flu injections

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I booked mine today after getting a letter last week. As I was dropping in a prescription request I went to the surgery rather than phoning - the whole place was bedecked with flu-jab bunting and posters as though it was some big gala or public celebration! I know that they get about ?7 per jab, and as it only takes seconds it must be a pretty profitable exercise for them - let's see, around ?700+ per hour! 🙄
Our surgery doesn't send out letters - this thread just reminded me so phoned up and booked an appointment for 9th October. The nurse mentioned the pneumonia jab last year but my daughter was only 2 months old at the time and she said "the painful/stiff arm for a week" might not be a good idea at that time so didn't do it - has put me off having it now though!

My brother is Type 1 and a landscape gardener so out in all winds and weathers but refuses to have his flu jab, am hoping he might this year ...
Mine is 9th October. First time for me as I have just turned 65 and newly diagnosed with type1. Double whammy!

Hi John, I'm one of the more mature (sounds better than senior citizen to me !) diabetics diagnosed later in life as I was diagnosed 2 Octobers ago when in hospital for a gall bladder op. I was told that I was Type 2 then the Consultant did some more tests and said I'm 1.5 - late onset diabetes (latent auto-immune diabetes of adulthood he called it). Whatever fancy name they give it, it's a b****r to suddenly come at you isn't it ?

This forum has been a boon to me. I've learnt far more here than from my Diabetic Care Team (and they have been very good to me I must say) because people on here are actually living/dealing with the Big D.

Anything you need to ask, however minor or silly it may sound to you, is picked up on by someone here and you will be given a lot of support should you need it. Although not allowed to give actual medical advice they can tell you what happened to them or who to contact to get help yourself.

Good luck and all the best 🙂
I booked mine today after getting a letter last week. As I was dropping in a prescription request I went to the surgery rather than phoning - the whole place was bedecked with flu-jab bunting and posters as though it was some big gala or public celebration! I know that they get about ?7 per jab, and as it only takes seconds it must be a pretty profitable exercise for them - let's see, around ?700+ per hour! 🙄

I wrote a poem about it:


I saw one nurse who thought I was too young for the pneumonia vaccination - the next year I saw a different nurse who looked at the diabetics at the practice and she said no your diabetic your entitled. I asked about the need to have it again and she said it was a one of unless you had your spleen removed - in which case you need it every year.

Someone asked if you can still get flu despite the vaccine - the answer is yes - first you may have been exposed to the virus prior to the vaccine. You may also get a flu that is not in the vaccine as they guess which is likely to be the most virulent strain. The third option is that you get the strain in the vaccine but the vaccination should ensure that it is not as severe and doesn't last as long - as you should have the antibodies.

I am booked in for Monday ...
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