Flu Jabs

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haha im the same. My nan goes on and on about getting the jab because she's old so has to get it too 😉 I havent had it for a few years now, I just tell her ive been lol!

Sounds easy but my Ma has this spell over me and can tell if I'm pulling a fast one!
haha :D my mum joins in and covers for me because she gets nagged too!
Lucky you no one's on my side Pa can be worse Wifey doesn't get involved!:(
flu vaccine at occupational health

I had my seasonal flu vaccine at occupational health today - provided by employer, as a result of contact with research volunteers on an NHS hospital site. Occupational Health nurse gave me a form with vaccine batch number to give to GP. Actually, it was much easier to go to a drop in clinic at work than to go to GP clinic, but it seems a bit rich that GP will get paid approx ?7 for me being vaccinated and bothering to deliver the note to them (at least I can put it through their letterbox when they are closed) when they have done precisely nothing, except for admin to claim the fee from NHS. Personally, I don't think GPs should need any incentive to vaccinate people who would benefit from vaccines, just have their costs covered, but willing to hear alternative views
Got my letter i am just to go down next monday and if i am reading my letter right i will be getting the swine flu one as well
I'm off to get my first ever flu jab in about an hour, but can't help wondering if it's REALLY necessary............................ haven't been ill for YEARS......... :confused:

Got mine on 7th November. Are the swine flu ones available yet?
I had mine last Wednesday. 🙂 Still recovering! :D

Nah it was fine. Jab in the arm and told to sit in the waiting area for 10 mins as I wasn't sure if it was my first flu jab or not. 🙂

I rang to arrange my jab. I had a meeting with my DSN in May and asked her when to ring for a flu jab, she said late September/early October so I rang two weeks ago and asked for Thursdays as that is my day off. Ended up with a 5.45pm appointment on Wednesday.
Got mine on thursday - never wait for letter because all the 9am appts go first at my surgery so i ring up well in advance so ensure i get one.

Minimal time off work. They should really run evening/early morning clinics for routine things like vaccinations.
I got my flu jag 2day and was told the swine flu vacine will be avaiable soon and if i fit the criteria for it i will get a letter. I'm assuming that because im diabetic I fit the criteria?? The doc giving me the jag obviously didnt know this
They should really run evening/early morning clinics for routine things like vaccinations.

My surgery are doing evening and weekend clinics for the flu jab, although I went for a mid way in the afternoon one!
I got my flu jag 2day and was told the swine flu vacine will be avaiable soon

Funnily enough, when I had my jab this evening, Swine Flu vaccination wasn't mentioned to me at all. Yet when my son went an hour later, they talked to him about it (same nurse.). He's asthmatic, not diabetic. I wonder if that makes a difference?

Our surgery has been inviting people along by way of adverts in the local paper and a huge banner "nab your jab" in the town. We go along for it this Friday prior to going on holiday on the 25th Oct - but have decided not to have the swine 'flu jab when it is offered. (Puts head behind pillow to avoid howls of "why not?" from fellow diabetics).
I was got last Thursday when I went in to have blood taken for my Consultant visit this week - no warning just here's your flu jab might as well do it at the same time !!
Hope they asked for your informed consent, Dizzy? But in general, I think that offering more services at a single visit is better than multiple visits.
Had my flu jab today! asked about swine flu jab- nurse just shook her head in "i dont know"! xx
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