Food ideas with photos


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all

Just wanted a place to share my daily intake in the form of photos with others and look forward to seeing other people’s too

Today for breakfast I had Greek yoghurt and strawberries for breakfast and for lunch I have just had vegan sausages with caramelised onions and roasted tomatoes brocolli and gravy. Fingers crossed at 2 my glucose level will be ok as I enjoyed this dish 18A8D588-D351-4BA5-B869-0EC0C488FB55.jpegC89C9F36-0647-4BEA-8119-ED3E31360459.jpeg
Yesterday for lunch I had this salad (iceberg lettuce, cucumber, peppers, reduced fat cheddar slices & a passionfruit) with 3 seeded oatcakes and a little brussels pate. 31.5g carbs but proved a bit much for me at present, pushed my BG above 11. Today I'm trialling 2 oatcakes with a smidge of butter on the side (pate finished up yesterday :wink: )

Today's breakfast and lunch - egg on 1 toast and corned beef salad. Tonight will be one pot chicken - some diced chicken breast and all the left over veggies braised in one pot, with runner beans.

Poached egg on toast.JPGCorned beef salad.JPG
Yesterday for lunch I had this salad (iceberg lettuce, cucumber, peppers, reduced fat cheddar slices & a passionfruit) with 3 seeded oatcakes and a little brussels pate. 31.5g carbs but proved a bit much for me at present, pushed my BG above 11. Today I'm trialling 2 oatcakes with a smidge of butter on the side (pate finished up yesterday :wink: )

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That looks really tasty, I am scared to eat cheese at the moment due to my cholesterol levels but really miss it, I was a bit of a cheesaholic pre diagnosis, I may introduce a very small thin slice to my next salad to stop me from eating more by eliminating it. My son and me would always compete to eat the wensleydale and cranberry, which we only got at Christmas (I think it was wensleydale, although that makes me think of Wallace and Gromit) I could literally eat the whole block! (probably why I have high cholesterol) Never really had a sweet tooth,more of a savory one, cheese, sausage rolls, nuts and crisps over chocolate and deserts all the time for me.

Actually I did one time go a bit odd for me, I was craving something sweet just before I was diagnosed and I went to the shop and got a family pack of ripples and ben and jerry's ice cream and ate the lot, literally in the same evening! That was out of character for me so maybe an indicator of what was going on inside.

I have walked miles today, went to catch the bus to get into town to buy a dress for my daughters graduation and noticed the bus wasnt coming for 24 minutes so I walked to the following stops and then back on myself to the original stop, then missed that one and did it again, so about 40 minutes of walking and getting nowhere! then in town I walked for ages around the shops, I may not need to do my aerobic video tonight as very tired, In addition to the 2 meals I listed above, I had some watermelon in town (my glucose was low (probably the walking) and some fizzy water (hate sparkling water but bought the wrong one in costa)

I got home exhausted and so have had 25g cashews, 2 squares of 70% dark chocolate and a glass of red wine for dinner! I know, I know, but I checked and my levels 7 so OK :) Nothing more to eat until breakfast so under 1200 cals and hopefully lost some more at weigh in tomorrow

Today's breakfast and lunch - egg on 1 toast and corned beef salad. Tonight will be one pot chicken - some diced chicken breast and all the left over veggies braised in one pot, with runner beans.

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That looks good and very pretty, I think making food look appealing is one of the key things to keeping up motivation. Have you planned the rest of your meals in advance for the week or do you choose on the day?
That looks really tasty, I am scared to eat cheese at the moment due to my cholesterol levels but really miss it, I was a bit of a cheesaholic pre diagnosis, I may introduce a very small thin slice to my next salad to stop me from eating more by eliminating it. My son and me would always compete to eat the wensleydale and cranberry, which we only got at Christmas (I think it was wensleydale, although that makes me think of Wallace and Gromit) I could literally eat the whole block! (probably why I have high cholesterol) Never really had a sweet tooth,more of a savory one, cheese, sausage rolls, nuts and crisps over chocolate and deserts all the time for me.

