there any way to merge my two usernames I wonder? Not important, but it would be nice to be seen as a long serving member!
This is a fascinating read. I realised recently that I have joined the forum twice. This probably breaks rules for which I humbly apologise but it wasn’t deliberate! I originally joined in 2008 apparently as Mary Plain, and stopped posting in 2013. No reason, I just got a bit of burnout I think and other interests took over.
Then in 2016 I joined again, not realising that this was the forum I had joined before! Is there any way to merge my two usernames I wonder? Not important, but it would be nice to be seen as a long serving member!

I think you were probably confused by the fact that while you were gone, the forum had a complete makeover; new colour scheme (cyan/blue instead of pink), new graphics, and new URL ( instead of However, you probably realised soon enough, on seeing all the familiar names. 😉

I have skimmed through some of your old posts; I always wondered, back in the day, if your avatar was the Squonk from the Genesis album A Trick of the Tail, that's what it always reminded me of. 🙂

I joined on March 13 2011, the day before my 55th birthday; I got membership number 3994, I've always thought that if I had waited a few hours, I could have been member number 4000, or 4096. 😉:D😎
Member Since: Oct 17, 2016, says the banner. I'm from Italy as the flag in the avatar should make clear. Found this after diagnosis, because information about diabetes in Italian is scattered everywhere and there are actually some forums, but are emptier than a mailing list on an obscure 1990's synthesizer.
I can speak English so I found this, and of couse other forums in English with a lot of useful information.
I have founs some interesting books about diabetes in Italian, and some books on food and processed foods. But strangely there aren't diabetes fourms or mailing lists...
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