First appointment with nurse about pumps

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The great thing is that Libre provides so much more great information that HbA1c is almost redundant.
The great thing is that Libre provides so much more great information that HbA1c is almost redundant.
Yes, my team have told me that in the past.

I don’t want to move back my pump appointment.

Last bloods only March, but I have been working on my health diet/exercise etc. so I would hope they are better
Spoke to a different consultant last week, this was already a booked appointment, I had a letter about 6 months ago about it, he said if I had the other booked for 20th and no urgent issues then to wait until 20th.

He also said I needed my bloods for 20th Oct, but maybe he isn't aware of how busy the NHS is everywhere as I phoned about bloods immediately ( I WFM so I can do any appointment) and the next appointment is 21st, my nurse did not say bloods would be needed, I have already had this year.

I have emailed my DSN just to check if bloods are needed.
Where we are our doctor's surgery does not do take the blood and we book at a local pharmacy, as long as you have the blood test form, who do them, appointments are usually available quickly.
I believe some of the Boots do them
In my area my local NHS has a number of hubs in the area for taking bloods, you need to book.
Just had a call the appointment has been cancelled and no new date yet :( least it will mean I will have my bloods done but Ido think I need a pump, my background is never stable for more than a week and it's the not sleeping which most impacts my life.
Hopefully I will get a new date soon 😳
In my area my local NHS has a number of hubs in the area for taking bloods, you need to book.
There's nowhere local here like that, or drop in centers. In Warrington there was a few places. I would still rather the care I get here though anyway
There's nowhere local here like that, or drop in centers. In Warrington there was a few places. I would still rather the care I get here though anyway
It doesn't usually matter where you have the blood taken, they all go to the lab and the results would go to your doctor / clinic.
Phone call on Tuesday 18th, my appointment on 20th cancelled. They called me back today to try and rebook only date they have is 16th Dec and we are in Mexico so now the only dates will be January and she is unable to book those now. Least I will have my blood but even then my bloods won’t be recent if they are 21st Oct. It’s annoying as I had stupidly started to think it would happen this year with the nurse saying she had both options in stock in the other room.
How frustrating for you @PhoebeC
Can you ask for the pump you want to be sent to you in advance of the appointment so that you can familiarise yourself with it?
This should ensure the ones in the stock room are not allocated to someone else by January.

If you can think of it positively, travelling with a new pump or experiencing Christmas together before you have got used to it could be traumatic. At least starting in January, should be a quieter month when you may be more likely to have the bandwidth to understand your pump and tweak it to your "normal" life.
How frustrating for you @PhoebeC
Can you ask for the pump you want to be sent to you in advance of the appointment so that you can familiarise yourself with it?
This should ensure the ones in the stock room are not allocated to someone else by January.

If you can think of it positively, travelling with a new pump or experiencing Christmas together before you have got used to it could be traumatic. At least starting in January, should be a quieter month when you may be more likely to have the bandwidth to understand your pump and tweak it to your "normal" life.
This is the “approval” appointment with the consultant so I don’t even know if I would have came out of it with a pump. Just now I don’t know for another few months.

Yeah I can see the positives definitely, but it was a light at the end of what was feeling like a never ending tunnel. It’s the constantly changing background requirements and the interruptions to my sleep. Not sleeping properly nights on end every other week isn’t ideal on holiday either in a situation where we are in a hotel.

My husband booked the holiday, I wouldn’t have booked it based on my work in December, it’s mid rugby season so I’m missing a few matches and now this. I know I should be greatful but honestly it couldn’t have been a worse time.

I sound like I’m just complaining, which isn’t me at all. I just wanted some relief from this situation which is out of my control.
This is the “approval” appointment with the consultant so I don’t even know if I would have came out of it with a pump. Just now I don’t know for another few months.

Yeah I can see the positives definitely, but it was a light at the end of what was feeling like a never ending tunnel. It’s the constantly changing background requirements and the interruptions to my sleep. Not sleeping properly nights on end every other week isn’t ideal on holiday either in a situation where we are in a hotel.

My husband booked the holiday, I wouldn’t have booked it based on my work in December, it’s mid rugby season so I’m missing a few matches and now this. I know I should be greatful but honestly it couldn’t have been a worse time.

I sound like I’m just complaining, which isn’t me at all. I just wanted some relief from this situation which is out of my control.

Any chance you can put your name down on cancelation list, done this before whilst waiting on appointment & got in sooner than date given, does mean you have attend at short notice but worth considering if doable for you.
Any chance you can put your name down on cancelation list, done this before whilst waiting on appointment & got in sooner than date given, does mean you have attend at short notice but worth considering if doable for you.
The appointment lady is phoning me back next week so I will ask. Good idea.
19th Jan and I’m on the waiting list for any cancellations 🙂
Update - 19th Jan clinic is now cancelled. New appointment TBC.

I feel very deflated as I keep thinking there is lighter days somewhere ahead, I know the NHS are on their knees. But this would improve my life and health, in turn less demand on them in the future. I am sad.
Really disappointed to hear this. Hope you get a new appointment date to look forward to soon.
Update - 19th Jan clinic is now cancelled. New appointment TBC.

I feel very deflated as I keep thinking there is lighter days somewhere ahead, I know the NHS are on their knees. But this would improve my life and health, in turn less demand on them in the future. I am sad.

That sucks really does, hopefully won't wait long after cancelled appointment.
Good grief! That’s a lot of cancellations. I hope you get a firm appointment asap.
Also she gave me a 0.5 unit pen, as we think that will help too. And I got to pick the colour ha! I have never had that option in 17 years, I also I didn't care but went with the red 🙂 as every pen has been blue I have ever owned.

Thanks for all your support as always.
Hello @PhoebeC,
Just catching up - I'm venturing towards a pump myself so reading up all that I can and seen the last post in this thread, so I know your plans have been stalled. Commiserations.

But I noticed your comment above and was curious. I presume you now have a red NovoEcho pen for Fiasp, which of course takes cartridges. Did your previous single unit pen also take cartridges? I ask, simply in case not - ie you are now dependent on only one means of delivering rapid insulin. I understand the reusable pens are pretty reliable and can (should) last for 4 or 5 years; but if your NovoEcho pen should fail, it's important to have a reserve. You can be sure if it fails it will be when everything is shut at the start of a bank holiday, or while on holiday in Mexico and its Fiesta season ....

Apologies if you are already alert to all of this. You've been managing MDI for far longer than me; but sometimes more recent tech and its consequences can pass by unnoticed. I'm still new enough to this malarkey to be downright curious about anything!
Hi @Proud to be erratic dont worry I am taking an extra novopen or 2 in my cases.

Having a nightmare with my surgery issuing enough medication for me to take. Even with spares I will need around 100ish needles for 2 weeks. My prescription is 200 which is fine and covers the extra needed but they only gave me that.

And we get back late 22nd and then it’s one day to get the stuff I will need over Christmas. Phoning them first thing on Monday and I wanted to pack my nine fridge stuff now but I’ve had to take a box out to use. I’ve got extra of everything else anyway, thankfully.

And a friocase ready and tested, plus sensor covers on the way. Got a tiny sharpes bin too which is packed.

Once I’ve shorted needles I will be excited xx
Another fun update, so my last appointment was cancelled. I didn't get a new one. Emailed my DSN, she booked it for today. Get all the way to the nhs center at 10.30am for my 11am appointment, and it has been cancelled, apparently I was on a list of Friday of people to contact and nobody did. New appointment is now 2nd Feb. I asked if this could be remote, and no it must be in person.

So we wait again. To actually have the appointment would be good news and progress. I am very fed up now.
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