Actually I did one time go a bit odd for me, I was craving something sweet just before I was diagnosed and I went to the shop and got a family pack of ripples and ben and jerry's ice cream and ate the lot, literally in the same evening! That was out of character for me so maybe an indicator of what was going on inside.

I have walked miles today, went to catch the bus to get into town to buy a dress for my daughters graduation and noticed the bus wasnt coming for 24 minutes so I walked to the following stops and then back on myself to the original stop, then missed that one and did it again, so about 40 minutes of walking and getting nowhere! then in town I walked for ages around the shops, I may not need to do my aerobic video tonight as very tired, In addition to the 2 meals I listed above, I had some watermelon in town (my glucose was low (probably the walking) and some fizzy water (hate sparkling water but bought the wrong one in costa)

I got home exhausted and so have had 25g cashews, 2 squares of 70% dark chocolate and a glass of red wine for dinner! I know, I know, but I checked and my levels 7 so OK :) Nothing more to eat until breakfast so under 1200 cals and hopefully lost some more at weigh in tomorrow

I love cheese too. I have eaten a lot less since diagnosis! The cheese slices I had are from Lidl, 50% reduced fat. Still quite a bit of fat, but by having it already thinly sliced I feel like I'm getting a proper portion with less than I would feel I needed if I was slicing it myself, and my overall saturated fat for the day is showing as "green" on my health app.

Today with 2 oatcakes my BG was fine at 2 hours after at 6.8. I realised last night that the original BG strips with my meter had an expiry date of Jan 2022 though... didn't think to look when I first got it, only as I used the last one... so I'm now not sure if the 11.3 after 3 was off because of the strips, if it was that my body couldn't handle 3, if it was that my liver was releasing extra glucose because I was walking for a prolonged period or what! Might try again with the 3 oatcakes another day
I love cheese too. I have eaten a lot less since diagnosis! The cheese slices I had are from Lidl, 50% reduced fat. Still quite a bit of fat, but by having it already thinly sliced I feel like I'm getting a proper portion with less than I would feel I needed if I was slicing it myself, and my overall saturated fat for the day is showing as "green" on my health app.

Today with 2 oatcakes my BG was fine at 2 hours after at 6.8. I realised last night that the original BG strips with my meter had an expiry date of Jan 2022 though... didn't think to look when I first got it, only as I used the last one... so I'm now not sure if the 11.3 after 3 was off because of the strips, if it was that my body couldn't handle 3, if it was that my liver was releasing extra glucose because I was walking for a prolonged period or what! Might try again with the 3 oatcakes another day

I would speculate your higher reading was a combo of the oatcakes, plus the passionfruit. At 23gr per 100gr, passionfruit is a bit of a sugar hit. Maybe try re[eating the meal and see what you get next time?
I would speculate your higher reading was a combo of the oatcakes, plus the passionfruit. At 23gr per 100gr, passionfruit is a bit of a sugar hit. Maybe try re[eating the meal and see what you get next time?
An individual passion fruit is not 100g though, my health app suggests 18g with 4.2g being carbohydrate. The total with 3 oatcakes according to the app was 31.5g. Today's lunch which was the same salad with 2 oatcakes was 23.7g.

Tbh I used the passionfruit as the condiment because I had some bought before I was diagnosed, with the intention of making a recipe which I'm not now going to make for the foreseeable future. So I don't know when I'll next have one after I've eaten the remaining one from the pack.
thats weird, I wrote a whole reply and its vanished
Basically just saying I have never had passionfruit and wonder what I am missing, is it like mango?

I am feeling really unwell at the moment, incredibly nauseas, and clammy. I am not sure why, will drink some water, hope im not going down with a bug
Passionfruit is mostly seeds with a little juicy coating each so very different in texture. Taste wise it's quite sharp/tangy. I'm not sure how else to describe the taste apart from "tropical"
I think I had a passionfruit and mango J20 so have tasted it in drink form but not sure if that counts :)
I ordered a passion fruit juice in Harare little realising that it would be the contents of about 20 passion fruit seeds and all with a big fat straw to drink it with. They are not a bit like mango, you may be thinking of pawpaw.
I am not a fan of things with seeds in, even pomegranate is too seedy.
That looks good and very pretty, I think making food look appealing is one of the key things to keeping up motivation. Have you planned the rest of your meals in advance for the week or do you choose on the day?
I've been taking pictures of my meals for several years now - something I got into the habit of, from wanting to show my diabetic nurse what I was eating. I scroll through the gallery from time to time to give myself ideas.
As I live alone I tend to have the same thing in the main for several days, to use up what I have. I just get the protein out of the freezer first thing. Having said that, today will be different, as I feel very bloated and my tummy is a bit off. This is what I plan today (pictures from the last time I had this.) Exante made with water for breakfast and lunch (I can't exercise on a full tummy so always have one of these before going to the pool. Prawn salad for tea, where I'll swap the cottage cheese (none in fridge) for 2 new potatoes. I'll also have an easy peeler tangerine. 853 cals, 92.1gm carbs, 24gm fat, 9gm sat fat. Slightly over on my daily carbs due to the potato and tangerine.

Exante.jpgPrawn and cottage cheese salad.JPG
I've been taking pictures of my meals for several years now - something I got into the habit of, from wanting to show my diabetic nurse what I was eating. I scroll through the gallery from time to time to give myself ideas.
As I live alone I tend to have the same thing in the main for several days, to use up what I have. I just get the protein out of the freezer first thing. Having said that, today will be different, as I feel very bloated and my tummy is a bit off. This is what I plan today (pictures from the last time I had this.) Exante made with water for breakfast and lunch (I can't exercise on a full tummy so always have one of these before going to the pool. Prawn salad for tea, where I'll swap the cottage cheese (none in fridge) for 2 new potatoes. I'll also have an easy peeler tangerine. 853 cals, 92.1gm carbs, 24gm fat, 9gm sat fat. Slightly over on my daily carbs due to the potato and tangerine.

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I used to have exante, my GP approved me doing Lipotrim for a month (I havent started it yet but have the shakes) but if things slow down weight loss wise I may start following it.

Sorry to hear your feeling off colour, I was just saying the same thing on another thread. I have been feeling very sick and clamy these last few days, its that feeling you get when you arent sure if its nausea or hunger but its definitely not hunger today.

Dont follow my lead with food today. 1661767103708.png

This was 50g carbs, porridge, blueberries, strawberries, cherries and a banana (plus a benecol)... I thought I would counteract the carbs by doing my work out after eating and before the next test, so got a shock when it read 25,8 ! (it was 6.3 this morning before eating) On the advise of one of the posters on here I washed my hands and retested and it came down to 10.1 which is more acceptable. So either my levels shot up 2 hours after eating and then promptly came down after another 30 minutes or my first reading was wrong (I think I may have had strawberry juice on my finger so hope so)

Anyway have a lovely day and hope you feel better soon x
I used to have exante, my GP approved me doing Lipotrim for a month (I havent started it yet but have the shakes) but if things slow down weight loss wise I may start following it.

Sorry to hear your feeling off colour, I was just saying the same thing on another thread. I have been feeling very sick and clamy these last few days, its that feeling you get when you arent sure if its nausea or hunger but its definitely not hunger today.

Dont follow my lead with food today. View attachment 21916

This was 50g carbs, porridge, blueberries, strawberries, cherries and a banana (plus a benecol)... I thought I would counteract the carbs by doing my work out after eating and before the next test, so got a shock when it read 25,8 ! (it was 6.3 this morning before eating) On the advise of one of the posters on here I washed my hands and retested and it came down to 10.1 which is more acceptable. So either my levels shot up 2 hours after eating and then promptly came down after another 30 minutes or my first reading was wrong (I think I may have had strawberry juice on my finger so hope so)

Anyway have a lovely day and hope you feel better soon x
You really should not go up by so much - the ideal is 4 to 7 mmol/ before eating, and an increase of around 2 mmol - up to 8.5 mmol 2 hours after eating. I know fruit is lovely, but bananas and cherries are sugar bombs. I have no more than 25gm porridge, made up with unsweetened almond milk, and 40gm chopped strawberries, on the rare occasions I have porridge. Sometimes I have a single Oatibix instead. I've had a nap (no pool after all) and my tummy has settled a bit, thank you. But I'm sure the 10.1 was the accurate reading not the 25.8.
2 egg mushroom onion cheese and pepper omelette with salad. I always serve this with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar on the salad and a big dollop of cheese coleslaw. If I have this for breakfast or brunch I don't need to eat again until evening meal. It is very filling
Chicken salad with usual drizzle of balsamic and cheese coleslaw
High quality quarter pounder burger with mushrooms, salad and coleslaw.
Home cooked ham with cabbage, cauliflower cheese, one medium new potato and a little piccalilli just to give it some zing!
Again, home cooked ham with kale, broccoli and leeks done in the microwave with a dollop of cream cheese and another little spoon of piccalilli and a small portion of sweet potato.IMG_20220224_213117930[905].jpg
Again ham with my favourite cabbage... savoy, broccoli coated with some sour cream and chive dip.... I sometimes have just microwaved broccoli and the dip as a snack.... and roasted swede... again with piccalilli
Scrambled egg breakfast.jpg
2 slices of Warburtons no added sugar wholemeal bread (9g carbs per slice) toasted, topped with fried mushrooms and onions and then scrambled egg and topped with grated cheese and spring onion served with pickled gherkins.... I have really developed a taste for pickles since I cut right down on my carb intake. Again, this makes a great brunch.
Blue Monday Breakfast.jpg
This was my Blue Monday (first Monday after New Year) breakfast. Black pudding, high meat content sausages, bacon and an egg on a bed of my fav savoy cabbage with mushrooms and onions. Kale works well with bacon as well as cabbage. Most people wouldn't think about having cabbage for breakfast but I love it and it is so good for you..... Same with salad with my breakfast omelette. Why let custom limit what you have for any particular meal.

I have to say that mostly I have creamy Greek style natural yoghurt with berries (blackberries from the garden at the moment) mixed seeds, a sprinkle (about 5g of nutty granola) and a good dusting of cinnamon for breakfast, but I never take a photo of that because it doesn't look all that interesting,,,, but I do really enjoy it.

What I am trying to demonstrate with these photos is that you don't need any fancy low carb recipes to have big, filling low carb meals, just adapt normal meals and swap out the high carb elements for lower carb options. I normally just eat 2 meals a day and sometimes just one with a snack, so whilst these are big meals, it would be very unusual for me to have any 2 such meals in a day.
Great post above. Here are some of my low carb meals as well: You will see runner beans and cauliflower feature heavily in my meals

Beef stew with speed veggies.JPG
Beef stew with roasted squash, cabbage, carrots and runner beans
Gammon and cauliflower hotpot.JPG
Cauliflower and gammon cheese with runner beans
Haddock mornay with veggies.jpg
Haddock mornay with cauliflower carrot/swede puree, green beans
lamb dinner.jpg
Roast lamb with broccoli, runner beans, cauliflower, and a drizzle of mint gravy.
Turkey rashers, egg and mushrooms on toast.JPG
A good breakfast of egg on a small slice of toast, with mushrooms and turkey rashers. I sometimes add tomatoes as well
Veggie burgers & ratatouille.JPG
Veggie burgers with home made ratatouille. I sometimes have the ratatouille with soybean pasta as another vegetarian meal.
Wow loving all the photos. I have a few saved on my phone that I had recently as add them to my app.


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